Trait EI Theory in Leaders at Network Rail

23 Feb 2018

25 (9,804 )

ABSTRACT This investigation addresses the problem of leadership attributes variance in different levels of management. With the environment work force changing in terms of relationships the linkages of self perceived emotional intelligence traits of 52 individuals in junior, middle and senior management at Network Rail are gathered using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) developed by Dr.Petrides at UCL. The investigation exposed a lower level of ...

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Understanding Emotions through Parent-Child Talk

23 Feb 2018

17 (6,581 )

Introduction Although there is a large body of literature focused on children's understanding of emotions and another body focused on parent-child conversation about emotions, little research has examined parent-child talk about complex emotions. The majority of research is dedicated to simple emotions and their functions in children's life. However, the studies which are dedicated to simple emotions admit the sufficient importance of parent-child interaction for better ...

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Role of Spirituality in Substance Abuse and Recovery

23 Feb 2018

44 (17,486 )

Introduction Separation of drug addicts from these substances during treatment has several implications on the general wellbeing of the same. It is because addicts' dependence on the drugs is very high and in most instances, they can hardly function without the influence of drugs. However, in order to function executively, independence from drugs and alcohol is of essence. The separation process is characterized by shame, rage, ...

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Experiences of Adult Offspring Making Care Decisions

23 Feb 2018

46 (18,158 )

In normal aging, decline in mental skills is modest with no consequential decrease in ability to care for oneself. Normally, older adults are able to maintain activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, transferring, and toileting, and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), which include shopping, cooking, housekeeping, laundry, and handling money (Schaie, 1989). Nevertheless, one in 10 persons over 65 and nearly ...

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Impact of Policy on Same-Sex Couples

23 Feb 2018

11 (4,053 )

Same-Sex Marriages Executive Summary The public policy explored in this analysis will include section one from the family code titles, marriage relationship. This issue is more prevalent than most would imagine. In 1990 the American bureau of census reported 145,130 same-gender unmarried couples living together. That number is reported to have increased to 594,691 by the year 2000 (Pawelski et al., 2006). According to President Bush, ...

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Psychological Impact of Newly Diagnosed Lung Cancer

23 Feb 2018

28 (10,846 )

CHAPTER ONE Introduction The concern addressed in this dissertation is to explore the psychological impact on a newly diagnosed lung cancer patient. Patients with lung cancer normally experience variety of distress symptoms, many of which begin prior to diagnosis and continue throughout the course of the disease and the treatment, which adversely affects the functional status and quality of life (Julkunen et al, 2009). The experience ...

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Psychologically Manipulative Advertising Strategies

23 Feb 2018

19 (7,596 )

Introduction: This research is based on the psychological effects of advertising on the consumer. The controversial advertising campaigns are intended to provoke discussion of global issues, not to sell clothes. Today, any product is made of two things: a percentage of material and a percentage of image. And the part of the product that is made of image is getting bigger (Luciano Benetton)( Financial Times, 2001). ...

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Psychological Theories of Chronic Pain

23 Feb 2018

24 (9,505 )

The operant approach to chronic pain was intended to concentrate upon external pain-induced responses and the social implications of the nature of feedback. The operant model has been particularly described by Fordyce et al (1968, 1976) based upon the work of other individuals in the behavioural field, for example Skinner. The operant theory implies that the genesis of the pain should be distinguished from pain behaviours ...

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Psychoanalytical Concepts of Crisis in Masculinity

23 Feb 2018

9 (3,530 )

The late 60s saw a rapidly materialising concern about the status of masculinity. Before the 60s it seemed that the idea of masculinity was safe - males could be useful within modern capitalist societies, providing for their families and gaining a sense of satisfaction from their place in society. But society began to change, economically, socially and especially in relation to the position of women. The ...

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Case Study of Personal Constructs Theory (PCT)

23 Feb 2018

14 (5,315 )

Title/Abstract In this study we aim to provide an analysis of a subject's problems using the Personal Constructs Theory (PCT) suggested by Kelly. The subject is a 35 year old female full time employee working in the same company as the researcher and has shown no barriers to construing. The subject's problems with her relationships have been determined using the Repertory grid interview and we discuss ...

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Identity Regulation as a Form of Organizational Control

23 Feb 2018

11 (4,127 )

Introduction I have decided to opted “Identity regulation in organisations is a form of control that needs to be acknowledged in order to encourage the emancipation of workers”. But before starting my assignment i would like to go through that what Organization is and what’s the real truth behind Organizational Behaviour. Organizations are inescapable features of modern social experience for all human beings. From the remotest ...

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Morality and Cognitive Decision Making Experiment

23 Feb 2018

27 (10,722 )

Moral Ethical Development Chapter II: Literature Review Researching the moral development, ethical decision making approaches, and the adoption of utilitarian ethics on the part of Taiwanese CPAs begins with a thorough literature review of these specific topics. The intent of this chapter is to evaluate the research instruments used for supporting and validating the hypotheses of this study as well. For purposes of clarity, this chapter ...

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Monomania Psychology Analysis: Ideal Ego and Ego Ideal

23 Feb 2018

22 (8,486 )

Abstract: This paper 'Moby Dick: Obsession, Evil and the Passion of Ignorance', argues that monomania is a passion of ignorance. It contends that this passion of ignorance is situated precisely between the ideal ego and the ego ideal. The ideal ego is the fantasy an individual has of themselves, a narcissistic illusion of completeness. It is a representation based on an image of the self fixed ...

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Impact of Culture on Life Satisfaction of Students

23 Feb 2018

33 (13,053 )

ABSTRACT Defining culture by reference to deeply situated societal values and beliefs, this study makes three contributions to the growing field of satisfaction research: first, it tries to uncover the relationship between international students' life satisfaction and cultural life satisfaction across different cultures; Second, it explores whether and to what extent a range of cultural values serve as important moderators of international students' life satisfaction; Finally, ...

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Analysis of Critical Psychology Theories

23 Feb 2018

21 (8,155 )

Introduction One of the most important bodies of knowledge is psychology. It is through psychology that so many disorders have been dealt with. The disorders referred to here are disorders to do with the state of the mind as well as the environment affecting the well being of the mind of the individual. An example of a disorder that psychologists treat is referred to as sexual ...

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Literature Review of Gender and Stalking

23 Feb 2018

20 (7,614 )

An Introduction to Issues of Gender in Stalking Research Stalking has been the subject of empirical examination for a little over 20 years. Interest in stalking - both empirical and public - has increased substantially within the last decade (see Figure 1).  A PsycINFO search of the first decade of stalking research yields only 74 hits. In contrast, the year 2000 marked an upswing of ...

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Understanding Predictors of Sexually Coercive Behaviour

23 Feb 2018

34 (13,239 )

Abstract Purpose: In order to end or at least improve education and reduce sexual coercion, it is crucial to identify the variables that play a part in such behaviour. Method: One hundred and thirty students (57 female and 73 males) ranging in age from 18 to 26 were randomly approached at one of three university campuses and completed a questionnaire battery. Results: Overall 91.7% of respondents ...

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Trait Paradigm of Psychology for Intelligence

23 Feb 2018

17 (6,632 )

Trait Paradigm of Psychology and How It Applies To the Measurement of Intelligence and Personality: An Explanation It has long been observed that individuals differ one from another on many psychological dimensions. This is why Cervone and Lawrence (2007) say that traits, the primary unit of personality description, are relatively enduring ways in which individuals differ. Assessment at the level of traits is variable centered and ...

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Freud's Cases of Hysteria: Birth of Psychoanalysis

23 Feb 2018

26 (10,265 )

Abstract This thesis returns to the original case histories that Freud wrote on the patients he treated for hysteria. Here in these early works, the beginnings of psychoanalytical theory take shape in the acceptance of purely psychological theories of hysteria. Catharsis leads to the first inklings of repression which requires the use of free association, which again leads into Freud's attempt to explain the strange neuroses ...

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Analysis of the Child Behaviour Checklist

23 Feb 2018

47 (18,576 )

Chapter II: Literature Review As suggested in the introduction, numerous researchers have explored the prevalence of emotional and behavioural problems across the globe. Researchers have also investigated correlates (e.g., age and gender) associated with emotional and behavioural problems. The psychometric properties of instruments assessing emotional and behavioural problems have also been a subject of interest. In addition, researchers have also investigated cross-cultural similarities and disparities among ...

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Analysis of Theories in Environmental Psychology

23 Feb 2018

17 (6,568 )

1. Place theory Place is used as a manner of examining the environment and breaking the environment down into conceptual components. It is difficult to examine space and environment as they are too general. To understand the concept of environmental psychology, one would firstly have to establish the meaning of place theory as people's interaction with their physical environment is a principal in environmental psychology. The ...

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Effectiveness of Psychoeducational Group for Improving EI

23 Feb 2018

26 (10,282 )

Effectiveness Psychoeducational Female Chapter 1 Introduction Background of Study Based on the view of Johnson and Johnson (2000, as cited in Glading, 2003), a group is form by two or more individuals, who meet in face-to-face interaction, interdependently, with the consciousness that each belongs to the group and for the reason to achieve mutually agreed-on goals. Wilson, Rapin and Haley-Banez (2000), the members of The Association ...

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Dual Route Model in Adult Reading

23 Feb 2018

10 (3,878 )

Introduction Dual route model is the study that defines the changes in the mode of interpreting printed words to sound. Therefore dual route model is associated with the study of reading and spelling and the various assumptions that arise out of the investigation. These assumptions highlight the fact that the processing of the written language is always accomplished by two separate methods called the lexical and ...

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Theories of Compulsive Buying Behaviour

23 Feb 2018

19 (7,563 )

Above all, it should be noted that shopping is big business. Shopping centers employ approximately 8% of the US workforce. These portion of the workforce helps drive the machine that creates about ½ of each state’s tax revenues and there are currently more malls and shopping centers that US high schools (Farrell, J. 2003, pp. xi-xii). Seemingly powering this juggernaut of commerce is ever increasing and ...

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Child Recognition of Emotions

23 Feb 2018

34 (13,319 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Human emotions serve as a means of expression, often indicating an individual's internal conscious experience or physiological arousal. Emotions also serve as a form of communication, alerting individuals to important aspects of their environment and their relationships with other individuals. Emotions influence a person's actions, cognitions, and how they are perceived by others (Strayer, 2002). For example, emotions may influence how individuals respond ...

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Effect of Low Self Esteem on Academic Performance

07 Feb 2018

28 (11,022 )

Abstract The aim of this study was to inspect the self-esteem and contingencies of self-worth used to see the relationship of students academic performance. Iqra University students (N=90) participant completed Rosenberg's Global Self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965) and Contingencies of self-worth scale developed by (Crocker, Luthanen, Cooper, & Bourvrette, 2003). Students Cumulative Grade Points Average taken from the EDP department of university, to check those students who score ...

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