US Immigration Policy and Reforms Analysis

28 Feb 2018

10 (3,753 )

The topic of illegal immigration has been an issue for debate with lawmakers, the President, member of congress and America as a whole for the past several years. In very general terms, illegal immigrants are people, primarily from Mexico and Central America who illegally cross over the border into the United States. These men and women of all ages are not fleeing their homeland because of ...

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Globalization in the Gulf Cooperation Council

28 Feb 2018

14 (5,539 )

Chapter 3 Globalization in the GCC: a political and economic analysis Political Aspect The creation of the GCC was a direct result of regional political events of that time. The idea of the need for the union of the major independent states of the gulf had been floating around since the early 1970s. Three main reasons leading to the formation of the gulf cooperation council included: ...

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Government Expenditure and Revenue Collection

28 Feb 2018

10 (3,678 )

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview The relationship between government revenue and expenditure is a very important topic and has been an essential issue for many economists and policy makers as it represents budget deficit, government expenditure Plans and taxation structure of a country. Since the main objective of every government is to improve economic growth with low debt levels, better education system, development of infrastructure ...

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European Foreign Policy Towards Israel Since 1967

28 Feb 2018

26 (10,196 )

How has European foreign policy been shaped towards Israel since 1967 The major European powers have been closely linked to Israel from its creation for a combination of reasons. For the British, colonial rule in Palestine and its long established presence across the Arab World have helped shape its outlook and left British governments, sometimes reluctantly, with an obligation to maintain some involvement in the region’s ...

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US and China Negotiations with Oil Producing Countries

28 Feb 2018

27 (10,409 )

Abstract The start of the twenty first century signaled a new beginning for the United States and China in their quest for oil diplomacy with African oil producing countries. One of the characteristics of this venture is the difference in approach both countries follow to attain this natural resource. This research work, therefore, examines the diplomatic measures of the US and China in their negotiations with ...

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Facilitators for Small State EU Membership

28 Feb 2018

26 (10,002 )

Many small states wish to join the EU as they see it as a body that can better the lives of their citizens and deliver a better standard of living for all. The perception is that EU membership can bring about economic growth, employment, better social conditions and the opportunity to live in a community where there is peace, security and social justice. Member states on ...

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EU Membership Criteria Evaluation Dissertation

28 Feb 2018

48 (18,938 )

Abstract The purpose of this thesis is establishing a new membership mechanism for the European Union (EU). As the EU struggles with different kind of issues those showed up lately due to its membership mechanism, the demand for a new membership system arises. The thesis follows five steps to come up with a new solution. First step covers information of the current membership system. Second ...

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Evaluation of Turkey's Energy Consumption and Resources

28 Feb 2018

17 (6,430 )

4. Energy and Environmental outlook of Turkey Energy is accepted as a most important factor in economic development. On the other hand environmental impacts of industrial and economical development becomes more evident in recent years. In order to mitigate the environmental effects of industrial and economical development is to take long term solutions for sustainable development. Therefore, this chapter explains the main characteristics of Turkey’s general ...

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Analysing Eminent Domain and the Right to Privacy

28 Feb 2018

27 (10,603 )

An Assessment Eminent Domain and an Analysis of Broad Interpretations vs. Literal Interpretations For many years the judiciary system has become a medium for the making of policy. Major court cases have dictated the outcome of many issues that have been brought before the court. Eminent domain and the right to privacy are not two subjects easily combined, but will be used in this thesis to ...

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Media Impact on Foreign Policy and Diplomacy in the UK

28 Feb 2018

22 (8,714 )

Modern diplomacy has developed over the last four hundred years, adapting to changes in governments, communication, and most recently, technology. In addition, the changing communication scene in the diplomatic realm has led to the global media occupying a more and more prominent role in international diplomacy and foreign policy negotiation. Whilst this is typically evident in conflict situations, thisresearch considers its impact on economic situations, most ...

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Analysing the Concept of and Impact of Culture

28 Feb 2018

9 (3,396 )

More than a half century ago noted American poet T. S. Eliot eloquently expressed the complexity of the term culture, a term that is used so freely and with so little aforethought today. As Eliot learned, culture is quite difficult to define. He succeeded in describing the term, as Lord Evans (2001) noted, but a definition eluded even someone with Eliot's gift for words. But Eliot ...

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Analysing Corruption and Organised Crime in Russia

28 Feb 2018

26 (10,273 )

Corruption as will be examined, was nothing new in the post-Soviet economy for its perceived rise and that of organised crime had their origins in the Soviet era. In the Soviet Union private enterprise on an individual or business basis had officially not been allowed from when the New Economic Policy was abandoned in the 1920s and with the forced collectivization of agriculture during the 1930s. ...

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History of the Concept of Hegemony and Power

28 Feb 2018

11 (4,091 )

The concept of hegemony is notoriously difficult to quantify both in concrete political terms and in a less tangible philosophical manner. Moreover, in a world increasingly divided upon religious as opposed to ideological lines, the concept of hegemony has suffered from a certain crisis of relevance whereby it would seem that the preponderance of resources has indeed become the central precept for the paradigm per se; ...

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Impact of China's Joining the WTO for SSA Countries

28 Feb 2018

34 (13,355 )

INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION For China, the world's 7th largest and most populous economy, November 2001 was a momentous period when it made a giant leap into the much quested free market by becoming a member of the world trade organisation (W.T.O). Although, China had embarked on market liberalization policies since the 1970's membership into the W.T.O. was a compelling opportunity to standardise its trade principles and ...

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North Korea's Influence of Peace in North East Asia

28 Feb 2018

27 (10,688 )

North Korea and North East Asian Peace and Security Current security issues in North East Asia, raised by North Korea Nuclear Test. Please examine how far North Korea can affect the peace and stability in Northeast Asia and how other countries such as America, Japan, China, and Russia react on this issue. And lastly, How to solve this security issues permanently and increases future stability in ...

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Causes of State Failure in Sub-Saharan Africa

28 Feb 2018

28 (11,012 )

Abstract This project sets out to examine the causes of the failure of the state in sub-Saharan Africa. Since the introduction of democracy in the sub-continent in the early 1990’s, the process has been a slow and cumbersome, casting doubts on the possibility of instituting genuine democracy on the sub-continent. The political crisis gave room for autocrats who were the fomenters of the problem to eternalize ...

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Afghanistan and Pakistan Relations After 9/11

28 Feb 2018

47 (18,550 )

INTRODUCTION Pakistan and Afghanistan are neighbors with interlinked destiny that not only share geographic contiguity, but also have lot of other commonalities like; faith, history & heritage, ethnic groupings, socio-cultural values, mutual economic interests and geo-strategic dependence etc. Pakistan's seaports for land locked Afghanistan and Afghanistan's location at the crossroads of South and Central Asia further adds to their importance for each other. It was due ...

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Comparative Study on Compulsory Voting

28 Feb 2018

15 (5,768 )

This study explores various aspects of democracy and compulsory voting in the present political scenario with particular focus on the USA. The Thesis Statement is: 'Compulsory voting can help people to meet their obligation for the democratic society and reduce the inequality of turnouts in election in USA.' This paper is a comparative analysis of the works of different scholars on the democracy and voting. The ...

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Analysis of the Armed Special Forces Act 1943 in India

28 Feb 2018

49 (19,549 )

Civil society is a term oft-repeated in democratic contexts today. Seen as an essential component of the liberal framework of political structures, it is essentially the space of free association for the masses. India, a multicultural democratic country, boasts of a vibrant civil society. At the same time, it also has accusations of being one of the worst offenders of human and civil liberties of some ...

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United States Economic Interest in South Asia

28 Feb 2018

17 (6,656 )

After the Cold War, US emerged as the sole super power in the world. It started establishing military bases in all regions around the world. Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East and East Asia are the regions which have their own peculiarities. South Asia due to its presence along Indian Ocean, proximity to oil rich Central Asian States, nuclear rivalry between India and Pakistan and its ...

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Economic Analysis of Turkey for EU Membership

28 Feb 2018

55 (21,930 )

INTRODUCTION: The main purpose of this study is to provide an economic evaluation of Turkish economy in the context of requirements of The European Union which accepts new members with decisive criteria. Enlargement process of The European Union is complex issue and consists of several political and economic arguments. This study organized as follows. The first chapter of this study explains the past enlargement waves of ...

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Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Analysis Dissertation

28 Feb 2018

11 (4,009 )

This dissertation focuses on the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh; the origins of the conflict, its present state and the possible future. Throughout the dissertation several key aspects and theories of International relations are analysed, such as: people's right to self determination, the concept of nation-state and conflict resolution. Firstly, the relevant theories of International relations are explored and an attempt is made to compare them with reality ...

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Critique of the EU's Security Defence Policy

28 Feb 2018

17 (6,574 )

Chapter I The History and Development of the Common Security and Defence Policy Since its beginnings with the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952, the European Union has moved far beyond economic ideas of a single market, a single currency or the removal of all trade barriers. The European Union has become more and more politically integrated as member states place a growing number of ...

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Why Radical Right Parties Struggle to Maintain Support

28 Feb 2018

37 (14,684 )

Explaining the rapid decline in support for radical right parties in Western Europe Abstract The general trend amongst the radical right parties of Western Europe has been a steady increase of fortunes in elections to the national legislature. However, cases in France, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands have presented a phenomenon whereby the party haemorrhages their share of the vote soon after an electoral breakthrough. The ...

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Feminist Theories on Rape

28 Feb 2018

12 (4,668 )

Feminist theory provides more than just a discourse on the interactions of the male and female, within the public and private sphere. In fact feminist theory has considered the core problems in the legal and political systems, resulting in a discourse on the inherent inequalities of these systems that favor men over women. Therefore this discussion will consider two key areas of feminist theory which are; ...

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Relationship Between Racist Symbols and Prejudice

28 Feb 2018

28 (10,821 )

Pre-test measures Image and question selection was twofold, primarily, the author identified possible images against three criteria -- political, general and racial, selected from a general cross-section of images located on internet sites identified by the search 'race hate groups' 'white supremacy' and 'political symbols'. Various Discussion groups were then facilitated, one prisoners and one civilian group[1]. The dual grouping was to negate any prisoner only ...

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Factors that Shape US Energy Policy for Central Asia

28 Feb 2018

31 (12,086 )

Many factors influence the formulation of US energy policy. This chapter lays out the comprehensive description of the institutions which shape US energy policy towards Central Asia in general. Further this chapter would look into the international scenario, which has made US Congress, Federal Bureaucracy and Interest Groups in shaping 'Energy Policy' towards Kazakhstan. And Turkmenistan Throughout the 1980s and before US experienced a major ...

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History of Police Stop and Search Powers in the UK

28 Feb 2018

41 (16,304 )

This dissertation charts the history of the stop and search powers of the British police from the old days of the notorious Brixham riots, the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry up to the modern day. Throughout this journey we will examine the use of stop and search under various statutes, concentrating on the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and culminating in a discussion of the Terrorism Act ...

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Women in Positions of Power in Northen Ireland

28 Feb 2018

24 (9,290 )

Few women have made an impact on politics in Northern Ireland. The political culture and traditions of Northern Ireland politics are very much male-oriented and whilst women have worked hard for change behind the scenes for many years, few have taken the step into standing as candidates in elections, less still successfully winning elections. Following the Belfast Agreement, things may, slowly, be beginning to change. Mo ...

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Case Study of PTSD in Ghana Armed Forces Personnel

28 Feb 2018

42 (16,749 )

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study According to The League of Nations was the first major organisation established after the First World War for conflict resolutions. Following the failure of the League of Nations to avert the Second World War, the United Nations Organisation (UNO) was established in 1945 to replace it. The United Nations (UN) is an international organisation, which among other ...

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Evaluating NATO Intervention in Kosovo

28 Feb 2018

20 (7,965 )

INTERNATIONAL LAW - NATO's MISSION in KOSOVO ABSTRACT In the course of the NATO mission and its ramifications to people all over the world, a number of literature depicting this issue and concerns in international laws and national security have been widespread. This seminar paper endeavors to explore the details surrounding the legitimacy of NATO in the war indicated as the NATO mission in Kosovo by ...

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Impact of the US Media on Public Attitudes

28 Feb 2018

16 (6,108 )

The impact of the media on public opinion, in countries across the globe, including the United States, is the subject of a growing body of academic and public discourse. The media has grown to become the main conduit for the public's understanding of world events. If the media can be said to provide wide-ranging and balanced coverage of news events there seems little or no problem ...

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Analysing Youth Voters in the Mauritius

28 Feb 2018

36 (14,191 )

Introduction STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The absence of youth in the Mauritian political system is quite alarming but still no statement is being made about it. The total number of electors registered for the year 2009 is 879,897 and among them 222, 060, i.e. 25.2% are aged from 18-29 years old (estimates from the Electoral Commission Office). However, at present our National Assembly does not ...

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Examining the Effect of Marxism/Leninism on Russia

28 Feb 2018

10 (3,994 )

There are various reasons and factors that can be used to explain the affect that Marxism / Leninism had upon Russia and why it was to achieve that affect. Some of these explanations are based around the actions of the Bolshevik Party that seized power in October 1917 and did not formally relinquish that power until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Other reasons ...

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Impact of Campaign Appearances on Key Constituencies

28 Feb 2018

32 (12,421 )

Abstract Why do people vote the way they do and what can candidates do to sway the votes of those that go to the polls? Do people cast their votes based on the policies advanced by a candidate, rational self-interest, or political campaigns and the get-the-vote-out efforts (e.g. campaign appearances, advertising, door-to-door canvassing, leaflets, phone banks, electronic mail)? Which one of these influences most the ...

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