Active or Passive Third Stage of Labour: Pros and Cons

23 Feb 2018

30 (11,647 )

Introduction This dissertation is primarily concerned with the arguments that are currently active in relation to the benefits and disadvantages of having either an active or passive third stage of labour. We shall examine this issue from several angles including the currently accepted medical opinions as expressed in the peer reviewed press, the perspective of various opinions expressed by women in labour and theevidence base to ...

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Terrorism: Causes, Effects and Prevention Strategies

23 Feb 2018

33 (13,107 )

In the last quarter of the century, there is a dramatic change in most of the terrorist activities, as they are well-planned, with a purpose to accomplish a precise identifiable and seemingly attainable political goal. In the past, most of the terrorist activities involved incidents like high-jacking an aircraft or the taking of a hostage following which certain demands were made. Their aim was usually ...

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Aetiology and Psychology of Terrorism

23 Feb 2018

30 (11,918 )

The purpose here is to examineanalyze scrutinize, evaluate and present synthesize what has been stated in the scientific and professional literature about the etiology of terrorism. This discourse is not intended to propose suggest that the scientific discipline of psychology and psychiatry provides the only, or necessarily the best, logical framework for understanding terrorism. Like all the approaches to understanding or explaining human behaviorbehaviour, these ...

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Stages of Decomposition: Effect of Time and Temperature

23 Feb 2018

37 (14,646 )

Chapter I INTRODUCTION "Watson, can you determine cause and time of death?" I knelt over the woman and began a cursory examination... “Rigor mortis has set in, so I'd estimate she's been dead about 10 to 12 hours." Holmes stood up and brushed himself off with his hands. "So, that puts her death between midnight and 2 am”(Anonymous 2007). After the question of cause of ...

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Audit of Injuries in Cricket

23 Feb 2018

20 (7,859 )

An Audit of Injuries in Cricket in Scotland in the 2008 Season Abstract Cricket is a popular sport played and followed by millions around the globe. It is a relatively non contact sport with a low to moderate risk of injury. However, in the last decade, the incidence of injury has been shown to be on the rise. This is possibly due to increase in ...

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