Framing News on Foreign Countries: Media Interests

27 Feb 2018

24 (9,339 )

Framing news on foreign countries: Media Interests and Motivations. Analyzing 10 yrs of US and UK newspaper editorials on Venezuela. 1)INTRODUCTION Media organizations are essential in international affairs in terms of their important role in providing information to the public.[3] The question has often been whether the Media frames news in the context of the national interest of the host country, for example. Whether they reflect ...

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Motivations for Reading Online Blogs

27 Feb 2018

12 (4,752 )

1. Introduction Computer mediated communication (CMC) has brought about a great shift in the way we interact and look for information (Papacharissi and Rubin, 2000). Using the internet, today, users have access to thousands of sources, get information that is presented in a wide range of formats, and can also interact with people anywhere in the world. With the turn of the new millennium there has ...

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