Web-base Quality Management Systems

28 Feb 2018

46 (18,204 )

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Defining Quality, History and Achieving International Quality Standards Quality is a perceptual, conditional and somewhat subjective attribute and may be understood differently by different people in different spheres of life. It is a degree or grade of excellence or worth, a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something or totality of features and characteristics of a product or service ...

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Impact of VoIP on the Future of Telephony

28 Feb 2018

53 (21,008 )

With the dawning of a new age of pervasive computing, there is a greater requirement for the exchange of data to be made possible between computing assets that are connected to a network. Interactions require an exchange of various multimedia formats as well as the provision of enhanced services including instant messaging and presence management. There is, therefore, a need for a converged network that is ...

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Importance of Knowledge Management in Organisations

28 Feb 2018

38 (14,916 )

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction This chapter provides a brief introduction about the research topic along with the research aims and objectives in detail. Further in this chapter, the scope of research, personal interest and the motivation to choose this particular research topic are all discussed briefly. Finally, the dissertation structure content of the six chapters is highlighted. 1.1 Introduction to the Topic The use of Internet ...

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Use Case: An Analysis

28 Feb 2018

25 (9,657 )

Use Case A use case diagram depicts the units of functionality of the system as well as the actors capable of carrying out these functions. An actor is a person within the system needed to carry out a particular function. A function is depicted by an oval text box and is referred to as a use case as well, use case in this terms meaning unit ...

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Analysis of Unified Modelling Language

28 Feb 2018

13 (4,940 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Context of the Problem The Unified Modeling Language is a graphical modeling language used for the visualization, specification, construction, and documentation of object-oriented software systems. It has been adopted by the Object Management Group (OMG) and is widely accepted as a standard in industry and research. The UML provides thirteen types of diagrams for different purpose. This thesis focuses on sequence and class ...

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Information Technology Advantages and Disadvantages

28 Feb 2018

39 (15,446 )

The importance of Information Technology The importance of technology comes from that Technology has an important impact on innovation and the development of societies and economies. This impact can be observed in three steps. The first step is substitution, new technology substitutes for the old. For example, consumers start substituting their fixed telephone lines with mobile telephones. The second step is the diffusion, when adopting ...

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Advantages of E-banking

28 Feb 2018

36 (14,299 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction Nowadays, Malaysia is a multi sector economy and technology development based on the presence of many technological inventions. Traditional banking act as physical bank and delivery channel which to give customers to place or get their money out of the bank safety deposit boxes, managing checking or current accounts, paying cheques drawn by customers. However, e-banking is one of the technological inventions ...

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Security Forensics and Risk Management

28 Feb 2018

21 (8,080 )

Acknowledgement Foremost I would like say thanks to god for all support in all my life and secondly University of Greenwich to give this my life aim to complete my masters. Next my supervisor Professor Kevin Parrott to the supports he gave because without his support I wouldn't be able to complete my project with this quality. Especially the suggestions and appreciation given my supervisor make ...

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Literature Review on Risk Management

28 Feb 2018

38 (15,050 )

Software Project Management (CI6113) Title: Reviewing the Past Research Papers on Risk Management Abstract Risk Management is nowadays the important research topic in the many critical business areas and industrial areas. Project teams do not achieve their projects goals of reducing cost and gaining much profit without assessing risks and managing risks. This term paper analyzes research papers done by many researches in the field of ...

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Analysis of Company Network Models

28 Feb 2018

44 (17,341 )

CHAPTER 1 ABSTRACT The purpose of this exercise is to provide a detailed design document as per the requirements given in various formats by the Client NoBo Inc. The scope of this document includes at first explaining the requirements provided by the client, explaining the solution both from a top level view and detailed, also explained are the configuration steps, technologies used and scope of the ...

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Sisterhood Method to Calculate Maternal Deaths

28 Feb 2018

38 (14,858 )

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Introduction In this chapter, the methodology of this study is presented. This chapter also aims to justify the research design. The theoretical and practical concerns of using a population-based approach and the indirect sisterhood method in particular, are explored. This chapter also discusses the data collection procedure involving staffing and recruitment of data collectors, team leaders and supervisors; the training of the research ...

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Analysis and Detection of Metamorphic Viruses

28 Feb 2018

28 (10,970 )

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Metamorphic Viruses are very special type of viruses which have ability to reconstruct into entirely new offspring which is completely different than the parent; Main object to use these techniques to rebuild itself is to avoid detection by Antivirus Software. Although for the time being some well known metamorphic viruses are detectable, but it is predicted that in future we might ...

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Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

28 Feb 2018

38 (14,985 )

Introduction Intrusion detection systems (IDS) were developed in 1990’s, when the network hackers and worms appeared, initially for the identification and reporting of such attacks. The intrusion detection systems didn’t have the ability to stop such attacks rather than detecting and reporting to the network personnel. The Intrusion Prevention Systems got both characteristics i.e. threat detection and prevention. The detection process analyzes the events for any ...

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Infinity Computer Systems Distributed Database

28 Feb 2018

28 (11,092 )

CHAPTER 1 - Company Profile Company Profile: Infinity computer systems is a Sri Lanka based company engaged in selling computers, computer components and software applications to the local buyers. The company had pledged to provide the local market with the latest in products in IT for an affordable price as they appear in the world market, gaining an edge over its competitors. This well known secret ...

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Development of Hospital Management System

28 Feb 2018

35 (13,970 )

Introduction Hospital Management is a web based application to manage the activities related to doctor and patient. Hospital Management is based on distributed architecture. This involves the web services which receives request from the web based application and service processes the request and sends the response back to the application. Web services performs the database operations like insert, delete and update the information about the patients, ...

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Consumer Analysis of Restaurant Industry

28 Feb 2018

38 (14,910 )

Abstract The aim of the study was to examine customers' definition of quality when it comes to restaurant services and the preferences and opinions in restaurants choice. The study was also to find out if the customers have idea of the existence of the ABC restaurant in specific. The study was specifically carried out in a restaurant called the ABC restaurant in the city Chennai in ...

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Developing of Online Enrolment System

28 Feb 2018

32 (12,586 )

Preface This software project management plan is intended to act as an outline of the development of a new honours system for Buena Vista College Administration. This plan will provide the structure and basis of the development of the new system. This includes outlining the deliverables, providing a schedule and organisational structure, and producing the associated plans needed for development of this project. This plan is ...

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Introduction to E-learning: Types, Benefits and Strategies

28 Feb 2018

20 (7,752 )

Chapter 2. Background and Related Work Introduction During the last decade the amount of literature published in the field of eLearning has grown noticeably, as has the diversity in attitudes and viewpoints of people who work on this subject. The general background presented here with regard to eLearning includes the definition, details of different types and the concept of quality. Information quality within information systems (IS), ...

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Skill Requirements for IS Professionals in E-learning

28 Feb 2018

29 (11,510 )

Skills requirements for information system professionals in the e-learning sector This research project is an investigation into the skills required for Information Systems (IS) professionals working in the commercial e-learning sector. This involved determining the perceived skill requirements for IS professionals, the actual skills held by current employees in this sector, and identifying any skills gaps that existed. The survey obtained information from a representative selection ...

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Designing and Implementing E-procurement

28 Feb 2018

33 (12,863 )

CHAPTER ONE: Background Study Overview The project is designing and implementing e-procurement on business-to-business transactions, it first identifies current procurement process and explores how to implement procurement that involves mainstay drivers and problems of e-procurement system usage and investigate the effect on the performance of the Ministry in terms of e-government and transparency in the Federal Ministry of Science and technology. The solution essentially involves ...

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Impact of Identity Theft in E-Commerce

28 Feb 2018

47 (18,539 )

ABSTRACT In the world of today, where time is money and information is a corporate asset, protection of data confidentiality and integrity has become critical. Today, companies are focusing much more on how to secure their businesses from identity fraud, which has emerged as the modern day menace. As I found research on identity theft is rather limited. This research will provide more knowledge of the ...

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Efficiency of IT Audit in Corporate Governance

28 Feb 2018

51 (20,284 )

Critical Research Analysis On The Effectiveness Of IT Auditing For Corporate Governance Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction Auditing is one of the essential elements for the successful functioning of the business and helps an organization to face the external world with precise information on its business and issues related to accountability. Also, it is universally accepted that any business organization irrespective of its nature of business ...

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Analysis of Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

28 Feb 2018

50 (19,714 )

ABSTRACT Access control systems within an enterprise system are used to control the actions, functions, applications, and operations of legitimate users within an organization and to protect the integrity of the information stored within the system. Role-based access control (RBAC) is a relatively new access control system that maps to organizational-specific structures in a way that reduces administrative costs and improves security. Although role-based security models ...

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Types of Security Threats and Protection Against Them

28 Feb 2018

33 (12,978 )

Introduction While attacks on computers by outside intruders are more publicized, attacks perpetrated by insiders are very common and often more damaging. Insiders represent the greatest threat to computer security because they understand their organization's business and how their computer systems work. They have both the confidentiality and access to perform these attacks. An inside attacker will have a higher probability of successfully breaking into the ...

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Computer Network Security within Organisations

28 Feb 2018

13 (4,815 )

Networking and Management Introduction A computer network is a connection of two or more computers in order to share resources and data. These shared resources can include devices like printers and other resources like electronic mail, internet access, and file sharing. A computer network can also be seen as a collection of Personal computers and other related devices which are connected together, either with cables or ...

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Communication Media for Banking Industry

28 Feb 2018

36 (14,090 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction Today's world is world of technology. Everyday a new technology is introduced that can assist people in order to do their daily works easily and finally increase the quality of their life. These new technologies help their users in different aspects of their life, by saving time, doing works faster and better with lower level of error. The rapid development of information ...

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Strategies for Utilising IT in Business Operations

28 Feb 2018

12 (4,644 )

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Carsem founded in the year 1972 and had been acquired by Hong Leong Group in the year 1984. Carsem had been allocating most of its revenue in the research and development to maintain its position in the market. The main objective of this report is to understand how Carsem utilize it available information technology (IT) infrastructure in operating the daily business processes associate with ...

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Relationship between Business Strategy and IT Strategy

28 Feb 2018

25 (9,666 )

BUSINESS-IT ALIGNMENT (BITA) The relationship between Business strategy and IT strategy and the influence of organisation culture on this strategic alignment in Saudi firms will form the basis of the research in this research. As such, the literature reviewed here will survey major research and practice in the business-IT strategic alignment domain for the purpose of deriving a research framework, or model, of business-IT strategic alignment ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics

28 Feb 2018

18 (7,012 )

ABSTRACT Organisations have goals and therefore acquire assets to ensure these goals are met and the continuity guaranteed. Financial sector while trying to promote convenient methods such as online banking and use of ATM for their customers to access their money strives to ensure only the right person has access to the account. Also, military and national security services store high sensitive and critical information ...

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