Rafflesia Species in Malaysia Identification

26 Feb 2018

27 (10,791 )

INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND STUDY There are a number of unique plant types in the world which are on the brink of extinction, or are so extremely limited in range. For example the beautiful palms such as the Talipot Palm (Corypha elata), Johannis teysmannia in Sarawak and Malaya, and also Livistona in West Sumatra. The largest flower in the world, Rafflesia arnoldii and related species, are going ...

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Impacts of Land Use on the Tinson Pen

26 Feb 2018

32 (12,691 )

The transport sector in Jamaica may be considered to include road, rail, air and maritime transportation (See Figure 1 - Appendix 6). The Ministry of Housing, Transport, Water and Works (MHTWW) has prepared a draft National Transport Policy to provide a framework for the future development of the sector. As it pertains to air transportation, Jamaica's air transport system comprises an international system and a domestic ...

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Analysis of Energy Consumption in Ireland

26 Feb 2018

33 (12,924 )

Introduction General Introduction The following chapter will introduce the dissertation topic by means of its intended goals, outline of content within each chapter and the research methodology. The research goals present the author's aims to be achieved, core objectives and hypothesis to test. The chapters shall be briefly described as to their particular topic area. Research methodology will establish the research process, planning, data collection methods ...

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F Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom Oceans Policy

26 Feb 2018

45 (17,948 )

Introduction The World's current approach to ocean policy and sustainable maritime development is based on two main International strategic foundations: UNCLOS and UNCED. Both if integrated they provide the basis for oceans governance and oceans policy frame work. They enable states to exercise and protect National's sovereign rights and jurisdiction over marine resources and offshore areas. At the same time they obligate states to ensure ...

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Strombidae Protected Fisheries

26 Feb 2018

18 (6,806 )

Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Strombus gigas, A Threatened But Protected Species 65 species of Strombidae are still in existence and the majority of those are found in the Indo-Pacific Oceans (ConchNews). 6 species of Strombidae are found throughout the Caribbean and Florida oceans (McCarthy, 2007): S. alatus, S. costatus, S. gallus, S. gigas, S. pugilis, and S. raninus, one of which, Strombus gigas, known as the ...

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Design of a Standalone Energy System

26 Feb 2018

33 (13,129 )

Design of a Standalone Energy System and its Comparison with Grid Connected System in Pakistan Abstract During last few decades the investment and interest in the development of solar energy is being increased. PV is becoming more and more popular in those countries which can bear large investment cost and can offer economic incentives to the investors and almost in all those areas of world which ...

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Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP)

26 Feb 2018

25 (9,901 )

CHAPTER IV SANITATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SSOP) 4.1. Introduction SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) should be specific to each food/fisheries plant. SSOP describe the plant's sanitary handling of raw material and hygiene of the processing area and it environment. SSOP contain a description of the procedures that an establishment will follow to address the elements of pre-operational and operational sanitation relating to the prevention of direct ...

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Rutile and Its Applications in Earth Sciences

26 Feb 2018

44 (17,339 )

Abstract Rutile is the most common naturally occurring titanium dioxide polymorph and is widely distributed as an accessory mineral in metamorphic rocks ranging from greenschist to eclogite and granulite facies but is also present in igneous rocks, mantle xenoliths, lunar rocks and meteorites. It is one of the most stable heavy minerals in the sedimentary cycle, widespread both in ancient and modern clastic sediments. Rutile has ...

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Rainbow Parrotfish Scarus Guacamaia

26 Feb 2018

30 (11,757 )

Abstract The rainbow parrotfish Scarus guacamaia is a prominent herbivore in the coastal waters of southeastern Florida whose life history is strongly linked to a dependence on both mangrove and coral reef habitats. Rainbow parrotfish also serve in maintaining the health of coral reefs by keeping algal populations in check. Using NOAA fisheries data from the Mangrove Visual Census and the Reef Visual Census, this study ...

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Pressure on Development Land in the South East of England

26 Feb 2018

26 (10,100 )

The need for sustainable architecture. Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss and evaluate the pressure on development land in the South- East of England, and how that pressure relates to the need for sustainable architecture. The reasons for there being pressure on development land in the South-East of England will be described and analysed, as will any differences with the other regions ...

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Precision Agriculture: Advantages and Disadvantages

26 Feb 2018

20 (7,643 )

Precision agriculture Precision farming or precision agriculture is an agricultural concept relying on the existence of in-field variability. It requires the use of new technologies, such as global positioning (GPS), sensors, satellites or aerial images, and information management tools (GIS) to assess and understand variations. Collected information may be used to more precisely evaluate optimum sowing density, estimate fertilizers and other inputs needs, and to more ...

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Plastics Recycling Business Plan

26 Feb 2018

28 (11,073 )

Executive Summary Recently, the growing utilization of plastics are specifically used domestic purpose and produced from industrial and consumer applications and need Students Paper: and need to combined with increased consumer awareness surrounding solid waste recycling, has led to an increased demand for recycled plastic resins and products for our general consumer applications, combined with increased consumer awareness surrounding solid waste recycling, has led to ...

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Effect of Occupational Noise Pollution on Workers

26 Feb 2018

28 (10,857 )

Noise pollution CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background Noise means unpleasant sound that gives a disturbing and annoying effect to the listener. Noise pollution is any unwanted, disturbing, or harmful sound that impairs or interferes with hearing, causes stress, hampers concentration and work efficiency, or causes accident. Noise can block, distort, change or interfere with the meaning of a message in both human and electronic communication (Wikipedia, ...

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Strategies for Disaster Risk Management

26 Feb 2018

39 (15,467 )

INTRODUCTION I. Background Natural disasters have always posed a threat to development. Developing countries are usually far less well placed than industrialised ones to deal effectively with hazards that occur out of the blue. The first priority must be to reduce people's (men, women and young people) vulnerability to natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods and storms and to avoid the emergence of new risks, in ...

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Types of Mitochondrial Diseases

26 Feb 2018

26 (10,057 )

Abstract: Mitochondrion is the primary site of energy and ATP generation so it is called “power house” of the cell. Mitochondria are composed of two different types of membranes like an outer membrane, an inner membrane and a protein-rich matrix. Protein kinases can localize to specific cytoplasmic sub compartments and mediates many important processes like cell motility and many signaling events. The mitochondrion is a ...

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Malaysia Maritime Environmental Issues and Its Impact

26 Feb 2018

25 (9,994 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Seas and oceans traditionally used by us to have all the source of rich, opportunity and abundance. The vast area of it has given us the aspiration either to use or to abuse it.  Most of the countries in this world are connected with sea and ocean, which make the line of communication and transportation easily done through it.  Many ...

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Nitrification Process in Landfill Leachate Treatment

26 Feb 2018

22 (8,427 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Overview Landfilling is one of the oldest and common methods used for waste disposal. It is perceived as the most economical and environmentally acceptable technique. It is a complex system with physical, chemical, and biological processes. While undergoing the process of wastes degradation, there is the production of highly contaminating liquid, leachate, and polluting gases. If discharged in an uncontrolled and ...

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Regulatory Frameworks of India's Industrial Policies

26 Feb 2018

33 (13,088 )

CHAPTER 3 THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 3.1 INTRODUCTION: THE PARADIGM SHIFT The industrial policy pursued in India for the first four decades after independence was based on the socialist school of thought that India embraced, partly to alienate itself from the colonial past and more so owing to the obvious achievements of the socialist movement in the post world-war two period. Thus, through a Resolution dated April ...

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Implementing Alternative Sources of Energy

26 Feb 2018

26 (10,096 )

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Introduction Hotels constitute a key element of the organized chain of activity in the travel and tourism industry, and occupy a crucial place in concerns over environmental protection related to tourism and travel. The hotel industry, because of the nature of its functions, characteristics, and services, consumes substantial quantities of energy, water, and non-durable products. It has been estimated that most environmental ...

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Honey Markets in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve (NBR)

26 Feb 2018

78 (30,860 )

p>A STUDY ON THE HONEY MARKETS OF NILGIRIS BIOSPHERE RESERVE INSTITUTE OF RURAL MANAGEMENT ANAND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project that we have worked on is 'Honey markets in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve (NBR)'. In this study we have traced the flow of honey from the honey hunters of NBR to the end consumers. This study is a part of a larger study, Darwin Initiative, aimed at ...

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Meeting Energy Demands of the Growing Population

26 Feb 2018

47 (18,459 )

Literature review Nowadays, an important factor for economic and social development is energy sufficiency. Energy is the fuel of growth. Scientist's predictions show that by the year 2050, energy demand will increase significantly due to the fact of the increasing population of the earth and that more buildings are going to be constructed. (Ref: Facts and trends, energy and climate, world business). A lot of predictions ...

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Soil Analysis of the Himalayan Mountain System

26 Feb 2018

19 (7,293 )

Chapter- 4 ABIOTIC ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES OF MORAINIC AND ALPINE ECOSYSTEMS Global warming/ enhanced greenhouse effect and the loss of biodiversity are the major environmental issues around the world. The greatest part of the world's population lives in the tropical regions. Mountainous regions in many cases provide favourable conditions for water supply due to orographically enhanced convective precipitation. Earth scientists are examining ancient periods of extreme warmth, ...

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Water Mist Replacement for Halon Extinguishers

26 Feb 2018

28 (11,073 )

CHAPTER ONE: 1.1: Introduction Choosing the best fire suppression technology is not an easy task. It even involves discussing risks and operations with insurance companies. The most relevant concern of a fire safety engineer is the protection of life which entails the safe evacuation of personnel. The starting point of a suppression system is a risk analysis to reduce the potential occurrence of a fire. This ...

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Feasibility Study of Solar Energy in India

26 Feb 2018

50 (19,980 )

Abstract Solar energy in its raw form may be pollution-free, but manufacturing the devices that get the energy out of light and heat requires metal and other material, requiring mines and smelters, therein causing pollution. Maybe the most exciting thing about solar energy today is not only that the costs continue to drop and efficiencies continue to rise, but that clean solar energy is arriving at ...

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Factors Influencing Sanitation Conditions

26 Feb 2018

35 (13,922 )

ABSTRACT This thesis examines the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing sanitation conditions, identifies the presence of Escherichia coli in household drinking water samples and investigates prevalence of diarrhoea among infants. It is based on questionnaire interviews of 120 household heads and 77 caretakers of young children below the age of 5years, direct observation of clues of household sanitation practice as well as analyses of household ...

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Gherkin and Pomegranate Cultivation

26 Feb 2018

49 (19,215 )

Abstract Horticulture is an important component of agriculture accounting for a very significant share in the Indian economy. Rising consumer income and changing lifestyles are creating bigger markets for high-value horticultural products in India as well as throughout the world. Among these, the most important high-value export products are fruits and vegetables. This study was conducted to analyze the comparative advantage and competitiveness of pomegranate and ...

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Planning Process

26 Feb 2018

40 (15,823 )

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION "Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is 20 year old tool for environmental management, not living up to its full potential". (Mudge, 1993). This chapter describes the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) planning process as conventionally depicted in subsequent EIA texts and guidelines. EIA characteristics and objectives are first presented because EIA planning process characterisations are interdependent with assumed EIA characteristics and objectives. Following the depictions ...

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Energy Efficiency: Directives and Legislation

26 Feb 2018

7 (2,771 )

2.1 Introduction The debate is ongoing, but there is now overwhelming scientific evidence that man's activities are causing significant climate change. Climate change has the potential to affect all aspects of life on earth and will have major detrimental social, economic and environmental impacts. The best response to these challenging issues is to change. Change the way we think. Change the way we act. (Get source) ...

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Earthquake Simulation for Buildings

26 Feb 2018

30 (11,686 )

Abstract Earthquake is an independent natural phenomenon of vibration of the ground which can become dangerous mainly when it is considered in relation with structures. Earthquakes can be very weak, without even realizing them but (they) can also be strong enough to result serious damages to buildings which can lead to injures or even loss of human lives. In order to avoid any structural damage the ...

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Abandoned Oil Wells - End of Field Life

26 Feb 2018

23 (8,881 )

ABSTRACT As petroleum, production continues to decline in many parts of the globe, more operators are seeing well abandonment as a reality. Drilled wells are plugged and abandoned for different reasons of which the typical and operational reason is that the well has reached its economic limit or when drilled it was found to be a dry hole. (refer). According to Ide, T., et al 2006, ...

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Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: UNFCCC and India

26 Feb 2018

21 (8,344 )

From UNFCCC Goals to India Abstract: Climate Change has the potential to alter the ability of the earth's physical and biological systems to provide goods and services essential for sustainable development. Recognition of Climate Change as a significant global environmental challenge has a recent origin. International efforts to address the climate change formally began only a decade ago with the adoption of United Nations Framework Convention ...

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Optimal Extraction Paths of Coal

26 Feb 2018

30 (11,667 )

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Motivation According to the World Energy Outlook (WEO 2007)[1], global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will increase by 1,8 % per year from 2005 to 2030, and 2 % per year for the period 2030-2050.[2] From 12.446 Mt of CO2 equivalent in 2002, emissions will reach 15.833 Mt in 2030 for OECD countries - an average increase of 1,1 % per year. CO2 ...

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Strategies to Meet Energy Demands in the UK

26 Feb 2018

36 (14,284 )

1.0 Introduction The question of how Britain will be able to meet its energy demand in the next 10 - 10 years is a matter of concern for the British Government. With aging nuclear plants, replacing these with cleaner and more energy efficiency plants is going to be a challenge. This dissertation aims to investigate the government's proposals to construct a new generation of nuclear ...

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Alpine Plant Biodiversity in the Central Himalayas

26 Feb 2018

27 (10,512 )

Alpine Plant Biodiversity in the Central Himalayan Region: Perspective of Global Climate Change Summary Increase in surface temperature at global scale has already affected a diverse set of physical and biological systems in many parts of the world and if it increases at this rapid rate then the condition would be worst one could have ever thought off. Garhwal Himalaya, major part of the great Himalayan ...

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