Paneles Solares

21 Feb 2018

32 (12,592 )

RESUMEN EJECUTIVO El uso de las energías renovables ha venido a disminuir, el uso de los combustibles fósiles como fuente de obtención de energía. El suministro de energía a partir de fuentes diversificadas y seguras, de forma económicamente admisible y ambientalmente compatible, resulta esencial para la implementación de la práctica del desarrollo sostenible de un país. En ese sentido, este proyecto contribuye con el requerimiento ...

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Effects of Manipulating Individual Identity

21 Feb 2018

29 (11,435 )

Abstract: This study examined how changing the perception of social distance changed the way in which subjects interacted in the Trust Game specifically looking into the social preferences they displayed. A discussion of both economic and sociological research demonstrates the inherent variability of social identity and social distance and the interconnected nature these concepts have with social preferences. A two-stage experiment involving subjects of different ...

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Selection Process for Expatriates

21 Feb 2018

35 (13,805 )

Chapter 2 Literature Review: In this chapter researcher tried to discuss all the related studies which are done in past and are available in literature. A lot of work has been done in the literature on the topic of selection. Before proceeding to the actual topic it is necessary to look at the different methods of selection which an organization uses and see that what ...

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European Perspective on Nanotechnology Patents

21 Feb 2018

30 (11,834 )

An Overview of Nanotechnology Patents: A European Perspective The future world will to a large extent consist of a knowledge based society. Intellectual property (IP) will play an important role in generating wealth and employment in that society. A general rule is that the more developed a country is the more stricter and secure for IP and strict to uphold the IPR. IP assets have ...

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Analysis of Staff Motivation Levels

21 Feb 2018

36 (14,063 )

Abstract The objective of this project is to investigate whether employees at WILO company are well motivated and if there is a need for improvement of the level of employee satisfaction in WILO subsidiaries in Poland and Hungary. This research study presents the methods of employee motivation and the rewarding system adopted by WILO company. This project is a result of a theoretical study of ...

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High Staff Turnover in Hotel Industry

21 Feb 2018

30 (11,914 )

Hotels, catering and leisure industry in the UK remains the sector with the highest level of staff turnover, with all leavers in this category hitting 41%, according to a survey carried out by the CIPD (2008). Many organisations are badly affected by high levels of staff turnover and the survey identified that 74% of organisations in the UK, reported a negative impact on their business ...

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A Study of Job Stress in Call Centre Employees

21 Feb 2018

37 (14,514 )

CHAPTER - 1 INTRODUCTION “A STUDY OF JOB STRESS AMONG EMPLOYEES OF ACCENTURE CALL CENTRE IN BANGALORE” INTRODUCTION In all walks of life, people suffer from some degree of stress due to factors known and unknown. The causes may be the increasing complexity of modern living, insecurity in work environment, growing confusion regarding the future, etc. Stress may be lead to psychological, social and physiological ...

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How can Employees be Empowered to Increase Productivity?

21 Feb 2018

5 (1,964 )

1.Preliminary title: Empowerment is essential to increase productivity among employee. 2.Research purpose: The out come of employee empowerment in service industry can bring long-term success. The purpose of this research is to analyse and achieve in-depth knowledge and understanding on employee empowerment in the context of service industry by comparing the perspective of manager and employee. And provide suggestions to service industry how to gain ...

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Benefit Payments to People who Misuse Alcohol

21 Feb 2018

42 (16,461 )

Introduction Government policies and assistance for people who misuse alcohol raise controversial issues for legislators, policymakers and practitioners alike. Goodman (2007) highlights that government policy adopts both a ‘carrot' and ‘stick' approach. While individuals who misuse substances are encouraged to seek treatment, there is also the threat that for those who choose not to engage in programmes, they run the risk of being targeted if ...

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Testing Organizational Communication Satisfaction

21 Feb 2018

25 (9,884 )

ABSTRACT Communication Satisfaction plays a very critical role in achieving employee engagement in organizations. It becomes even more significant and relevant in the context of the recent global crisis wherein organization's focus on employee engagement was high and was aimed towards employee retention and motivation. While several researchers have studied the relationship between communication and employee involvement, very few studies have established a relationship between ...

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Meaning and Definition of Performance Appraisal

21 Feb 2018

20 (7,661 )

Performance appraisal is a formal system that evaluates the quality of a employee's performance. An appraisal should not be viewed as an end in itself, but rather as an important process within a broader performance management system that links: Organizational objectives Day-to-day performance Professional development Rewards and incentives In simple terms, appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an individual's performance in ...

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CPD in Health and Safety Practitioner Roles

12 Feb 2018

24 (9,215 )

Chapter 1 Introduction On the 1st January 1993 six regulations relating to health and safety came into force in Great Britain, these six regulations would ultimately have a major impact on how safety is managed today and would significantly influence the future development of the Safety and Health profession. The regulations themselves were based on European Community Directives, designed to create a common standard of health ...

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Retention of Employees in Call Centres

12 Feb 2018

31 (12,323 )

Personal computers Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION In the 21st century every child or adult have their own personal computers and ways of communication have been made easier with the help of email, mobile phones and faxes. These are adopted from Information Technology (IT) industries. The main concern of IT industries is to make life easy for the people. Information Technology can be defined as "the branch of ...

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