Analysis of Global Economic Growth

20 Feb 2018

30 (11,971 )

World economic growth 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 World Economic Outlook: According to the World Bank, world economic growth accelerated sharply in 2004. In aggregate, the year 2004 has been the healthiest year for developing countries since the last three decades. East Asian countries have come out of the 1997 crisis and are now performing well. The ongoing economic boom in China as well as the surge ...

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Development of Kindergarten Business

20 Feb 2018

27 (10,529 )

1. Introduction The investigation of the thesis proposal was set up in order to create a business plan with the help of clear and well-thought decisions based on the professional marketing research. The basic idea was open up a kindergarten with the specialty of focusing on the English teaching from the young ages and providing a children-focused environment where the children have higher chances to ...

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Analysis of Vietnam's Energy Supply and Production

20 Feb 2018

37 (14,517 )

Vietnam's economy has expanded rapidly in recent years, with its real gross domestic product (GDP) growing 7.7% in 2004 and 8.4% in 2005. Growth is forecast at 8.0% in 2006. Vietnam has had Normal Trade Relations status with the United States since late 2001, with 2002 marking the first time Vietnam shipped more goods to the United States than to Japan. Despite rising exports, Vietnam ...

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Urbanization Trends In American Cities

20 Feb 2018

8 (2,884 )

Abstract America's largest population dwells in town. Intermediate cities are regarded as places that promise sustainability in urban growth. This paper looks at recent urbanization trends in American cities. Privatization of urban planning is challenged by sustainable urbanization. Governmental harmonization lacks in the housing market along with urban growth thus has put stress on natural resources and livability of cities. It is suggested that the ...

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Unemployment as an Indicator of Macroeconomic Performance

20 Feb 2018

18 (6,925 )

The rate of unemployment is one of the most important indicators of macroeconomic performance. Unemployment arises due to the distortions in the supply of labor cause by the non-competitive wage differential. During the period from 1945 until at least 1968, unemployment rates in the major European economies were extremely low by today's standards. For instance in the United Kingdom, the average rate of unemployment for ...

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Underpricing in Turkey: a Comparison of the IPO Methods

20 Feb 2018

16 (6,285 )

Abstract This paper addresses the question of what kind of selling and underwriting procedure might be preferred for controlling the amount and volatility of underpricing in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). Using 1993-2005 firm and issue data, we compare the three substantially different IPO methods available in the ISE. One is very similar to the book building mechanism used in the U.S., another is the ...

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Effect on Trade Flows of Regional Trade Agreements

20 Feb 2018

20 (7,809 )

Abstract This paper studies the effect on trade flows of RTAs signed between developing economies. It uses a variation of the gravity model of trade to asses five RTAs: Mercosur, The Andean Community, SICA, the EU, Chile-China. Contents Abstract iii List of Figures vi List of Tables vi List of Formulas vi 1. Introduction viii 1.1Background viii 1.2 Problem definition x 1.3 Research Objective x ...

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The Recession: Causes and Effects

20 Feb 2018

31 (12,117 )

Executive Summary Introduction There was a recession in United States in the late 2008 which carried away in the 2009 as well making an impact on the entire world. The inflation rate soared high with all the things expensive around the corner. A person's earning power and purchasing power, everything reduced and in fact in some countries it ended. People started saving and cost cutting ...

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The Role of Inflation and Change in Consumer Buying Power

20 Feb 2018

24 (9,437 )

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Our cram will be paying attention at the diverse aspects of inflation in Pakistan from a local and large-scale point of view. Pakistan has undergone a most important economic growth all the way through previous few years. But the core evils of the economy are at rest unsettled; Inflation remains the most important of all these evils. In the case of ...

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Role and Impact of Micro Finance Institutions

20 Feb 2018

20 (7,913 )

INTRODUCTION The strong economic growth is bound to create employment opportunities and therefore it will reduce unemployment. The evidence provided by the Labor Force Survey 2005 (First two quarters) clearly supports the fact that economic growth has created employment opportunities. Since 2003-04 and until the last half of 2005-06, 5.82 million new jobs have been created as against an average job creation of 1.0-1.2 million ...

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Relationship between Inflation Rates and Employment

20 Feb 2018

15 (5,914 )

CHAPTER 1 Gross Domestic Product as an indicator of wealth and therefore quality of life has long been criticized (Mederly, P. and et al. 2003). Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the value of total production of goods and services in a country over a specified period, typically a year. The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income (GDI) is a measure of a country's ...

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International Effects of Oil Prices

20 Feb 2018

17 (6,561 )

High prices of oil and steady resource depletion have raised international concerns for energy supply security. Thriving exploration is a significant factor and activity for future oil production. The global economy is currently experiencing high level of international business forces acting upon its stableness. International oil prices relation to international crisis is an essential element in the global economy. This study reveals the insights and ...

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Impact of Firm Level Characteristics

20 Feb 2018

8 (2,887 )

Abstract Organizational performance has attracted scholarly attention in corporate finance literature over the several decades. However, in the context of insurance sector, it has received a little attention. Current study examines the impact of firm level characteristics (size, leverage, tangibility, risk, growth, liquidity and age) on performance of listed life insurance companies of Pakistan over seven years from 2001 to 2007. The results of Ordinary ...

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The Goods Service Tax In Malaysia

20 Feb 2018

14 (5,218 )

IS THE INTRODUCTION OF THE GOODS SERVICE TAX (GST) IN MALAYSIA GOOD OR BAD? Chapter 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION. In the new global economy, more companies are operating cross border, and as such are faced with the need to deal effectively with many different taxes, often in many different countries, each with different rates, ruling and application. Coupled with this, the regulatory environment is increasingly challenging. ...

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FDI Policies of India and China

20 Feb 2018

19 (7,244 )

Chapter - 1: Introduction 1.1. Overview Foreign Direct Investment is a hot topic in most policy circles as it is associated in many instances with significant macroeconomic changes and improvements in the range of goods and services produced in recipient countries. Furthermore growth in recipient countries is often ascribed to these inflows and so competition for higher inflows of FDI has become competitive. Most of ...

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The Factors Determinant Tax Revenue In Malaysia

20 Feb 2018

16 (6,183 )

INTRODUCTION Malaysia is a federation of 13 States and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan. The Federal Constitution contains special provisions regarding sources of revenue that are assigned to the Federal and the State governments. Those that are assigned to the State governments include revenue fom land, forest, mining, entertainment, water supply, bank interests, returns from investments, fines including forfeitures (other than imposed ...

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Analysis of the EU Enlargement Process

20 Feb 2018

9 (3,526 )

The aim of the group is to gain a first class mark. We want this report to represent our ability to work efficiently together in a group. We endeavoured to produce an end product, which is concise and thorough, highlighting the enlargement aspects of the EU. Our objective is therefore to fully research all areas of the EU enlargement, as our question is 'Enlargement rationale; ...

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Effects of the Stock Market on Economic Development

20 Feb 2018

25 (9,619 )

Over the last few decades world stock markets are growing enormously and the stock markets particularly in developing countries represent a large share of this boom. Investors are venturing into the world s newest markets and some are seeing handsome returns but are developing countries themselves reaping any benefits from their stock markets? The evidence indicates that they are. Over the past 10 years, the ...

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Economic Governance for Crisis Prevention

20 Feb 2018

18 (6,929 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION The proposed research attempts to identify the critical components of economic governance in four Asian countries namely Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand and Indonesia. The study by employing in-depth case study analysis seeks to analyze the economic governance practices in these countries and its relationship to their economic growths. The study then attempts to investigate the links between economic governance and the Asian financial crisis ...

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Norwegian International Ship (NIS) Register: Pros and Cons

20 Feb 2018

14 (5,214 )

Introduction The concept of ship registration dates back to the time when vessels started to sail under national flags. Belonging to different countries, the 'nationality' of a ship provides not only protection of the owner's rights, support and other advantages, but also responsibilities and certain limitations. Registration means subjecting the ship to the jurisdiction of a country. However, the ways and approaches to ship registration ...

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Effects of the Recession on the Housing Market

20 Feb 2018

11 (4,089 )

Introduction This part of the dissertation seeks to understand and investigate the cause of the current global recession and how it has affected the housing market in the UK. Housing Market Trends After the housing markets spectacular collapse in the 1990s, the UK housing market staged a significant revival. According to the HBOS index, the average house price stood at about £163,000 in 2005, approximately double ...

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Effect of Country Development on Technology

20 Feb 2018

9 (3,202 )

Introduction Technology is becoming increasingly very important to the success of all business firms, and to the national economic growth. The process of globalization is driven by technology development and the ability of corporations to uplift the use of technology effectively and rapidly. The technological gap between developed countries and emerging nations has narrowed but still remains huge. The first step to narrowing the gap is ...

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Supremacy of the US Dollar

20 Feb 2018

39 (15,246 )

ABSTRACT This assignment briefly discusses the supremacy of US Dollar. It includes suggestions and recommendations to its near future position, internationally. The proponents of the assignment are divided into the history of the US Dollar and its role as the dominating currency in the world. Ever since other currencies began to take part actively in the foreign exchange markets, they began to challenge the role of ...

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Theories on Multinational Companies

20 Feb 2018

38 (15,058 )

2.1.1. Introduction In the process of studying the existence, growth and business activities of multinational companies, various theoretical approaches have been developed in the past forty years, depending on the scholars` fields of specialization, perspective and objectives. It is particularly important to distinguish economic approaches to the study of multinationals, strategic management approaches, and finally, cultural approaches to the study of multinational companies. Furthermore, the ...

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Ineffective & Unworkable Stability & Growth Pact

20 Feb 2018

40 (15,793 )

Abstract The paper presented provides a discussion and evaluation of the functioning of the fiscal discipline instrument; it was designed in the early 1990's for inclusion in the Maastricht Treaty, refined in 1997 with the creation of the Stability & Growth Pact (hereafter, ‘SGP'), and reformed in 2005. Assuming that we need it for reasons rehearsed in literature, the SGP will be evaluated and discussed in ...

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UK Social Enterprises for Sustainability

20 Feb 2018

28 (10,910 )

Abstract Social enterprise is a dynamic and sustainable business model of choice which is able to bring social, economic and environmental benefits to the UK. It operates across all sectors of the economy, serving individuals in the private, public and third sectors. Through out this research will identify the increase levels of understanding of the role and value of Social Enterprise, given that a lack of ...

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Social Enterprise Potential for Sustainability in the UK

20 Feb 2018

24 (9,274 )

Social enterprise is an active and sustainable business form of choice which is able to bring economic, communal and environmental benefits to the UK. It operates across all sectors of the economy, serving individuals in the private, public and third sectors. Through out this research will identify the increase levels of understanding of the role and value of Social Enterprise, given that a lack of understanding ...

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Attitudes to Risk and Entrepreneurship

20 Feb 2018

28 (10,943 )

Entrepreneurship, as defined by Stevenson (1983) “… is the pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources you currently control”. Stevenson and Gumpert (1985, pp. 85-94) advise that the preceding definition represents both the individual as well as the society that he or she is embedded in as he or she identifies an opportunity they desire to pursue, and as an entrepreneur they thus must seek the resources ...

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Methods of Correlation and Regression Analysis

20 Feb 2018

11 (4,360 )

CHAPTER-14: INTRODUCTION TO REGRESSION ANALYSIS CONCLUSION In a data set of bivariate distribution, there present a set of pairs of observations where each pair of the observations is expressed with numerical values of two variables. Telling alternatively, the bivariate distribution is intended in finding or analyzing relationship between two variables under study. In any scientific studies, the basic interest of the researchers is to find ...

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Reformation of China's Pension Scheme

20 Feb 2018

20 (7,631 )

During the time of writing my dissertation, I have has many help from people both intellectually and emotionally. I would like to take this space to thank first of all, my supervisor, Mr. Robert Plumb, for offering me the support and guidance all the way through. I am grateful to my friends in the BSc Actuarial Science class for the great time I had during the ...

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Real Estate Investment Trusts in China

20 Feb 2018

9 (3,597 )

Real Estate Investment Trusts in China: how can we learn form American model to develop our REITs system?   Ouyang Chun Abstract The real estate market is a burgeon market and is an essential part in the Chinese economy. During the past decades, the government made all their efforts to boost its development by using foreign countries' experience. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) model is new ...

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Quality of Consumers Goods

20 Feb 2018

25 (9,962 )

In recent years, consumers are becoming increasingly conscious about the quality, safety, suitability and environmental impacts of the goods that they demand. However, in many cases, consumers would not aware of the quality of a goods or products even after consumptions. These products are known as the credence goods. It is difficult to distinguish between two qualities of the same good, even after consumption. In such ...

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Effects of Public and Private Monopolies on Consumer

20 Feb 2018

23 (9,038 )

Public and private monopolies what are the positive and negative effects on the consumer An economy comprises of a large collection of firms and consumers that operate on the basis of market mechanisms known as supply and demand. These are used by firms to determine the level of production, the output required to meet consumption, the price as well as the consumption level. From a microeconomic ...

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Steps in Company Formation

20 Feb 2018

11 (4,136 )

INTRODUCTION A company is a group of persons associated together for the attainment of a common end, social or economic. Or we can say a company is an association of individuals formed for some common purpose. The company incorporated under the section 3 (1)(i) of the Companies Act 1956 or some earlier company Acts. Companies incorporated under the companies Act 1956 are mostly business companies but ...

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Problems of the Credit Rating Agencies

20 Feb 2018

47 (18,726 )

Introduction On July 18th, 2007, while referring to adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) (also known as subprime mortgages) bonds, an executive of the Fitch's residential mortgage group said "We continue to be confident that "AAA" ratings reflect the high credit quality of those bonds". Since then, between 2008 and 2009, 140 US banks declared bankruptcy while the International Monetary Fund now estimates world banks' global losses due ...

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