The UK Construction Industry: Impact of the Recession

06 Mar 2018

47 (18,491 )

INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Background Information According to the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), the UK construction industry has 250,000 firms employing 2.1 million people, and contributes 8.2 percent of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Construction companies provide employment for every skill level from labourers to architects as well as the opportunity to work for every size of firm from family run businesses, ...

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Unethical Act Among Contractors: Class F in Selangor'

12 Feb 2018

14 (5,296 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION Contractors are the independent entity that agree to construct certain number or quantity of goods, material, equipment personnel ,or services that meet the requirement of specifications at a mutually price with a specific timeframe with another independent entity call contractee or project owner (Oxford Times). All contractors are rated Class F are Bumiputera. According to Article (160(2)) the concept of a bumiputra ethnic group ...

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Causes of Construction Delays

12 Feb 2018

10 (3,634 )

This chapter gives an idea of what construction delays are, how are they defined and what are their types and comparison of them. Delays can be seen differently from different point of views. Causes of delays and categorization of them in various international contexts are also discussed. 2.2 DEFINING CONSTRUCTION DELAY A lot of work has been done before on construction delays and every author came ...

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Application of Thermal Insulation

12 Feb 2018

18 (7,184 )

1.2 - Problem Statement Energy saving in buildings has become a question of crucial importance in many countries. At the same time, the requirements for satisfactory indoor climate with low electricity consumption have increased which prompt the supply and demand for energy efficient homes. The battle against global warming shall start from home insulation to reduce green house gas emission. In developed countries, government has even ...

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Development of Sustainability in Urban Living

12 Feb 2018

32 (12,491 )

The Compact City and Sustainable Development Recent research has proved that the form of a town or a city can affect its sustainability (1). This is not only because of the socio cultural factors but also mainly because of the shape, size, density and uses of a city. This is obvious because the nature of business and the environment encompassing the city or town directly affects ...

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Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes

09 Feb 2018

12 (4,726 )

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Project Title A study into solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.2 Problem Statement Malaysia has favourable climatic conditions for the development of solar energy due to the abundant sunshine and is considered good for harnessing energy from the sun. This is because solar hot water can represent the large energy consumer in Malaysia households. But, because of the high initial ...

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Blue-collar Skilled Worker Shortage in Construction Industry

09 Feb 2018

9 (3,518 )

1.2 Introduction Malaysia is presently experiencing a new era of prosperity. The government formulated and implemented a series of development plans and laid foundation for the development in the country. There is rapid growth especially in construction sector. This bought high demand in construction labour. According to (The Star Online, 22 December 2007), Year 2007 number of reports have highlighted the outflow of construction professional and ...

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Selection of Procurement Strategy

09 Feb 2018

12 (4,688 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION A major determinant of project success is the selection of the most appropriate procurement strategy which will be used as a frame work to acquire the services of professionals in the industry (Morledge at al, 2006). This report presents the stages that have to be gone through in other to select the best procurement strategy for Janus Leisure plc. Before a suitable project strategy ...

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Role Of The Quantity Surveyor in Construction

09 Feb 2018

16 (6,016 )

1.1 Background to the Study A competent design team is crucial for any new building project according to Lee (2008:127). The quantity surveyor can be a very valuable addition to the design team for the client, giving expert advice on contractual and financial matters. The quantity surveyor will have the client's interest as his number one priority and his services can be of great value to ...

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Psychometrics in the Construction Industry

09 Feb 2018

15 (5,854 )

Abstract This dissertation is about evaluating the use of psychometrics in the construction industry. The document will also present the main aims and objectives of the study. A comprehensive literature study has also been carried out with the objective of gaining an in-depth understanding of the topic of psychometrics. The literature review chapter will identify a selection of the testing methods that are available on the ...

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Construction of School Building Project Proposal

09 Feb 2018

12 (4,414 )

1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tanzania after realizing the fact that education is a sure means towards the improvement of the country's economy; it formulated the Education and Training Policy year 1995 which integrated in the formal school system what was called. This is for children aged between 3 years and 6years. The major objective is to introduce pre-schools in every primary school. The government wants these pre-schools ...

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Pre-fabrication Technology and Conventional Construction

09 Feb 2018

3 (801 )

1.1 Introduction Construction industry plays an important role in Malaysia's economy. Therefore, it is important to introduce more advance or new technologies from overseas to our country in order to growth the economy. Pre-fabrication technology is a new construction method in construction industry. This technology has been widely used in many countries due to many pros it has over the traditional construction methods, which is cast ...

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Replacing Fossil Fuels | Dissertation

09 Feb 2018

31 (12,003 )

Abstract This research provides guidance as to the most successful style of renewable energy in replacing the current dominant fossil fuels in the future. This success is based on a number of key variables, not least the implications of cost, management and longevity that are intertwined with developing, installing and running a renewable energy source. The case-study focused on the four main types of renewable energy, ...

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Occupational Health And Safety Impact in Construction

09 Feb 2018

6 (2,320 )

The main aim of the research is to study the impact of occupational health and safety in construction industry. It will also aim at identifying the attitude of construction organisations as well as employees towards occupational health and safety in India. To support the research, survey questionnaire and a telephone interview was conducted. It helped it achieving objectives of the research. The construction industry is a ...

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Nigerian Construction Industry Performance

09 Feb 2018

17 (6,629 )

Chapter Two of this research comprises a comprehensive review of literature relating to the Nigerian construction industry and its performance, Value Management and its application in the construction industry. It is noted that much of the literature relating to Nigeria is dated, however this can only add to the value and relevance of primary data collected in this research and it provides a background and historic ...

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Natural Recycling of Aggregate

09 Feb 2018

27 (10,790 )

Introduction For many years peoples have been trying to keep the environmental clean and mention the natural balance of life. The scientific studies provide us the information and methods to achieve these objectives and the recycling of waste and by product materials represent the main role in these studies [1-4]. As a result of reconstruction of existing buildings and pavements, wars and natural disasters such as ...

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Methods of Value Engineering

09 Feb 2018

16 (6,073 )

CHAPTER1: INTRODUCTION In future the proactive and effective manage of cost, contracts, communication and claims – the four Cs- will consistently become more important to developers and facilitators involved in physical structures and properties. The Quantity surveyor should understand the challenges and opportunities presented by the needs of client in relation to cost, contracts, communication and claims and perhaps focus their development on the important links ...

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Management of Contractual Risks

09 Feb 2018

16 (6,146 )

1 Introduction Managing risk should be a fundamental part of bidding for Building or Highways work. Risk is described by Atkinson (2001) as the 'probability of an occurrence of a hazard and the magnitude of the consequences'. Consequently risk may also be considered as the possibility of an experience happening and the resultant effect of the experience if it ere to take place. As defined by ...

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Integrated Project Delivery Process (IPD) Management

09 Feb 2018

12 (4,638 )

1.3 Aims and Objectives The overall aim of the project is to managing project communication in IPD process by selection of team which include owner, architecture, builder and management of project through tools and techniques. To analyse how project manager with different cultural back ground and have managed communication on integrated project delivery process in off-site construction projects. The objectives of the project are: To ...

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Satisfaction of Occupants in PV 10 Condominium

09 Feb 2018

23 (9,111 )

The Study of Satisfaction Level of Occupants towards the Maintenance and Facilities in PV10 Condominium Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background The population in Malaysia is on a rapid growth and this can be seen in the last three (3) years, 2007 – 2009. According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the population growth was from 27.17 million (2007) to 28.31 million (2009). That shows an increase of ...

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Production of Lightweight Concrete Decorative Tiles

09 Feb 2018

8 (3,010 )

1.2 Aim To produce the lightweight concrete decorative tiles by using waste materials with different attractive colour and pattern. 1.3 Objectives To achieve the properties of lightweight concrete decorative tiles. To assess the purpose and advantages of lightweight concrete decorative tiles. Design mix of the decorative tiles by different ratio with waste materials. 1.4 Problem statement Lightweight concrete decorative tiles are very common use ...

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Legal Issues of ICT Use in the Construction Industry

09 Feb 2018

38 (14,955 )

Abstract While in the 21st century the construction industry prefers to conduct business using the information and communication technologies (I&CT), the presence of legal issues pertaining to this mannerism of business cannot be ignored. The aim of this project is to provide a better understanding of these legal issues which are associated with their use. The objectives entailed to achieve this aim are to determine the ...

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Strategies for Risk Management in Construction

09 Feb 2018

12 (4,708 )

1.1 Introduction Risk management is one of the subfields on nine knowledge area in project management. Risk management is about managing uncertainty that inherent in most projects that require formal project management, using ‘uncertainty' in the plain English ‘lack of certainty' sense. Risk management also refer to a series of processes which are required for the identification, analysis, and reaction towards the project's risk in order ...

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Impact of Stakeholder Management on Construction Industry

09 Feb 2018

5 (1,950 )

1.0 Introduction/Background Project management is an evolving discipline which is relatively new in both practice and academics hence knowledge is drawn from other disciplines to further advance both theory and practice in managing projects. Consequently this research will draw from different academic disciplines for its theory and the construction industry for its practice. To this end a project could be described as a strategy used by ...

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Effect of Prefabrication Methods on Housing in the UK

09 Feb 2018

20 (7,843 )

Would the Increasing Use of Prefabrication Methods in the Construction Industry Significantly Reduce the Housing Shortage Within the UK? Chapter 1 Problem Specification There is a widespread belief that a housing shortage exists in the UK. Although all regions are expected to see growth in household numbers, the greatest pressure will continue to be felt in Southern England (i.e. London, the South East, South West, and ...

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Popularity of Timber Frame Construction

09 Feb 2018

11 (4,216 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION This report will look at the increasing popularity surrounding timber frame construction in the construction industry. It will look at why this trend is continuing across the UK and how this form of construction can be applied to various building types. Timber frame construction is most notably used in parts of the world such as USA, Canada and Australia but it is being used ...

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Lean Principles in Construction

09 Feb 2018

20 (7,786 )

Executive Summary Toyota is a name that when seen brings an image of high quality, durability, cost/fuel efficient and best value for money in the car industry. The reason for such a high standard is that Toyota Production System has Pioneered and Implemented Lean Principles in Production system. These principles didn't have the effect immediately in the start but at the last stages, it proved to ...

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Impact of Mobile Communications on Construction Industry

09 Feb 2018

16 (6,273 )

1. INTRODUCTION The total annual turnover of the building and construction industry in most economies around the world amounts to billions of dollars per annum, contributing approximately 10 per cent of GDP (Olomolaiye et al, 1998, quoted in Farin et al 2001). Although the Construction sector is pivotal in any economy as noted above, it is however an industry which is plagued by inefficiency which is ...

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Process Management Methods for Construction Performance

09 Feb 2018

29 (11,350 )

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to study how the construction performance can be improved by adopting the process management approaches, in order to provide better client value and more cost-efficient production. The research focused on the manufacturing process , and referring point, and transfer this process thinking into the construction. The methods were tested in pilot tests in which the developed cost and value ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Building

09 Feb 2018

27 (10,435 )

Green building was developed in the 1970s, during the energy crisis, when people finally realised that they needed to save energy and alleviate environmental problems. The idea originated on the United States, as they were one of the largest contributors of pollution in the world. Due to the fact that Buildings account for a large amount of land, energy and water consumption, and also contribute hugely ...

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Effect of the Recession on Sustainable Development

09 Feb 2018

17 (6,717 )

Sustainability has been on the lips of everyone involved in the construction industry for the last 10 years. However, the issue of Sustainability arouse first in a Report named 'Our Common Future'. This then prompted the need for the conference in Brazil (1992). Discussed in this conference were the core principles of sustainability being; 'Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability ...

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Forms of Contract for Construction Work

09 Feb 2018

17 (6,670 )

1.0 Introduction - The Scenario A leading manufacturer of confectionery in the UK suffered a devastating fire at their factory in Sheffield. Their insurers have authorised an immediate commencement of the rebuilding work and have been paying a sum of approximately £1 5m. per month to the insured company as “Business Continuity” insurance to cover both loss of profit and to allow products to be imported ...

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Bespoke Form of Contracts: A Scourge or Necessity?

09 Feb 2018

29 (11,465 )

Chapter 1 Introduction Research Rationale The use of standard forms of contract, FIDIC Red book (Red Book - Engineer/ employer designed - Contractor executed) was introduced in the UAE during the late 80's and early 90's, more specifically on Dubai Municipality infrastructure projects by the Dubai Municipality, later been transformed to RTA in 2006. Ever since FIDIC based bespoke forms introduced in the UAE, it has ...

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Diversity and Structure of the Construction Industry

09 Feb 2018

14 (5,305 )

1.1 Introduction: This chapter illustrates how unique, huge, diverse and enormously complex is the construction industry. This industry generally constitutes of enterprises and professionals whose primary objective is to build communities, roads, schools, homes, business, hospitals and including its maintenance. The construction process consists of many activities, right from the onset of the project design and right through its implementation, maintenance, refurbishment, and goes up to ...

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Difficulties of Cost Control in Construction Industry

09 Feb 2018

16 (6,270 )

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION - 1.1 Problem Statement: In every industry, cost control is a must in order to make sure that a project or production can make maximum profit or to make sure that the budget of a project does not burst. Locally, the actual costs of development of a project will normally being higher than necessary. In order to have an effective cost control in ...

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