Proactive and Reactive MANET Protocols Analysis

12 Feb 2018

29 (11,337 )

Ad hoc network Abstract A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is consisting of wireless mobile nodes. The communication of these mobile nodes is carried out without any centralized control. Routing is a critical issue in MANET. The focus of this thesis is on the performance of routing protocols. We compare three routing protocols in MANET i.e. AODV, DSR and OLSR. OPNET is the simulation tool. ...

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MapReduce for Distributed Computing

08 Feb 2018

32 (12,454 )

1.) Introduction A distributed computing system can be defined as a collection of processors interconnected by a communication network such that each processor has its own local memory. The communication between any two or more processors of the system takes place by passing information over the communication network. It has its application in various fields like Hadoop and Map Reduce which we will be discussing further ...

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Visual Information Encryption by D-H Key Agreement

08 Feb 2018

35 (13,856 )

Visual Information Encryption by D-H Key Agreement and Visual Cryptography Abstract Visual cryptography provides secured digital transmission which is used only for one time. In order to make visual cryptography reusable Diffie and Hellman (D-H) key is used. The original images can be reuse by using this scheme. It is effortless and uncomplicated technique to execute the secret image for shadow images. The shadow images are ...

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H.264 Video Streaming System on Embedded Platform

08 Feb 2018

40 (15,725 )

ABSTRACT The adoption of technological products like digital television and video conferencing has made video streaming an active research area. This report presents the integration of a video streamer module into a baseline H.264/AVC encoder running a TMSDM6446EVM embedded platform. The main objective of this project is to achieve real-time streaming of the baseline H.264/AVC video over a local area network (LAN) which is a part ...

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Analysis of the Security Management Market in Hong Kong

08 Feb 2018

22 (8,639 )

The Security Management Industry INTRODUCTION Security management is the combination of hardware, software, and services that normalizes, aggregates, correlates, and visualizes data from disparate security products. Security management is a broad term that encompasses several currently distinct market segments. With the presence of the Internet, spam is becoming increasingly costly and dangerous as spammers deliver more virulent payloads through email attachments. According to a recent IDC ...

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Impact of the Technological Revolution

08 Feb 2018

28 (11,179 )

1 INTRODUCTION The role of technological revolution has touched every aspect of people's lives from shopping to banking. The changes have great impact on services quality and banking activities has enabled the banks to compete in the world markets (Siam 1999-2004, 2006). The banking industry worldwide is witnessing a growing technology driven self-service by way of electronic banking (e-banking) through interacting with customers as a way ...

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Effects of Social Networking on Everyday Life

08 Feb 2018

31 (12,298 )

ABSTRACT Today, the most popular and common topic of many discussions are social networking websites. The Internet connected us, made ​​us even more available, and brought us closer to each other, but at the same time, the Internet estranged us from each other. We are living in an era of expansion of online social networking, which are counting millions of members. Social networking websites are changing ...

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Security Issues in Peer-to-peer Networking

08 Feb 2018

32 (12,431 )

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The interest in the field of networking, driven me to take the computer networking as my course in M.Sc. there are many different types of networks. Out of them the more popularized and upcoming trend of networks are peer-to-peer networks. This report of my final dissertation for the partial fulfilment of my M.Sc, computer networking, would not have been possible without the support of my ...

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Development for an Reliable Internet Service Application

08 Feb 2018

33 (12,922 )

Reliable internet service Abstract The ultimate aim of our project is to provide the design and development for an reliable internet service application which workable on the WAP enabled wireless handheld devices like mobile phone, PDA(personal digital assistant) but mobile phone will focused mainly on this. To design a WAP application that will be usable by stock market user to receive and check related information ...

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Public Class Login Form in VB

08 Feb 2018

20 (7,953 )

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles okButton2.Click Try mappDB.UserName = usernameTextBox.Text : mappDB.Password = passwordTextBox.Text Call mappDB.connect() MainForm.Show() Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to quit now?", strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then Application.Exit() End Sub Private Sub loginForm_Load(ByVal sender ...

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Design of 4 Line Private Exchange Box

08 Feb 2018

26 (10,186 )

INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION Private branch exchange system (PBXs) operates as a connection within private organizations usually a business. Because they incorporate telephones, the general term "extension" is used to refer to any end point on the branch. The PBX handles calls between these extensions. The primary advantage of PBXs was cost savings on internal phone calls: handling the circuit switching locally reduced charges for local phone ...

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Practices of Agile Methods in Project Management

08 Feb 2018

47 (18,738 )

Abstract This paper describes the practices of agile methods from the viewpoint of project management. The project management techniques are complex processes that require the understanding and coordination of several domains of knowledge. As more and more software projects engage Agile Methods, there are emerging patterns of success and failure. With growing adoption of Agile Methods, project managers increasingly need to understand the applicability to their ...

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Analysis of Performance Appraisal System

08 Feb 2018

36 (14,145 )

ABSTRACT This article examines the Performance Appraisal System of Opsonin Pharma Ltd. It discusses one previous format of performance appraisal and the current performance appraisal. Author has tried to find out whether performance appraisal system of the company motivates the employees to achieve the company goal. Researcher has conducted the survey in the head office people of the company to get the idea of management people. ...

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Password Management System Advantages and Disadvantages

08 Feb 2018

29 (11,459 )

Project Aim: Passwords management is an important aspect of computer security, it’s the front line of protection for user terminals and it is by far the most common user authentication method within the largest multinational organizations. A poorly chosen password will increase the probability for an information system to be compromised. As such, all organization employees are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, to select good ...

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Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

08 Feb 2018

31 (12,348 )

INTRODUCTION 1.1. Optical Character Recognition: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the mechanical or electronic interpretation, reading of images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text (usually captured by a scanner or tablet) into machine-editable text. OCR is a playing field of research in pattern identification, artificial intelligence and machine vision. An OCR system enables you to take a book or a magazine article, feed it directly into ...

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Concepts of Object Oriented Techniques with OO Issues

08 Feb 2018

47 (18,773 )

Abstract Object-oriented frameworks offer reuse at a high design level promising several benefits to the development of complex systems. This paper sought to 1) define the concepts of object oriented techniques in addition with the OO issues, development techniques and concepts of object oriented programming, it is also introduced the UML as an ordinary and key tool for object-oriented design, additionally 2) we look further into ...

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Mobile Messaging System Development for Higher Education

08 Feb 2018

47 (18,429 )

Overview Mobiles are one of the most versatile electronics in the present scenario. It constantly keeps us connected with our near ones even when we are travelling out of our city or to another country. It reduces our tension and gives us feel as we are in home. The biggest advantage of mobile phones is they keep you connected. The developer tries to use this advantage ...

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Mobile Ad Hoc Networks MANET

08 Feb 2018

41 (16,036 )

Abstract Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless network capable of autonomous operation. MANET routing has no fixed base station and hence nodes in the network are mobile and self configuring. A MANET is characterized by multi hop routing so that nodes are not connected to layer 2 but can communicate through layer 3 routing. In MANET every node is a potential router and the ...

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Characteristics of Java Language

08 Feb 2018

27 (10,654 )

Chapter 2 Literature review About Java:- Initially java language is named as "Oak" in 1991, which is designed for the consumer electronic appliances. Later in 1995 the name was changed to Java. Java was developed by James Gosling, a development leader in sun micro system. Oak was redesigned in 1995 and changed the name to java for the development of the applications which can be run ...

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Analysis of Botnet Security Threats

08 Feb 2018

33 (13,152 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction During the last few decades, we have seen the dramatically rise of the Internet and its applications to the point which they have become a critical part of our lives. Internet security in that way has become more and more important to those who use the Internet for work, business, entertainment or education. Most of the attacks and malicious activities on ...

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Intelligent Software Agent

08 Feb 2018

27 (10,600 )

Chapter 1 Intelligent Software Agent 1.1 Intelligent Agent An Agent can be defined as follows: “An Agent is a software thing that knows how to do things that you could probably do yourself if you had the time” (Ted Seller of IBM Almaden Research Centre). Another definition is: “A piece of software which performs a given task using information gleaned from its environment to act in ...

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