Corporate Social Responsibility Advantages and Disadvantages

05 Feb 2018

44 (17,354 )

Abstract The report is endowed with detailed and exhaustive information about the essential for corporate social responsibility and reporting. The report draws from corporate social responsibility and reporting literature in other to conclude and recommend appropriately to businesses and authorities. Different theories (CSR-: Integrative, Instrumental and Ethical; CS-reporting:- Legitimacy, Political and stakeholder) theories were taking into consideration and compared with practices of organisation using case studies ...

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Does Hong Kong Need VAT/GST?

05 Feb 2018

8 (3,161 )

Is it necessary to have VAT/GST in Hong Kong? More than 120 countries have imposed Goods and Services Tax, the only developed country that has not imposed this tax is Hong Kong. VAT or GST has been introduced by France in 1954(Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry). All the developed countries (except Hong Kong) and most of thedeveloping countries have followed France in imposing VAT/GST becausethis ...

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Concepts and Theories of Auditing

05 Feb 2018

25 (9,652 )

Auditing has been present for years in different stage of development following the evolution of accounting. Starting since the epoch when the records were approved after a public reading, to the era when government's officials were measured by their honesty. Followed by the times of the industrial revolution were the ownership of companies started separating from management; when owners required more protection of their investments increasing ...

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Effects of Marginalizing Social and Environmental Reporting

05 Feb 2018

42 (16,476 )

AIM The aim of this research work is to observe and analyze the implications of marginalizing Social and Environmental reporting and explain how such reporting can be strengthened. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Problem statement Conventional accounting reports place more emphasis on the financial performance of reporting entities compared to their social and environmental performance. Guidance on social and environmental reporting is currently provided by organizations outside the accounting ...

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Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction in a Bank

05 Feb 2018

22 (8,516 )

Introduction This research is on the effects of employee motivation and job satisfaction to CIMB Bank Berhdad. CIMB Group is the second largest in terms of providing financial services in Malaysia, and is one of the leading banking groups in Southeast Asia today. Listed in the Malysian stock exchange since 1987 the company was formerly known as Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Berhad. The CIMB Group became the third ...

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Prospects and Perception of Islamic Life Insurance

05 Feb 2018

40 (15,820 )

Chapter 1 Introduction Background to study: Insurance is a financial industry which has surfaced as a colossal industry for both in Muslim and Non Muslin world. In Conventional Insurance there are many elements, activities and procedures which are considered unethical, unlawful and unislamic by majority of Islamic scholars. Elements such as uncertainty, gambling and excessive interest are the main culprits. (Khair Bakhsh, 2009). For the satisfaction ...

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System Application and Product Training Effectiveness

05 Feb 2018

26 (10,367 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Overview of the study This section gives overview of the study of SAP training satisfaction in Felda Authority and Development Board (FELDA) and the impact that SAP brings towards accounting processes in FELDA, including the rationale, brief past literature, reasons for carrying out this study and significance contribution of this study. (ERP) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are software systems that enable companies ...

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Importance of Social Responsibility Disclosure

05 Feb 2018

44 (17,565 )

1.0 Introduction Though some of the country around the world is rich in resources, but there are still have a possibility that ran out of the resources. Beside that, there are also a large number of countries around the earth that lack of resources. Because of this, as a people living in this earth, we should protect the resources from exhaust. We should not be so ...

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Role of Asset Securitization in Present Financial Crisis

05 Feb 2018

43 (16,916 )

Abstract Banks, to get rid of illiquid assets they posses and to attain financial freedom in lending, searched for new innovative techniques. This innovative method of converting these illiquid assets in to liquid assets technique is called asset securitization. Banks pool up these illiquid assets like mortgage loans and sell it to agencies called as special purpose vehicle (SPV). These special purpose vehicles convert these loans ...

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Royal Dutch Shell Plc Financial Analysis

05 Feb 2018

16 (6,320 )

I. INTRODUCTION a. Topic Chosen and its context In this Research and Analysis project Report, I will be analyzing the financial performance of 'Royal Dutch Shell Plc'. I will be identifying and analyzing the factors effecting the financial position of Royal Dutch Shell plc. The role of non-financial performance indicators which effects the financial position of the company will also be kept in mind. I will ...

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Quarterly Earnings Forecasting Decisions by Family Firms

05 Feb 2018

28 (11,030 )

Quarterly Earnings Forecasting Decisions by Family Firms and the Market Reaction to Them Abstract We study the disclosure incentives for family firms by examining the characteristics of their quarterly earnings forecasts and analysts' and investors' responses to them. Forecasts offered before the fiscal quarter-end (guidance) by S&P 500 family firms are generally more specific and timely than those offered by S&P 500 non-family firms, particularly when ...

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Influencing Factors of the Company Disclosure Level

05 Feb 2018

39 (15,303 )

Prior evidence and hypotheses Based on the theoretical framework primarily concerning information asymmetry, agency problem, signalling theory and political costs theory, many previous studies have attempted to formulate and test several hypotheses on the influencing factors of the company disclosure level. This section will review the findings of several prior researches as well as establishing hypotheses for the current study.  (1). One of the most remarkable features ...

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Risk Management of Commercial Bank in Malaysia

05 Feb 2018

24 (9,551 )

Introduction 1.0 Introduction According to Bank Negara Malaysia, Malaysia banking system is divided into 3 main groups which are; 1) monetary institution comprising the Central Bank (Bank Negara), commercial and Islamic financial institutions; 2) non- monetary institutions namely merchant banks, credit and insurance companies, and development banks; and 3) foreign banks representative offices and offshore banks. Prior to the 1997 financial crisis, Malaysia had thirty - ...

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Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Performance

05 Feb 2018

21 (8,149 )

1. FOCUS OF THE STUDY 1.1 Introduction Major corporate ethical disasters impacting the environment, human resources, and the community have heightened the demand for public firms to voluntarily disclose their CSR activities for stakeholders. As a result, CSR has become more than an important issue in the business world (Waller & Lanis 2009). In addition, CSR disclosure is an extension of the financial disclosure system, which ...

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Customer Awareness Toward Islamic Accounting Theory

05 Feb 2018

20 (7,977 )

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Islamic banks considered as an active player in the world economies over two decades ago (Ahmed S., 2009). The principles accounting upon which Islamic banking is based have been universally accepted for centuries rather than decades. The fundamental principle of Islamic financial institutions is the prohibition of Riba (interest). It is manifest that Islamic accounting theory were practiced ...

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Indian Accounting Standards: Barriers and History

05 Feb 2018

29 (11,481 )

Introduction In the year 2005, European Union made it mandatory for all the companies which were listed have to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requirements when presenting their financial statements. This marked the beginning when International Accounting standard Board (ISAB) was professed as “legitimate’’. Ever since then IFRS has spread swiftly across the world. Initially there were few hindrances like by the end of ...

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Managerial Role in HR Strategy Development

05 Feb 2018

15 (5,813 )

Executive Summary I am pleased to present this report as part of my academic module of Human Resource Planning. The word 'Change' is now a constant term that takes place in every in every part of organisation. Time has brought a huge change with broader invention, new techniques of implication and human feelings and willingness. The Human Resource Management (HRM) has been well diversified and enriched ...

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Company Analysis for Investment Opportunities

05 Feb 2018

40 (15,929 )

1 Introduction We have organised a shareholders club which we have called 6IM. There are six members within 6IM of which we all have £1000 each to invest. As part of our Investment process we have decided to choose three companies in different sectors and conduct an in depth financial analysis. Due to the three companies working in different sectors we have also analysed key financial ...

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Analysis of Lease Accounting Standards

05 Feb 2018

9 (3,386 )

Abstract The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are reviewing their guidelines on lease accounting this year. This paper provides background information on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), FASB and IASB including what their role is in accounting. It details the history of lease accounting for them, changes that have occurred since the original guidelines were issued, and why the ...

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Effects of Basel II Accord on Qatar’s Banking Sector

05 Feb 2018

39 (15,297 )

Chapter 1: Introduction International banking is increasingly vital for every country in order to create an image for itself in the international finance market. Alongside, the increase in globalisation and the upsurge in outsourcing by multinational companies in the west have created a lot of opportunities for growth in the Middle East and Far Eastern countries. This apparently requires a strong internationally stable financial organization to ...

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Attitude of Unlisted Companies Towards IFRS

05 Feb 2018

56 (22,375 )

SECTION I - INTRODUCTION The adoption of international financial reporting standards across the European Union from 1st January 2005 is one of the biggest events in the accounting history. This is especially important after the capital markets were rocked by some big accounting frauds in recent years. In the first phase, 7000-plus listed European companies will have to implement new financial reporting standards from January 2005 ...

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Options for Company in Financial Difficulty

05 Feb 2018

32 (12,420 )

Introduction There are a few options for S.B. Ltd to consider getting through difficult times. The five main options are firstly, to discontinue the Nottingham division and Leicester and Loughborough divisions could use their spare capacity to produce 60% of Nottingham’s 2010 output in addition to their own 2010 output, close the Nottingham division and outsource Nottingham’s 2010 output, to launch a major campaign for all ...

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Relationship Between Earnings and the Chinese Stock Market

05 Feb 2018

28 (11,017 )

Abstract In this paper, some factors are examined which are associated with equity value in an immature and emerging market, China. In the developed countries, research has indicated that both earnings and book value are playing an important role in forecasting equity value. While in China, earnings seems to have information content but earnings, by itself, seems to be weakening in importance over time. Book value ...

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Strategies for Performance Improvement

05 Feb 2018

18 (6,917 )

In a simple way performance means "doing something successfully" mainly by using the available resources. Performance can be elusive concept. It deals with the outcomes, results, and accomplishments achieved by a person, group or Organisation. (William J. Rothwel, Carolyn K.Hohne & Stephen B. King: 2007). In many cases people do define performance based on financial aspects of the business. Focusing only on financial matters does not ...

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Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company

05 Feb 2018

21 (8,170 )

1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Business Idea and Goals CEC Trading Ltd. is a Nano Energy Water Flask trading company in Miri, Sarawak. The products that we sell are water flasks that release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. This company intends to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. It is because the water flasks ...

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Debate on Auditor Independence

05 Feb 2018

7 (2,760 )

Abstract Recently of corporate collapse in the US, Australia, and elsewhere, regulatory attention has been drawn to the published of auditor provided non-audit services (NAS) and audit client relationship. This assignment aims to debate on auditor independence by providing evidence regarding the relationship between non audit services and provide consulting services at a lower cost for their audit clients. In tracking the development and identify the ...

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Impacts on Agency Cost Theory

05 Feb 2018

36 (14,067 )

The main purpose of this research is to investigate how the determinants of the capital structure (leverage) and the dividend payout policy impact the agency cost theory. Literature review part picked up the relevant material related to agency theory, leverage, and dividends payout policy. The literature review section goes through the agency cost literature, and explores the financial policies; the capital structure (leverage), and the dividend ...

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Analysis of the Accrual Anomaly | Accounting Dissertation

05 Feb 2018

48 (19,077 )

Sloan (1996), in a determinative paper, added the accrual anomaly in the list of the market imperfections. Since then, academics have focused on the empirical investigation of the anomaly and the connection it has with other misspricing phenomena. The accrual anomaly is still at an embryonic stage and further research is needed to confirm the profitability of an accruals based strategy net of transaction costs. The ...

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Relationship Between Developed and Emerging Stock Markets

05 Feb 2018

31 (12,163 )

Introduction Due to inclination towards liberalization and deregulation in the capital and money markets, global markets have tended to become highly integrated in recent times in case of developed as well as developing countries. There are many reasons as to why the linkages among the different stock markets should be studied some of the reasons are emerging markets have attracted a great number of foreign investors, ...

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Calculation of Payback Period for Investor Return

05 Feb 2018

36 (14,274 )

Executive Summary The report exclusively deals with the Accounting and Financial Management. The report has been divided into two broad types. The first part deals with the calculations regarding the payback period, average accounting return and break-even analysis. This part of the report also explains the various aspects of the same. The next half of the report is based on the calculations related with the Horizontal ...

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Relationship between Accounting Information and Market Risk

05 Feb 2018

29 (11,534 )

Financial theory describes risk assessment as one of the most important part in an investment decision making process. However, for a risk to be known, it is important for investors to interpret information flowing on the market. This study aims to examine the association between accounting information and the market risk over time. It also evaluates how far the beta value and accounting variables can be useful ...

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