The Children Act 2004 | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

4 (1,207 )

The Children Act was first introduced in 1989 and was amended in 2004 after an inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie. After the death of eight-year old Victoria Climbie in 2000, Lord Laming was asked by the Government to carry out an investigation to know if new regulation and guidance were needed to develop the safeguard of child system in England. The Government's answer to the ...

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Observations of babies and young children

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

9 (3,339 )

There are many different types of knowledge that can be found out about a child when carrying out observations on babies and children. Observations can help a practitioner gain an understanding of a child and whether they may need help or support within any of the areas of their education, personal life, home life and problems that the child may be trying to deal with. We as ...

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Gender Stereotypes in Young Children

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

5 (1,685 )

"…Sugar and Spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of." Society today has made a clear cut line about what is appropriate for a little boy and what is appropriate for a little girl. Society has made that distinction through gender stereotyping. If you walk into a preschool class room today, little girls will be playing dress-up with fairy and princess costumes while the ...

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The Changing Notions Of Children

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

7 (2,701 )

What is a Child? Initially this may appear to be a simple question: we all have some experience of children and childhood, perhaps through family, friends or your own children, most people have close contact and bonds with children. There is also a wealth of people, in many different professions, who work with children of all ages in many types of settings. Also it is impossible to ...

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The Internet And Social Media

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

9 (3,377 )

Self-esteem is all about how a person views themselves. When a person has a healthy sense of self, they respect themselves and they possess the courage to try different experiences even if it means that they might fail. A positive sense of self is driven to make healthy decisions and does not search for negative influences to pattern after. Low self-esteem is the complete opposite; it entails ...

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Child Abandonment: Causes and Responses

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

7 (2,431 )

While many people consider babies as their blessing from the God, but there are others still consider them as burden and a shame. The abandoned baby's cases are become more serious in our country. Besides that, the situation has reached a worrying state where babies are abandoned in the most unbelievable manner by their mothers in rivers, rubbish dumps, doorstep, bas stop and even mosques. Some newborns ...

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Perspectives on Vulnerability in Childhood

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

8 (3,060 )

The aim of this assignment is to discuss critically the principles of working with vulnerable children or young people by using an anonymousness case study. The plan is to illustrate the key concepts of vulnerability and resilience, consider the impact on the child's mental health and to look at different legislations. Scenario Mary is a five-year-old child who lives at home with her Mum and Dad. In ...

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Effective Pedagogy for Early Childhood

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

7 (2,426 )

For the purpose of this study an activity has been planned by the author and introduced within the authors own work setting. Any learning intentions will be evaluated and consideration given to any learning opportunities offered to establish the successfulness of implementation of the activity. All planning will be developed using the guidance of the Early Years Foundation Stage (DCFS, 2008), consideration given to the differentiation of ...

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Child Observation And Development

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

23 (9,130 )

Observation skills are one of the most important skills for social workers to have. Social work involves imposing on peoples lives. Developing the ability to manage anxieties this creates, is essential, ensuring the child remains the focus within complex situations (Trowell and Miles 2004). Child development theories provide guidance on age-related changes in behaviours, thoughts, feelings, and social relationships (Bee and Boyd 2010). Social workers need knowledge ...

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Physical And Cognitive Development Of Infants

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,921 )

Select one of the following age groups: infants, toddlers or young children. Focus on two developmental domains (select from: physical, social and emotional, language and/or cognitive development) of the child. Describe how these two domains develop within your chosen age group with the support of human development theories and concepts studied in this course. Identify a range of teaching strategies that promote a child's development in each ...

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Government Accountability: Child Labour

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

14 (5,316 )

INTRODUCTION: In this topic I have focussed on the Child labour problem in worst form in India, in India though Child Rights recognised and even many legislations passed to deal with the children rights but the children rights are continuously in one or other form violated. The topic try to expose abuse of children rights of those children who are working in hazardous work places like mines, ...

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Relationship Between Parent And Child: Divorce

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

4 (1,500 )

There are several key emotional factors that play a role in how a child feels throughout the entire process of their parents' divorce and after the divorce has been finalized. The effect of some emotional issues may not arise until way after the divorce takes place. The following aspects often determine how divorce affects a child: age, gender, the relationship with the parents, and the maturity level ...

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Speech And Language Therapy For Children

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

5 (1,927 )

The Speech and Language Therapy profession is arguably one of the most important in Irish healthcare today. Its combat against the prevalence of communication disorders in this country - especially for young children up to five years of age, in their crucial development stage, is fundamental in enabling those that could not otherwise manage it themselves, participate normally in society. But the last decade has seen a ...

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Social And Emotional Development Of Children

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

7 (2,637 )

Social and emotional development underpins effective learning, positive behaviour and the judgements they make in and out of school. Schools need to be places where emotions are accepted as normal, unthreatening, discussed freely, expressed safely strategies and support are written in statements and policies. A successful strategy that has been introduced into schools is SEAL, SEAL stands for social, emotional aspects of learning, and this is a ...

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Differences between Child and Adult

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

9 (3,545 )

In recent days, using of Internet has totally changed the environment in which where we live, learn and work. Simultaneously, children are frequently using the Internet and all are always accessing the online. Notably, children have limited knowledge for browsing the information what they want and more difficult to search and retrieve the results than the adults. So, young children are being forced to manage the designs ...

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Observe and describe two separate play activities

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

7 (2,628 )

While referring to literature and play theories, criticallly analyse the play episodes observed. Play can take many different forms and can have various aims. Play can be solitary, in pairs, parallel, in a group and communicative among other things. The aim can be simply fun, to learn physical motor skills, to learn to be imaginative and creative, to build teamwork, to learn communication skills and problem solving. ...

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The Male Reproductive System

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

8 (3,009 )

Many males think they know their bodies but not many of them actually take the time to fully understand it. When I started this research topic I thought I knew everything there was to know about the male reproductive system but I was sadly mistaken. Join me in my quest to find out all there is to know about it. Males can start puberty as early as ...

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Child Labor In India

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

3 (1,169 )

Child labor is something where children of younger age start to earn in order to support their family. In other words, child labor is any kind of work children are made to do that harms or exploits them physically, mentally or morally. According to the World Labor Report, the child labor is considered as 'forced labor' because children are rarely in a position to give free consent ...

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Language And Communication Development

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

7 (2,428 )

Initially, this essay illustrates the importance of play by describing its categories. Play theories are briefly demonstrated and divided into classical and contemporary ones. Thereafter, it mentions the characteristics of language through the theories of two highly respected scientists, Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget, in order to understand the correlation between language and play development. It also illustrates the existence of nine basic communication skills and why ...

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Why Is Wellbeing Education Important?

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

5 (1,894 )

This is what some people claim Mankind has lived for thousands of years. As generations grow, we are becoming more and more aware of the harmful effects illness and stress impact on our bodies. Our awareness of the need to take the necessary steps to achieving a healthier lifestyle and prolong our life span is also growing. The number of diseases rising around the world makes it ...

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Effective parent/teacher partnerships in New Zealand

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2017

6 (2,201 )

This essay will focus on discussing the importance of effective parent/ teacher partnerships with a diverse range of parents/family/whanau in New Zealand early childhood settings. Firstly, it will identify and analyze one challenge that a family may face, which is family in separation and divorce. I will describe some strategies that early childhood teachers can utilize to support children and their families. Then I will discuss how ...

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Provision and planning for the outdoor environment

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2017

7 (2,499 )

Discuss with reference to curriculum documentation and relevant research literature the importance of effective provision and planning for outdoor play and exploration in UK early years settings. In this assignment I am going to look at why it is relevant for effective provision and planning for the outdoor environment in the early years in the UK. Outdoor play is a vital element of young children's physical, social ...

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Caring For Children

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

26 (10,003 )

Firstly, the part of the practitioner in caring for children contains the practitioner meeting the single necessities of children. Examples are, that providing food and drinks to the children which meets their dietary necessities. Furthermore, care plans are formed by the early year's practitioner to help to see the child's necessities which are unsimilar from all other toddlers. Refer to appendix one which is a care plan ...

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Early Years Foundation Stage

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

7 (2,457 )

Children are the most vulnerable people who have innate potentials yearning to be unleashed. It is in their early childhood when they begin to manifest such potentials and since they have yet to develop physically, cognitively and socio-emotionally, they would need supportive adults to guide them towards the right path in optimizing their potentials. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a resource for early childhood care ...

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Important Skills To Teach Children

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

4 (1,561 )

"Has your child ever thrown a temper tantrum at the check register when you said no to a candy bar?" (Sheldon) Most parents have had this experience with their child at some point, and at the time the parent may feel like their child will never grow out of this. There are things parents can teach their child to make these situations become less frequent. Parents should ...

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The Physical Discipline Of Children

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

5 (1,985 )

To raise a child of any age comes with many difficulties for caregivers. Most parents strive towards raising children that are responsible, independent and respectable. There are a few schools of thought to disciplining children. One may be to apply discipline by teaching and the other to physically discipline a child as a means to correcting inappropriate behaviors. The Encarta Concise English dictionary defines discipline as "To ...

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The Effect Of Pokemon On Childrens Culture

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

6 (2,004 )

The impact on children's culture of anime, manga, video games and trading cards of Pokémon Japan's popular culture industry is very vigorous in recent years. The popular culture consists of anime, manga, video games and trading cards. These media have a great impact on children's culture in Japan and also other countries. Pokémon is a very successful case. Pokémon first appeared in the game of the Nintendo's ...

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Creativity And Imagination In Arts

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

4 (1,484 )

Three Little Pigs was chosen because children are familiar with the classic story. It is engaging for both girls and boys and allows a strong context for a range of arts activities in drama, puppetry, musical movement as well as a small world play of a series of arts activities. Activities are planned for five-year-old children as children by age 5 would have attained the basic developmental ...

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Long term sustainable approach to Forest Schools

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

6 (2,079 )

The idea behind Forest Schools is that it is a long term sustainable approach to outdoor play and learning. It's about providing children with holistic development; it looks at every area in terms of their physical development, intellectual development and cognitive skills, also looking at their linguistic and language, both verbal and non-verbal. Forest Schools also looks at their emotional, social and spiritual development. What's interesting about ...

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Social Learning and Trait Theories

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

4 (1,392 )

According to the Encyclopedia of Psychology (2001), social learning theory is based on the psychology concept that the learning processes within our environment establish human behavior. Aspects of reinforcement in either rewards or punishment meant to develop desirable behavior most specifically determine it. Trait theories on the other hand identify personality as a set of characteristics that are based on our consistent desires, attitudes and behavior that ...

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The History Of Holiday Representatives

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

7 (2,731 )

They are responsible for people between the ages of eighteen to thirty during activities and night life entertainment which is normally held in the clubs around. They have to meet and greet people at the airport so it's their job to make sure they know the amount of people they have to pick up at the airport. They are responsible to have great communication skills and to ...

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Play and Learning in the Early Years

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

12 (4,516 )

In English preschools, play is an integral part of the curriculum, founded on the belief that children learn through self-initiated free play in an exploratory environment (Hurst, 1997; cited in Curtis, 1998). It was only in the early 1920s that play was linked directly to children's development. The writings of such early educationists, as Froebel, the Macmillan sisters, Montessori, Steiner, and Susan and Nathan Isaacs, sowed the ...

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Effects Of Crime And Violence On Television

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

7 (2,437 )

As we turn on the television today, there seems to be more shows that have violence in them then ever before. The same goes true for movies and video games which the violence has a damaging effect on the society. Studies done over the last forty years show that there is a link between media violence and an increase in violet acts committed by juveniles ( With ...

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The Impact Of Violent Games

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

13 (5,200 )

The transformation of mans life from the primitive being to the civilized one has occurred from the turn of the 18th century. The start of the 19th century witnessed more scientific discoveries. Techno-science is credited with these discoveries, and what this has done is that it has improved life on earth and made it better. We now live a world whereby all ages have some form of ...

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Breaking The Television Watching Habit

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

5 (1,939 )

For most of you, as it was for me, I grew up watching three, four and even five hours of television a day. It was a part of my daily routine and it wasn't easy for me to break. I managed to do it when my family and I moved to a small city in the west. After we moved in we found out that you had ...

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Learning through exploration, active participation and imitation

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

5 (1,872 )

Young children learn through exploration, active participation and through imitation and as such quality arts programme comprising of all art forms - visual art, music, media, dance and drama should be included as part of the curriculum in the early childhood classroom. As stated by Spodek,1993 (cited in Isenberg & Jalongo, 2001) through participating in the art activities children are able to express themselves and it provides ...

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Child Labor In Pakistan

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

24 (9,213 )

The factor of engaging a child below 15, to some work rather than sending them to school is called child labor. Child labor all over the world has increased speedily in the recent years. There is no exact information regarding child labor. In most developing countries of world, mostly children are working on the places that are auto mobile workshops, weaving industries, domestic servants, restaurants and in ...

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Impact of imaginative play on young children

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

8 (3,044 )

Play is a fundamental aspect of early childhood. Through play, young children can begin to explore and understand the world around them from an early age, whilst simultaneously gaining a sense of enjoyment from what they are saying and doing. Piaget (1962), cited in Ariel (2002), identified four general developmental stages of play; these increase in complexity as the child matures. These stages are, in chronological order: ...

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Child And Young Person Development

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

7 (2,779 )

Physical development is usually very rapid early on in the child's development. Within weeks of being born a baby will start to smile and respond to sounds and environments around them. By 6 months as their muscles begin to develop they will reach for and hold objects which they will also put into their mouths. By one year old they are beginning to crawl or shuffle, pulling ...

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Sexual Education in Schools

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

5 (1,685 )

Sexual education (sex ed) in public schools has long been a controversial and debated topic in society. There are several questions when it comes to approaching sex ed in schools. These questions include: appropriate age for introducing sex ed; should sex ed be mandatory or optional; and whether sex ed programs should be comprehensive or abstinence-based. Sex ed is a necessary subject to teach in schools. It ...

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An Examination Of Childrens Right To Participation

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

7 (2,688 )

One of the guiding values of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) 1989 is participation, as well as one of its basic challenges. In the Convention, children's contribution rights are restricted in the bunch of Articles 12 through 17 that pass on to public participation: right to have voices heard and measured (Art.12), right to freedom of expression (Art.13), right to beliefs (Art.14), ...

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Awareness towards the children right

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

7 (2,552 )

Children are regarded as precious gifts from God. It is rather curious and unfortunate that these same children are subjected to abuses and neglect. Universally, childhood is recognized as a period of sensitivity requiring special care, attention and protection (Awosola, 2008). Thus, children should know about their rights. However, the children awareness towards their rights is depending on the exposure that they got from the adult. It ...

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Child Abuse: Long term harms

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

4 (1,286 )

Parents today don't realize that the harm that they are doing to their children will eventually be passed down from generation to generation; their children are todays abused tomorrow's abusers. Obviously, parents or guardians will not understand the impact that is caused to their child until they acknowledging there child's choice in life style. In particular, child abuse is a mistreatment of a child by a parent ...

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The Preventing Of Teenage Pregnancy

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,208 )

Teenage pregnancy is a term used to address girls between the ages of 13-19 years who become pregnant (UNICEF, 2008).Teenage pregnancy and its resultant health issues are of concern worldwide. In Ghana, for example, according Keller, Hilton & Tsumasi-Ankrah (1999), nearly 1/3 of the childbirths recorded in public hospitals occurred to women less than 19 years of age. Meanwhile, Guttmacher (2012) reported that in The United States ...

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People Usually Save Some Money

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

13 (5,174 )

Chapter 1: Problem and Its Background INTRODUCTION: Savings has always been an important issue for the people to consider. People usually save some money from their income after incurring necessary expenses for the future needs. The cause of saving was not under attention in the developing countries previously, so measures to ask people to save money were very difficult to be taken. But now as time is ...

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Child Labor in Philippine

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

4 (1,466 )

All people were born with rights. Children are people as well; so, children also have theirs. Their right have been violated from child labor. Child labor is defined as, "the employment of a child in a business or industry especially in violation of state or federal statutes prohibiting the employment of children under a specified age." Obviously, child labor has been a big social problem from over ...

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The Concept of Child/Childhood

03 Oct 2016 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,006 )

The Concept of Child/Childhood Aries's argument "In medieval society the idea of childhood did not exist" provoked scholars to question what had previously been considered as child/childhood. In fact what Aries criticizes is that the past lacked the specific features of the modern concept of child/childhood. At most, Aries intends to "contrast a distinctively modern awareness of childhood with a pre-modern neglect." (20) As in 17th ...

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Childs Safety versus Benefits of Risky Play

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

4 (1,574 )

There is an ongoing debate whether to prioritise the safety of children or the benefits of risky play in early years setting. More particularly, the contention is on the issue of making certain children are safe against allowing them to play in emotionally and physically motivating and challenging contexts. The emphasis is currently on the right of children to participate in risky play. Thus far, there are ...

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The Traditional Family Life Cycle

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,001 )

Traditional Family Life Cycle: Traditionally the life cycle, illustrated a progression of stages through which families passed; it comprised stages, starting from bachelorhood (single), to married (couple), to family growth (parenthood: birth of children), to family contraction (grown up children leaving home for studies or employment) to post parenthood (all children leaving home) to dissolution (single survivor: death of one of the spouses). Based on these, the ...

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Child labour: Is it a Necessary Evil?

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

6 (2,015 )

Now days, the complex and universal problem of child labor have become a "harsh reality" attracting worldwide attention. The prevalence of child labour is economically unsound, psychologically disastrous and physically as well as morally dangerous. No doubt, labour is worship but child labour in dangerous and a blot on the conscience of society. It is a sad affair that child labour is deprived of his youthful life, ...

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Boys Girls Clubs Of America

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,217 )

Socialization is generally thought of as being an essential part of human development in that its importance is often times disregarded. However, understanding socialization can be a complicated and enduring process. "Sociologists use the term socialization to refer to the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture" (Macionis, 2011, 68). Humans need social experience to acquire the skills needed to learn ...

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Teenage pregnancy in Europe

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

7 (2,438 )

Compare and contrast how two named health care systems deal with one specific health issues. The aim of this assignment is to choose two countries, and compare and contrast how these two countries deal one specific health issue. One country has to have a good rate of the health issues and the other one has to have a bad rate of the same health issue. The two ...

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Theories and Practice in Child Development

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,534 )

After reading the document produced by Tom Burkard and Tom Clelford, "Cutting the Children's Plan" which gives an insight of why the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) should be scrapped. It states that the Statutory Framework EYFS which was launched in 2007 should be scrapped to save £315 million. However the authors do not state which areas of the EYFS they want scrapped, which causes concern. The ...

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The Early Years Foundation Stage

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

7 (2,555 )

A framework was designed and developed and came into action on 13 March 2007 and forced into action by September 2008 and is called as EYFS i.e. Early Years Foundation Stage This framework has revolutionised the learning methods and is a framework for the enhancing learning, care and improving the skills and development of children in all the spheres of life when they are in a age ...

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The idea of play therapy

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

5 (1,964 )

"We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing". -Charles Schaefer Play is the primary way that children learn about the world, understand how different things work, express their thoughts and feelings, develop their physical skills, develop their mental skills, and develop effective social skills and bonds. As children grow, their use of language becomes more ...

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Language And Social Skills in Child Development

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

3 (1,043 )

Play is the most important part of the childs development. Play allows the children to enhance their physical development, psychosocial development and cognitive development. Most parents see cartoons with their children as a way to help their child learn. I have watched many children's television programs like blue's clues, the go show, and Dora the explorer, to understand how these television programs help in children and baby's ...

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Assessing The Rights Of Children

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

4 (1,334 )

In general, all around the world Children do not have the right to make major decisions in their life. Most of the decisions that affect the children are made by their parents or guardians such as teachers, social workers etc...So because of this lack of decision making, children are sometimes abused and exploited for the benefit of their guardians. And as a result, the child is both ...

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Positive Reinforcement Vs Punishment In Enhancing Learning

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

6 (2,240 )

Positive reinforcement is the conveyance of a stimulus that has the preferred effect on strengthening a certain behavior while punishment is the introduction of a stimulus that has an effect of declining certain behavior. Positive reinforcement is a method applied to strengthen good deeds and do away with bad behavior in children. Positive reinforcement also instills a sense of self-worth and inspires self-belief in children. The most ...

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The Outline For Urie Bronfenbrenners

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

6 (2,131 )

Urie Bronfenbrenner theory is based on ecological theory, which is focusing on environmental factors (Santrock, 2011). The Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory is explained how natural environments can be a big influence to the development of persons. In other words, the development of persons can be affected by the surroundings from home to the wider context such as culture. Bronfenbrenner stated that there were many different levels and ...

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Single parenthood does not benefit the society

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

8 (3,030 )

The purpose of writing this research report is to discuss on the question that single parenthood does not benefits the society and it brings negative effects to the society. There will be a full explanation with some evidences to support the idea that single parenthood brings many negative effects to the society. Furthermore, this report will also have three main ideas on the negative effects as well ...

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The Status Of Childrens Rights In Nepal

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

9 (3,210 )

The purpose of this report is to assess the issues surrounding the childrens human rights in Nepal by criticising their status in conjunction with the applicable International Treaties. Simultaneously its aim is to illustrate the current situation, by providing information from findings regarding the violations on the rights of the children. Particularly it focuses on health status, sexual exploitation, forced labour and education and it reflects those ...

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Benefits of childcare robots

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

4 (1,545 )

In today's ever-changing world, the rampant use of various technology and robots have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Since the Industrial Revolution, robots have been used in manufacturing and automotive industries. With the rapid advancement in technology, the use of robots is increasing at an exponential rate. From the graph above, it is evident that the world robot population has increased by almost 2 ...

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Poverty in children with single parents

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

5 (1,708 )

"The most difficult thing is not spending enough time with my dad really. He might like expect me to phone him, but he's a parent so he should be taking care of me and phone me. If he really cared he'd phone me every weekend and see how I was getting on at school, spend time with me and help me to do my course work ("What ...

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Lifespan Development Early Childhood 

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

6 (2,041 )

Lifespan development entails various elements such as change, and movement from one life stage to the other. Trying to understand early childhood development using life span approach has many positive implications to early childhood professionals since it will help them in playing an important role in helping children and their families develop sound social policies. Lifespan development results to life transitions and can be associated with various ...

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Waldorf educational theory

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

9 (3,201 )

All Educational system has an image, which lead to a unique learning process. Waldorf educational theory supports a magnificent learning process for children, which focus on reading, storytelling, rhythmic activities, practical activities related to nature. This research paper examines the depth of Waldorf philosophy and belief. INTRODUCTION Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian educator and philosopher, scientist and artist founded Waldorf at the beginning of 20th century. He believed ...

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The Concepts Of Equality And Inclusion

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

7 (2,591 )

In my essay my intention is for the reader to gain an insight to the effectiveness of legislation and currents Scottish Government policy through various factors. These factors being prejudice, discrimination, poverty, stereotyping, and promoting social justice and inclusion. I have also looked into diversity and how the above factors can influence in an early year setting. With having an insight to multiple identities, I have considered ...

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Family Meals More Than Just at Home

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

5 (1,937 )

In today's society families are busier than ever before. Many families consist of both parents working outside the home to make ends meet, and increasingly, many children are being raised in a single-parent and blended or binuclear homes. Some statistics claim that 75% of all children will spend some time within a single-parent household. When something has to give to meet the demands of raising a family, ...

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Refugee Children In Developing Societies

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

13 (5,019 )

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimated there were over 9.6 million refugees living worldwide in 2003. That same year the Global IDP estimated that nearly 25 million people were internally displaced in approximately 50 countries. Most of these individuals were children, forced to live for months, sometimes years, in camps. [1] According to Grace Michel over 2 million children have died as a direct result of ...

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Child Labor in Lebanon

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

4 (1,594 )

Since many years, child labor has been a serious problem that a lot of organizations were trying to deal with. In fact Lebanon is one of the countries suffering from this issue, especially in poor surroundings of the main cities and in rural districts. According to Kofi Annan(1999), "Child labor has serious consequences that stay with the individual and the society for far longer than the years ...

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Should The Abortion Be Encouraged?

23 Mar 2015 12 Apr 2017

5 (1,986 )

Abortion is a process of termination of pregnancy. The classic definition of abortion is the expulsion of the fetus before it is viable. This could include spontaneous abortion, which is a miscarriage, or induced abortion such as a doctor, the woman herself, or a layperson causes the abortion. Before modern methods of abortion, this sometimes meant the introduction of foreign objects like catheters into the uterus to ...

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Teenage Illegal Drug Use

03 Oct 2016 20 Feb 2017

7 (2,644 )

THESIS OUTLINE Young people using illegal drugs. Reasons for why teens use drugs. Enhance pleasure. Instant gratification. Lack of confidence. Common risk factors associated with drugs. Family history. Mental or behavioral disorder. Impulse control problems. Risk of accidents and deaths due to drug overdose. Poison deaths. Statistics about drug misuse. ...

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Learning And Teaching Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,759 )

In this essay it is required to choose and evaluate one of the seven learning areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012 (EYFS), as well as including the influences on the making of EYFS (2012) and the principles, beliefs and values that led to the creation of a national framework for early childhood education. These beliefs and values underpin the approaches to learning and teaching in ...

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Three Big Ideas About Child Development Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,979 )

Understanding child development means that we as carers and parents can understand skills and typical behaviours of children within our care, providing an environment which is nurturing and one that will foster growth. Laura Berk (2000) provides a simple definition of child development; "a field of study devoted to understanding all aspects of human growth and change from conception through adolescence." (Berk: 2000, p4). This paper will ...

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Problems With Sexual Education Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,354 )

INTRODUCTION The present study pretends to diagnose if there are problems with sexual education in a public school in Nicaragua (Masatepe, Masaya). The purpose is to facilitate reflections and contribute with new ideas that make the development of new personal and social abilities, prevent teenage pregnancies, and STD's. This problem arises from the results that there are many young people who lack good knowledge about sexual health, ...

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Birth And Eleven Months Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,697 )

The control that people have over their bodies is quite remarkable, and yet most people take it completely for granted. Watch a young baby struggling to pass a rattle from one hand to another and you will soon see how skilled you have become. Physical development like many other areas of development is a journey, but interestingly it is a relatively fast one, and by the age ...

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The Parents Teachers Association Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

31 (12,110 )

INTRODUCTION The development of children's rights has been one of the great successes of the United Nations. Children are inherently and carry with them society aspirations for the future. In the words of the Geneva Declaration on the rights of the child, mankind owes to the best it has to give. Meaning Of Children: Is generally a human between the stages of birth and puberty. Some vernacular ...

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The Effect of Parenting Styles on Child Development

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,356 )

Is parenting really significant? Does parenting have a positive impact on a child's life? One may wonder if his or her parenting style has effectively influenced his or her child's complete development. This paper probes the effects of parenting styles on a child's development. A child's holistic development, specifically psychological (emotional and social) and cognitive (intellect) developments, may be affected by numerous factors. These factors may be ...

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History Of Skills Demonstrations Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,816 )

There have been many theorists which have influenced todays early childhood education. From as early as 1698 with John Comenius to the most mentioned Jean Piaget in the 1920s? John Comenius was one of the first producers of the childrens picture books. Comenius paved the way for subsequent development in education. His understanding of learning through the senses and of the holistic nature of learning remains the ...

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Introduction To Baby Dumping Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,765 )

Baby dumping is the act of those irresponsible human who dump their babies who are younger than 12 months in the public toilet,garbage bin or even the jungle.It has become a serious social problem in our country because the number of baby dumping cases in our country keep increasing year by year.Majority of the people who involved in baby dumping cases are teenagers.This happens when teenagers have ...

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Gonzalez Family Case Study Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,051 )

He is experiencing many different changes in his body that are influencing his development during the early adolescent stage. This stage can be one of the most challenging times in a child's life. Biologically, Luz is developing at a healthy rate of growth, which means he experiencing rapid spurts of growth in height and weight. This begins in boys around age twelve, along with other biological changes ...

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How Can Television Influence Behaviours In Children Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,281 )

ABSTRACT Everyone in this world watches television. Some people do not like to watch it and some people have no time for it but it is a lie if they never watched it before. No matter how much they hate it or no time for it, they must have watched it once before. Television programs give us a lot of information and we can get a lot ...

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Policies and legislation affecting Early Years Practitioners

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,322 )

This module will explore the changing features of different Early Years settings, working with other professional and the skills and the core skills of those workers. It will look at the policies and legislation affecting Early Years Practitioners and the beliefs and values that ensure quality childcare. It will also include observations and problems created by working within the current guidelines. Historically homes had no appliances so ...

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Analysis Of Play And Interactions Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,531 )

This observation took place at a public day care facility that serves children 6weeks to 6 years of age. It had an infant classroom, a toddler-two year old classroom, and a preschool classroom. The infants and toddlers were located in the same large room, with dividers that were gates. I focused my attention on the infant and toddlers room. There were three infants and 9 toddlers and ...

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Assume Equal Responsibility In Raising Children Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,137 )

Naturally, family is made up of mother, father, and children. Children are supposed to be raised by both parents, and we all accept that father and mother have vital roles in upbringing their children into potential and useful people to contribute to social development. However, it is quite challenging if we want to compare whether mother or father is more important. What if mother is more important, ...

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How Can Children At Risk Be Helped Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,609 )

In this paper we will be highlighting the major areas of children at high risk, the causes behind and the effect on their lives {as derived from child theology}. Our focus of attention will be the role and responsibilities of church and different organisations working for the rehabilitation as well as reaching out to them with the Gospel. CHILD THEOLOGY: SOME BASIC ASSUMPTIONS Child Theology encompasses all ...

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The Effect Of Television On Children Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,816 )

Educators hoped that TV would serve as a window of knowledge for children. They hoped that it would broaden their knowledge by exposing them to various learning experiences, and help them learn about different cultures. Educators' thought that TV would play a vital role in preparing preschoolers physically and psychologically for school. In contrast, today the effect of television on children has become a growing concern to ...

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Accident And A Hazard Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,053 )

A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment. Most hazards are dormant or potential, with only a theoretical risk of harm; however once a hazard becomes "active", it can create an emergency situation. A hazard does not exist when it is not happening. A hazardous situation that has come to pass is called an incident. Hazard and vulnerability ...

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Sample Of Childrens Imaginative Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,496 )

This paper will focus on an observation which demonstrates a childrens use of imagination and pretence. This sample of play displays evidence of Harry, Jenny, Katie and Lucy's use of pretence, role play and symbolic play, of which the main focus of this commentary will be role play and symbolic play. Children are able to detach themselves from reality during pretend play and at the same time ...

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Case on a childs childhood and upbringing

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,141 )

A kid's childhood should be filled with happy moments, laughter and lovely toys, not memories that make one shudder even at the thought of it. Being a child should not be a painful journey. After all, children are equal holders of human rights and they should not be denied a safe environment to grow and mature. However, many adults have failed to see the importance of ensuring ...

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Positive side of stubbornness in children

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,389 )

Specific purpose: to inform my audience about the positive side of stubbornness in children, the causes of stubbornness, and how to deal with stubborn children. Central idea: stubbornness in children is a repeatedly every day issue and people should take an action and try to understand it very well in order to resolve the problem. Introduction: As we are all university students, few more years from today, ...

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How Parents Make Their Children Successful Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,489 )

The pioneer of the highly practiced discipline of psychology, Sigmund Freud, has become unpopular amongst the modern students of psychology (Mayseless, 2006). Nevertheless, Sigmund Freud's theory of oedipal crisis still remains intact. No one has been able to go against Oedipal theory, which says that children learn the way to behave from no one else, but their parents. Oedipal theory of Sigmund Freud clearly states that children ...

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Bronfenbrenner Bioecological Theory and Baumrind Parenting Style Th...

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,224 )

Zafi is the eldest child and he has two younger siblings. He was an average student in primary school with no discipline problems. When he was 11 years old, his father passed away. After the death of his father, his mother holds two jobs to make ends meet. His mother relies on him to take care of his two younger siblings as she is always not at ...

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Importance of schedule and routine for Young children

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,366 )

The schedule and routine components of planning can help create a framework of security for young children. "Children who are provided with a predictable schedule and secure environment are more likely to feel confident about exploring their world.... Through these explorations, children strengthen their connections to the people and environment around them" (Klein, 2002). The format becomes familiar to them, and they welcome the periods of self-selected ...

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What Is Impression Management Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,689 )

In this chapter, we will be discussing about the historical background of impression management, followed by the definition and scope of impression management. There are different metaphors that used to describe people that use impression management tactics. According to Shakespeare's As You Like It : "All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players " , he compares the the world to ...

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How Do Single Sex Schools Effect Students Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,762 )

Single sex school is better than co-ed school as it brings more confidence to every individual. Single sex education as known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or schools while co-ed school is the integrated education of males and females in the same institution. Socially, single sex school makes for more mature people earlier. Young people ...

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An Introduction To Early Care And Education Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,793 )

This essay will identify the range of early years settings involved in the care and education of young children. Then discuss the roles and responsibilities of the professional workers involved in the setting. The essay will also evaluate the curricula appropriate to two different settings that will be focused on. The essay will culminate with a personal statement. First, the history of education of young children will ...

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Health service children six dimensions of health

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,170 )

The report is directed to my long day care service. It is an old community hall site. It serves an extremely diverse clientele, with a large proportion of staff and families being of Asian, Sudanese and Indian cultures. Looking at how it meets the six dimensions of health required consideration of thirteen staff members differing backgrounds and cultures. The aim of this report is to examine how ...

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Using Mind Maps To Help Educate Children Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,596 )

Whether you are a parent or whether you are a teacher, the opening chapters of this book have got you and your children started on Mind Mapping. You have found that they - your children, or child, have become more creative, now study faster and more effectively, remember better, save time and see the 'whole picture'. You agree that these reasons are absolutely huge benefits for them ...

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Children Participation in day to day activities

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,295 )

On the basis of your readings and reflection upon your own practices with young children or from observations of early childhood educators in action, to what extent are young children actively participating in their day-to-day activities in early years settings? Children Participation has been one of the most debated and examined issues since the UN Convention on the Right of Children was adopted in 1989. Young children, ...

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Program For Street Children Children And Young People Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,340 )

In 2003, UNICEF estimated that there were at least a 100 million street children in the world and 11 million in India. But that data may not be apocopate because of the "Hidden children". Whereas Indian embassy assessed 314,700 street children in cities like Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Kanpur, Bangalore and Hyderabad and about 100,000 street children in Delhi alone itself. Government policy having drawback that it works ...

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