Precision Teaching: Theories, Implementation and Research

09 Apr 2018

8 (2,830 )

Tiffany Elmore Introduction to Precision Teaching Precision Teaching (PT) has been applied in many settings and has been greatly successful in increasing learning performance in learners with a wide-range of abilities (White, 1986). It is an approach that measures whether an instructional method is successful in achieving learning goals. It focuses on directly observable behavior, monitors the frequency of the behavior performed in time ...

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Developing Creative Thinking in Teachers

05 Apr 2018

7 (2,649 )

Introduction Communication is a dynamic process in which a transmitter transmits information receiver via a channel , in order to produce some effect on the receptor. Effects of transmitter on the receiver are often persuasive in nature because when we communicate the information will be understood as send us. Any information directed intentionally gets the message. This implies the existence of a recipient or acceptor and ...

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Autism Spectrum Disorders: Causes, Diagnosis and Support

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

17 (6,450 )

Autism Spectrum disorders Introduction Autism awareness in today's society has moved from the shadow of shame and unknown to the forefront of research and education as an increasing number of children and people with Autism Spectrum disorders gain attention in every aspect of their everyday lives. This paper will attempt to explore the many faces of autism: identification, possible causes, treatment, societal reaction/interaction, the learning/teaching cooperative, and ...

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School Readiness: Literature Review

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

8 (2,813 )

School Readiness The heart and core of this paper is the increased emphasis on School Readiness. The paper would define the integration, Cognition and Emotion with conceptualization of Children's functioning at School level Entry. The character of work and society in the United States is changing. The technological nature of the information-based economy is placing increased emphasis on the active role of the individual in seeking out ...

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Classroom Discourse Analysis

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

5 (1,907 )

Classroom Teacher Children What Characteristic patterns of classroom discourse are apparent in the passage below? Context: This discourse takes place in a first-grade classroom in the USA, where the children are approximately 6 years old. The teacher has been reading from a book on hurricanes and tornados. 1. Manuel: Uh, if tornados go to the Antarctica, what the penguin gonna do? 2. Teacher: Oh, you know what*… ...

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Relations in Small and Medium Enterprises

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

8 (2,818 )

Employee Relations in Small and Medium Enterprises A Non-union Approach Introduction The term SME or small and medium business enterprise is often used to describe a business enterprise that has anywhere between 10 to 15 employees for a small business whereas anything under 250 would be a medium enterprise. However, the number of employees is not the only classification that is used, and can be as diverse ...

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Benefits of Video Conferencing

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

3 (831 )

VIDEO CONFERENCING WHAT IS VIDEO CONFERENCING? A Video Conference (known as video teleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. It has also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware. In other word Video Conferencing is a communications technology that integrates video and voice to connect remote users with ...

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Stigma in Mental Illness: Causes and Impacts

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

8 (2,940 )

This chapter will examine the term stigma and discuss the negative attitudes that the public hold towards mental health and mental illness and suggest why they may have adopted these views and attitudes. It will also address the media's role in portraying these views and sustaining these attitudes towards mental illness. An enormous number of individuals are affected by mental illness worldwide: the World Health Organization (WHO) ...

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Bull Riding injury Risks

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

2 (740 )

Toughest Sport on Dirt Bull riding is an extreme sport with serious life threatening risks but have little restriction in the safety equipment that is needed to protect these athletes. Hockey, football, and even baseball all have been mandated to wear safety helmet to protect them from injury. For newer extreme sports, like snowboarding and skateboarding, the use of a helmet is rarely debated anymore. "Every time ...

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Additional Support Needs and Inclusion in Education

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

13 (4,900 )

Behaviour Children Mainstream Exploring Difference and Diversity As a Teacher of Additional Support Needs in a secondary school in North East Scotland I intend to investigate Difference and Diversity and the move from Special Educational Needs to Additional Support Needs and Inclusion. How it affects my own practice and that of my school. Having been a mainstream secondary school teacher for 14 years before becoming an Additional ...

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The Use of ICT in Primary Science Learning

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

5 (1,977 )

Earlier in the history of electronic advancement, children in highly developed countries had learned to appreciate and use simple to complex electronic gadgetries but never understood basic principles behind them. Some knew how to assemble robots but could not understand how the motor or magnets in it work. In other words they learn to walk before they crawl. Concerns have reached the classroom as today’s educational systems ...

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Nouns: Functions, Meaning of and How to Use

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

6 (2,074 )

The Noun Phrase What does a noun phrase mean? Noun phrase is a word that comes from two words, the first one is "noun" and the second one is "phrase". The Meaning of Noun "Noun" is a word that used to call a persons, animals, things, places, and ideas. For example, Persons : Jimmy, Susan, Peter, John, Angelo, Michael, etc. Animal s: bird, elephant, tiger, snake, whale, ...

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Theorieën Motorische Ontwikkeling

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

11 (4,039 )

Inleiding Motoriek is heel ruim gezegd, de beweeglijkheid van het lichaam. Om te weten wat er onder de motorische ontwikkeling wordt verstaan zullen wij ons in dit hoofdstuk gaan verdiepen. In dit hoofdstuk worden verschillende theorieën over de ontwikkeling van het bewegen en de motorische ontwikkeling beschreven. Enig inzicht in de achtergrond van de motorische ontwikkeling kan ons weer een stapje verder helpen bij het beter observeren ...

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Reflection on Becoming a Teacher

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

8 (3,060 )

I have always had aspirations to be a Primary teacher. Although I am relatively new to the profession I am ] However despite the challenges that face me I am trying to remain positive and make the best out of this situation Before I started writing I felt the best start way to reflect on my practice was to conduct a ... SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities ...

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Tackling Problem Behaviour in Classrooms | Case Study

27 Nov 2017

4 (1,409 )

Single Subject Design Abstract The following addresses the case study level C, case 2. It concludes on how to tackle problem behavior faced by teachers in class rooms through single subject research designs and offers a few solutions on how to counter act them. Dependent Variable The dependent variables (DV) in this case are two specific behaviors demonstrated by Rachel, which are: Not raising her ...

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Use of Films for ESOL Learners

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

7 (2,690 )

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the research, and definition of key terms. Background of The Study Writing is a complicated skill, writing is a skill that the language teacher must teach to their students. And also it is very important because writing van ...

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Intervention Methodology in Education

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

6 (2,343 )

Intervention methodology can be used in various educational streams. It can be used for mathematics, science or language study. One can find problem in learning new languages, mathematics, and science or in any other subjects. One can use Intervention methodology for teaching this stuff to one who cannot learn it easily. Teacher can apply this Intervention Methodology via various styles (Anon., n.d.). It can be applied ...

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Promote Children and Young People's Positive Behaviour

02 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

5 (1,677 )

Student name: Yasmin Albadri   Summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and younger people's positive behaviour Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the setting support children and young people to: a. Feel safe, b. Make a positive contribution, c. Develop social and emotional skills, d. Understand expectations and limits ...

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Preparation for Teaching ICT Classes

02 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

7 (2,640 )

Name: Pauline Mulvaney 16212813 Description I applied to tutor MT118 - IT Skills & Software Tools for Managers, to first year business undergraduate students in DCU as I would like to lecture in the future and this fits with my PDP. Additionally, I want to improve my presentation skills and presenting to a large group on a weekly basis in beneficial. Mark Woods, a teaching ...

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College English Multimodal Teaching and Autonomic Learning

08 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

6 (2,367 )

Study on the Relationship between College English Multimodal Teaching and Autonomic Learning Keywords: English, multi-modal teaching, English teaching, autonomous learning, relevance. Abstract. University English multi-modal teaching model is an important trend in college English teaching reform. With the development of multimedia technology, multi-modal teaching PPT presentation can give students a variety of modes of cognitive stimulation in the classroom. By teaching examples experimental classes and ...

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Reflection of Independent Learning in the Classroom

02 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

7 (2,678 )

Reflecting on the approaches around the development of pupils' independent learning and evidence and evaluate application in the classroom. 'Independent learning is when pupils set goals, monitor and evaluate their own academic development, so they can manage their own motivation towards learning' (Mullings 2015). After looking into the research, one of the determining factors when it comes to independent learning, is getting a child to ...

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Professional Relationships with Children and Young People

02 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

4 (1,572 )

Unit 01 - Communication and Professional Relationships with Children and Young People (2.1) - (2.5). This task is all about communicating with children, young people and adults. Please explain what you have learnt/know using the headings provided (2.1), (2.2) Explain the skills needed to communicate with children and young people. (2.1) To communicate effectively with children and young people, you must ...

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Behaviour Management for Motivation

02 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

17 (6,477 )

In this assignment, I will be examining the ways that teachers manage the behaviour of their classes in a manner that encourages motivation. I will look at how difficulties in class are dealt with by observing lessons in low attaining sets. By observing lessons in low attaining sets I hope to see a range of different difficulties being dealt with such as the levels of ...

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Mango Essential Oil in the Food Industry

02 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

3 (1,109 )

Background of study Mango is one of the tropical fruits that grow seasonally. It has unique fragrance and flavor and often labeled as super fruit (Mounica & Subbiah, 2014). It is the most sowed fruit with over 2,000 varieties and natively found in India. Great numbers of varieties are differing with respect to crop, pulp, colour of skin, flavor and aroma of the ...

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Importance of Education Theories

02 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

3 (968 )

"There is nothing so practical as a good theory" (Lewin, 1946) Good theory, guides effective action by turning knowledge into wisdom. It is a process of forming new ideas.    The importance of thorising in education is to underpin that what students are doing, along with supported research, discussion, argument and a range of acedemic reading. Furthermore, it is best practice for students to regularly ...

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What Makes a Teacher Effective?

02 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

4 (1,596 )

What do you think it means to be an 'effective' teacher? An effective teacher utilises aspects of their background, professional knowledge and personality to boost students' academic growth (Whitton, Barker, Nodworthy, Sinclair, Phil, 2004). The favourable characteristics that follow an effective teacher are their high confidence, optimism and knowledge of the content. Effective teachers are confident in their knowledge, skills and their ability to guide ...

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Impact of Curriculum Definitions and Theories

02 Aug 2017

2 (676 )

This essay will examine several definitions of curriculum, relating one to Education and Childhood studies and the impact it has on learners. In addition, the essay sets out to explore curriculum in relation to delivery and Curriculum is often seen as the main concern in the educational field however, the type of curricula to offer to learners is crucial. The concept of curriculum is sometimes ...

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Poverty and Inequality Essay

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

4 (1,438 )

Keywords: income equality and poverty Abstract The extent of poverty and inequality remains a topic of enduring interest in Australia and overseas. Poverty in Australia, however, is generally relative poverty. People are considered to be poor if their living standards fall below an overall community standard, and they are unable to participate fully in ordinary activities of society. Earnings inequality and the extent of child poverty is ...

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Models of Inclusion in Education

23 Mar 2015 12 Jun 2017

15 (5,739 )

Keywords: theories of inclusion, models of inclusive education, inclusion in education Introduction This paper focuses upon inclusion as an international issue. It is structured in three basic topics. Firstly, there is a description of models of inclusion mainly implemented in the U.S.A. Then, there are presented the barriers for greater inclusiveness with some examples of schools from New Zealand, from the States and Northern Ireland. Finally, there ...

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Child Development Theories - Natural vs Social Process

23 Mar 2015 02 Jun 2017

6 (2,207 )

Keywords: locke development theory, rousseau child development To what extent has childhood been viewed as a social and cultural process rather than a 'natural process'? - Illustrate your discussion with reference to Book 1, Chapter 1, 'Children and development'. Childhood is such a fundamental and integral part of humanity that on first considerations, we may take it for granted as an entirely natural process. The biological journey ...

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Teaching Creativity in Primary Schools

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

6 (2,327 )

Keywords: art in primary school, children creativity Creativity Arts Primary “The philosophical foundation for teaching integrated arts in the primary school is based on the belief that aesthetic and creative education is the entitlement of every child and that the nature and quality of the provisions determines the distinctiveness of cultural life and academic performance in school.”(Bloomfield,2000,pg1). For this essay I am going to be talking about ...

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Black Codes Laws

23 Mar 2015 25 May 2017

5 (1,934 )

Keywords: black codes definition, black codes rights Black Codes Black codes were slavery just in a different name, before black codes there was slavery but black codes. Black codes were an attempt from the white's to recreate slavery. Black codes were new because it limited the rights of black people and segregated them from the white. When slavery ended it gave the Freemans just a little bit ...

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Individual Learning Styles and Strategies

23 Mar 2015 24 May 2017

7 (2,546 )

Keywords: educating individual learning styles, theories of learning styles, learning styles curriculum Learners As Individual What is Learners as individual What is an individual learner and what do they look like? To answer this question, I need the meanings given by many educators. Howe other learners can become the individual learners? 'In sum, I believe that the individual who is to be educated is a social individual ...

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Science field trips | Teaching

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

22 (8,698 )

Introduction For several years, many science concepts have been accepted and included into the curriculum, however more often than not these concepts are incorporated as a division of topics within a specific discipline. For example, specialty science courses like environmental biology, environmental chemistry, environmental physics, and environmental geology. Field trips to local spots of interest can be an educational and enlightening component of a science course. ...

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Issues in development theory

23 Mar 2015 10 May 2017

16 (6,068 )

Issues In Development Theory ...

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Cooperative Learning Academic Social

23 Mar 2015 10 May 2017

4 (1,482 )

Cooperative Learning Academic Social Literature Review: Cooperative learning is an informative technique in which students work together in small fixed groups on a structured learning with the aim of maximizing their own and each others learning (Johnson & Johnson 1986). Cooperative learning has two very striking aspects on focus; these are academic and social learning benefits. Academic benefits include high grades in all that they achieve, reading ...

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Medical ethics | An analysis

23 Mar 2015 10 May 2017

6 (2,043 )

Introduction: Medical ethics became one of the most important teaching modules in most of the medical schools especially in the last three decades particularly in US7 . Ethics defined as the study of morality, careful and systematic reflection on and analysis of moral decision and behavior4. Hence the medical ethics is the study of ethics related to medical practice. There are four primary principals for medical ethics ...

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Diversity, Learning and Progress

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

4 (1,357 )

Diversity, Learning and Progress Introduction: Diversity is about identifying the dissimilarities in the characteristics of individuаls that form their identities and the experiences they have in society. Diversity is the degree of basic human differences among а given population. The modern-day learning environment faces many learning issues. Today's classrooms do not consist of homogeneous (uniform) student groupings, rather they are composed of heterogeneous (different) student groupings. As ...

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Victims of Bullying

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2017

5 (1,766 )

Victims of Bullying Schools offer more than educational opportunities; they offer many opportunities for social interaction for youth. These social opportunities also offer many opportunities for children to become victims of bullying. In the last ten years, there has been a dramatic rise of research on bullying in the United States. This research has been spurred by continued extreme school violence where the perpetrators of the violence ...

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Learning in mathematics and science

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

7 (2,776 )

Rationale A cross curricular resource box designed to develop children's understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts, through 'The Rainbow Fish' theme has been produced. The box contains activities for Reception children exploring counting in Mathematics and material and properties in Science. This rationale explains how activities based from the rainbow fish provide conceptual learning in Maths and Science. Counting is important in providing a foundation for ...

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Phonetics in learning English

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

6 (2,020 )

Introduction The core of phonetic is to identify the characteristics of the sounds which human begins can use in language. Sounds can basically be divided into two types: vowels and consonants. Vowels are produced by altering the shape of the vocal tract by positioning of the tongue and lips. Consonants are sounds which are produced by the partial or complete construction of the vocal tract. The picture ...

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Paraprofessional for Special Needs Children

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

6 (2,260 )

Paraprofessional for Special Needs Children For the past eleven years I have been a paraprofessional for special needs children. During those years I have learned about the different treatments and intervention techniques used for the various disorders among children. Through hands-on activities at work, various workshops , seminars and my own research, I have acquired knowledge about the different disabilities. I now feel I know what to ...

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Teaching Essays| Teacher Stress

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

16 (6,354 )

The problem of teacher stress was a great concern in Hong Kong. As in many media also mention that nowadays teachers are suffers from great pressure. Professional teacher’s union (2005) has conducted a survey and the results showed that 28% of teachers always have more than five burnout symptoms. The situation is serious as such a high percentage of teachers complained about burnout. It would affect the ...

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Positive reinforcement within the classroom

03 Oct 2016 02 Mar 2017

8 (2,934 )

Positive reinforcement within the classroom. Classroom management and discipline is the most challenging aspect of teaching (Yost & Mosa, 2002). Aksoy (2003) describes classroom environment as; multifaceted, simultaneous, fast occurring, and unpredictable. This environment means that at any time, teachers have to attend to a vast range of pupil needs fairly and consistently. (Edwards 2003). It is therefore important teachers implement and refine strategies focusing on ...

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Key definitions in teaching

03 Oct 2016 02 Mar 2017

9 (3,378 )

Aspect of professionalism What does it mean? How does it make you more professional? How can you make sure you develop your understanding of it? Professional standards Professional standards in teaching are emphasized by the values and practises that have set and all teachers should observe these standards. Teachers have to value the equality ...

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Professionalism in teaching

03 Oct 2016 02 Mar 2017

8 (3,194 )

A Search of Teacher Professionalism. A personal reflection through the Lenses of a Traditional, Conflict Theory, Neo Liberal and Critical Perspective. In a recent Guardian Secret teacher article (2015) one school leader explains how they feel lost, set adrift, since the last update to the Ofsted inspection guidance. “I used to think I knew the rules for inspections – I built my career on it.” Is ...

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Becoming a teacher

03 Oct 2016 02 Mar 2017

6 (2,227 )

Individual Essay Like most of my peers, I joined the teaching profession with some preconceived notions, to a certain extent based on observations of my teachers, both good and bad, and partly on my opinion of how things should be like in a perfect world. Personal Philosophy Every child having a sense of belonging As a child, I have good memories of my experience and education ...

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Adult learning: second languages

03 Oct 2016 02 Mar 2017

6 (2,305 )

The effect of age on adult’s rate of achievement in learning second language 1 Abstract This study investigated the effects of age on adult’s rate of achievement in learning second language in the case of grammar,and pronunciation. Age is one of the most important and affective factor which causes many differences in both second and first language learning. ...

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Roles and responsibilities of a teacher

23 Mar 2015 28 Jun 2016

10 (3,908 )

Review your own roles and responsibilities as a Teacher, in terms of the Teaching/Training Cycle, identifying boundaries that should be set. INTRODUCTION In every profession, there are roles and responsibilities and boundaries that are set in order to divide the line that indicates the farthest limit. Roles and Responsibilities are important because they would facilitate order in any given organisation and allow personal and organisational objectives to ...

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Language Key Stage 1 2 Teaching Essay

23 Mar 2015 08 Apr 2016

7 (2,790 )

Research, such as that undertaken by Piaget (1978) and Vygotsky (Krause et al, 2003), Erikson (1997) and, later on, Bronfenbrenner (Krause et al, 2003), has put child development within social, economic and environmental contexts. Language, its acquisition, and how children talk, are recognised an essential constituents of these approaches. For example, at a Piagetian level, language acts as an indicator of a child's age and stage. For ...

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Teaching Essays - E-Learning Students Education

23 Mar 2015 09 Mar 2016

20 (7,979 )

E-Learning Students Education Abstract: With the enormous spreading of e-learning over the last 15 years, quality of e-learning has been often criticized and tied up to poor provision. It has become important for higher education institutions to show the ability to provide high quality programmes. A variety of perspectives on what should be considered when evaluating the quality of e-learning. Some studies have addressed this topic from ...

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Teaching - Education Students Disabilities

23 Mar 2015 09 Mar 2016

9 (3,574 )

Education Students Disabilities 2.1 The role played by teacher’s attitudes towards education of students with disabilities in the development of inclusive education. It is a well known fact that attitude of teachers affect the atmosphere of learning and influence whether students with limited abilities receive equal educational chances. This can be shown by looking at situations in different parts of the world. In Ghana for instance, the ...

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The quiet American

23 Mar 2015 29 Jun 2015

4 (1,331 )

Summary: Fowler is a Journalist and he has left his wife. Then he lived in Saigon during the French-Vietnamese war, along with a Chinese woman, Phuong. An American diplomat, Pyle will also feature. He has read books about China, which have influenced his thinking throughout, because he has quite a few strange ideas about the course of the war. Pyle is also in love with Phuong Fowler ...

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Errors and strategies in language acquisition

23 Mar 2015 29 Jun 2015

9 (3,235 )

Error Correction Why Correction is Necessary Correction is necessary. The argument that students just need to use the language and the rest will come by itself seems rather weak. Students come to us to teach them. If they want only conversation, they will probably inform us - or, they might just go to a chat room on the Internet. Obviously students need to be corrected as part ...

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Teaching Essays - Curriculum Development Learning Styles

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,352 )

Focus on Curriculum Development Learning Styles Introduction: There are different learning styles that have developed with accompanying tests that helps individuals to understand their learning styles. A learning style is a method that is used to educate which is particular to a specific individual and which is assumed that if used by that individual, it will help them to learn their best. It has been described as ...

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Sexual Misconduct Teachers

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,826 )

What is Wrong with our Teachers: An Interdisciplinary Approach to solving the Problem of Educator Sexual Misconduct Introduction Educator Sexual Misconduct (ESM) is becoming more and more of a problem in our society to date. Occurrences are happening at an accelerated rate when compared to twenty years ago. To date there are no preventative measures in place to intercept these potentially harmful individuals who are on their ...

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Teaching and Learning Strategies

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,118 )

Introduction to the Students and Teaching Environment. I am currently a Lecturer in the Communications Electronics Technical Block (CETB) at Royal Air Force (RAF) Cosford, The No1 School of Technical Training. I am teaching new entry students AC (Air Craft's man),course number 1932 and SAC (Senior Air Craft's man) course numbers 1946 and 1951. The students age range is 17 - 30 years. I am responsible for ...

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Teaching language functions

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,824 )

Introduction                There are many different languages in our world that are different. And each language has its rule. Language function is a part of the language. Also, each language has its function, which is used to communicate. Moreover, language function makes us to communicate correctly. If we don't know about language function, the sentences that we talk to other people will not complete. Although they can understand, ...

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Lesson plan: defining aims

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,416 )

Lesson plan: Defining Aims What is a lesson plan? Before we do anything we must plan what to do, how to do, why to do and when to do. Also in the teaching, a teacher must plan what he wants to teach the students, why he wants teach and how to teach. The first thing that a teacher must do is preparing a lesson. It is called ...

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Action research

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,800 )

ACTION RESEARCH, ITS BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION Action research in English Language Teaching is relatively a recent development which has been predominant in the literature in late 1980s and early 1990s. This essay explores the definitions, literature, benefits and challenges of action research as a method of teacher research in teacher education and development. It concludes by a critical assessment of the application ...

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All students with special education needs

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,906 )

1.0 Introduction: This paper explores an ongoing debate in the educational field; should all students with Special Educational Needs (SENs) be included in mainstream educational provisions? To fully understand the issues involved, the paper will begin with an introduction to SEN and historical developments that have shaped SEN as we know it today. An investigation into inclusion will follow evaluating current issues that will help to determine ...

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curriculum Theory and Practice

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,393 )

PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CURRICULUM THEORIZING Curriculum theory is the manner in which the philosophy of certain approaches to advancement and enactment of curriculum is described. Within the wider field of curriculum studies, it is both the analysis of the curriculum historically and a way of viewing contemporary educational curriculum and policy decision. However, a very useful starting point here is the definition of the word ...

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What is coaching? learning specific skills

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,262 )

Coaching is about learning specific skills, to improve performance or to prepare for advancement. To an outsider, coaching situations may look similar. All are based on an ongoing, confidential, one-on-one relationship between coach and learner. Yet each teaching situation can be quite diverse and some of these distinctions are important to recognise, if only to foster informed choice by everyone involved. Therefore this essay defines and explores ...

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Parent Teacher Behavior

23 Mar 2015

3 (859 )

The correlation of a good parent and teacher relationship Parents and teachers constitute two of the most important information sources of young children's social skills. However, Parents and teachers often are very influential adults in children's lives, and thus they can provide important perspectives and information concerning children's behavior. Parents are unique compared to other adults in that they often have observed their children's behavior across time ...

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Teaching and learning vocabulary

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,488 )

Presenting Vocabulary Description of Presenting Vocabulary Vocabulary is one of the important aspects of language to teach. There are many quotations from famous linguistics to support this idea. For example, "Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." (Wilkins 1972:111) and "When students travel, they don't carry grammar books, they carry dictionaries." (Krashen in Lewis 1993: iii). Moreover, errors of vocabulary are ...

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The presentation of language through texts

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,241 )

Presenting language through texts Texts have been used in language classrooms for many years. There are many reasons for teachers using texts. Firstly, they use texts as a linguistic objects. Secondly, they use texts as vehicle for information. And for the last reason, they use texts as a springboard for production. So texts in language teaching have played the important role in language learning and teaching. The ...

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Tense and aspect

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,829 )

Tense and aspect are the most important grammatical categories for expressing time and temporal relations in English. For me, I will share my experience Now I am an English teacher at Udonthani Vocational College. I teach many English courses such as English for communication 2 , English Conversation , Business English .In each course I have taught 4 language skills such as listening skill, writing skill, ...

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Indian watch industry

23 Mar 2015

2 (762 )

Indian Watch industry is estimated to be around 1600 crores and Titan is riding on top of it with a market share of over 50%.This is a super brand that has changed the way we look at ( or wear) watches. A marketing success story, Titan is a brand that will be of interest to most of the marketers. Titan , a brand from TATA was launched ...

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What it takes to be a teacher

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,384 )

What It Takes To Be a Teacher "Choosing a career is a challenging, exciting, and perhaps even a threatening task for most today" (Morales, 1994, para. 1). “You may have a clear idea about a career you'd like to pursue. Then again, you might not have a clue” (Mariani, 2011). In today's society there are thousands of careers to choose from. Woman, as well as men are ...

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Language Teacher Response

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,074 )

Teacher's questioning Strategies in EFL classrooms 1) What type of questions does the teacher use? 2 Is there a predominance of any particular type(s)? 3) What modification techniques does s/he employ when questions are not understood? 4) How much L2 production do questions generate from the learners? Questioning is considered by researchers as one of the commonly used strategies in language classrooms. Questions ...

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Reading Intervention Programme

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,984 )

Effects of an Out-of-school Intervention Program on Reading Ability and Attitude in Low-achieving First-grade Students Abstract This study, conducted at *****, proposes instituting a before- or after-school program to address the needs of struggling first-grader readers. Biweekly intervention sessions, lasting 30 minutes each, will take place from early September through May. Using individualized instruction targeting deficiencies in individual student skills and a balanced literacy approach, data will ...

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Learning about spelling strategy

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,725 )

Introduction Spelling strategies in the primary curriculum have consistently provoked criticism and debate amongst teachers, Ofsted and the Government.[1] Standards continue to decline highlighting that the present strategy is failing.[2] A central criticism is that teachers do not have the necessary knowledge of the relationship between word structure and spelling, and rely on techniques they learnt at school, specifically the use of memorized spelling tests. (Spear-Swerling, Brucker ...

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University International Students

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,090 )

Introduction Studying at the university requires adjustment so that the student can effectively function and pursue his chosen field of study. One's academic life, gaining access to educational materials, and interaction with classmates and professors are all important factors in the adjustment process. Yet, they are not the only factors that should be taken into account. This adjustment process becomes even more important for international students. ...

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Teaching Essays - Objective of Curriculum

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,059 )

Objective of Curriculum The main focus of this curriculum is to incorporate elements of children’s developmental domains which contribute to the holistic being. Our activities are designed by taking into consideration the children we have observed for our child study. Although we recognize the concept of play in the curriculum, we feel that it is also important to provide pupils with a structured curriculum that would supplement ...

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Banking fraud

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,375 )

Presentation of the Issue Banks are not being prepared for their client's online bank accounts to under come frauds. Not all banks have good security systems and blame their clients with the benefit for thief.                An opportunistic thief who stole £ 14,000 from a woman's bank account after she failed to log out of a public computer has avoided a jail term.¹ When the woman complained to ...

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A Study On The Role Play Development Teaching Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,112 )

Play is almost universally recognized as an integral factor in children's learning and development. For example, Macintyre (2001, 4) quotes Isaacs' 1933 description of play: Play is "the crucial component in children's development," and adds that everyone "concerned with young children" should "recognise and value the different kinds of understanding developed through play" (Macintyre 2001, 3-4). Although different play activities promote children's in different ways, Keenan (2002) ...

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Information communication technology

23 Mar 2015

2 (724 )

"Resistance is Useless" Introduction: Today's world or society is changing very fast with the help of ICT (Information Communication Technology). Everyday new technologies were developed to simplify the every days work, but there is a resistance to accept those new technologies among people. This is because of many people doesn't like the "CHANGE" because they don't like being changed. When change comes it brings resistance and fear ...

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The good shepherd

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,849 )

Our lesson this morning from John's gospel concerns this idea of integrity. The butcher in our story probably turned many different shades of red when the lady asked him for both of the chickens since he had only one. He wasn't being too honest with her, he wasn't being too nice, and now he was caught in his lack of honesty. Jesus is not talking about butchers ...

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Teaching exam classes

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,181 )

Teaching exam classes Getting students to participate in writing activities in class can be an arduous task. However, our best efforts as teachers to make the prospect of writing a fun and collaborative activity, it is often met with groans of reluctance. Often, students have had negative experiences of writing in the language classroom in the past, perhaps they see it as a waste of class-time, which ...

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Meaning, form and use: The past

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,762 )

The role of grammar in English language teaching For many teachers, grammar plays a central role in their classroom methodology. However, in 1980s there was an anti-grammar movement which was influenced from the idea of Krashen that ' grammar can be acquired naturally from meaningful input and opportunity to interact in the classroom: in other words, the grammartical competence can be developed in a fluency-oriented environment without ...

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How to teach a dog to Stay

23 Mar 2015

2 (521 )

How to teach a dog to Stay Training a dog involves the positive strengths and encouragement. To train a dog to stay when commanded is a useful advantage in many situations. It requires proper time, patience and determination though it is a simple process. This type of behavior of the dog is beneficial to the dog's owner. When the dog gets over excited or does not behave ...

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