Propaganda Theories and Models: The MH370 Incident

20 Apr 2018

5 (1,867 )

PROPAGANDA THEORY ON THE MH370 INCIDENT Contents (Jump to) INTRODUCTION PROPAGANDA THEORY RELATING TO MH370 INCIDENT COUNTER PROPAGANDA BY THE GOVERNMENT REFERENCES INTRODUCTION Mystery continues to surround the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8 March. Malaysian authorities, assisted by international aviation and satellite experts, are now battling to piece together the ...

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Can People Choose their Identity?

23 Jan 2018

6 (2,078 )

Can People Choose their Identity? Discuss in Relation to the Media This question raises two issues that are currently at the forefront of political and social debate – namely those of publicly displaying a belonging to a particular culture or society, and the ideological notion of choice. In addressing the question of choosing our cultural identity we have to establish what we understand by the term ...

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Sustainable Development Process For Overpopulation in China

23 Mar 2015 12 Jan 2018

8 (2,823 )

Overpopulation, resource crisis and environmental pollution are the three major social problems of the contemporary world; they are also three major obstacles that restrict economic and social development and the improving people's living standard in the world. China has the largest population in the world and there are more than 1.3 billion people in China. And now, China is serious shortage of fresh water, arable land, forest ...

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Study of the Structural Functional Paradigm

23 Mar 2015 12 Jan 2018

4 (1,215 )

The structural-functional paradigm is a framework for the structure of society. The structural-functional approach tells that all parts in the society works together in order to form a harmonious, sensible and stable society. This approach sees the society as a macro-level orientation. Each and every component is interrelated and it is concerns with broad patterns that shape society as a whole. The larger social institutions of the ...

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Influences on Self-Concepts and the Impact

23 Mar 2015 12 Jan 2018

5 (1,891 )

I have been asked to reassess a case study on Isaac Barlow and Zac Barlow. In my assessment I shall include aspects that influenced the brothers self concept. Also, I shall include an outline how these factors can influence the growth of their self esteem. Finally, I shall include an explanation on how these factors can influence the development of their self concept. (P3) State factors that ...

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Sociology of Law: Theories and Concepts

23 Mar 2015 12 Jan 2018

5 (1,843 )

Introduction The three classical thinkers of Sociology, Marx, Weber and Durkheim have one thing in common regarding the Sociology of Law; their theories were part and parcel of a more fundamental sociological perspective and theory of society. Marx will be the odd one among the three because, the work of Marx is on theoretical ground not evidently connected to the aspirations of sociology, but historically Marx's writings ...

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Modern and Postmodern Traditions in Power and Law

23 Mar 2015 12 Jan 2018

4 (1,438 )

The Law and Power Relations in Society: A Brief Review of Modern and Postmodern Traditions To achieve an understanding of how, at the beginning of the 21st century, law has come to be understood as a manifestation of social power, it is necessary to place the question within the framework of the dominant intellectual paradigms of the past one hundred years. Such a consideration is relevant because the ...

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Ethnic Identity and Socialization: 'Bend It Like Beckham’

23 Mar 2015 12 Jan 2018

4 (1,532 )

In April 1992, when a mostly white jury acquitted four police officers accused in the videotaped beating of a black motorist, thousands of people in Los Angeles, mainly young black and Latino males, joined in what has often been characterized as a race riot. In the summer of 2001, ethnic riots occurred on the streets of towns and cities in the north of England (Oldham, Leeds, Burnley, ...

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Benefits of Ontology in Social Science

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

2 (706 )

What is ontology? Why is it important for the social scientist to know about it? Speaking out of modest personal experience as a political science graduate, the issue of ontology as well as epistemology (and the consequent choices social sciences scientists make) has been always in an arena of confusion for most social sciences graduates. Students, all over the world, feel alienated and often misguided regarding the ...

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Four Forms of Participant Observation: Ethical Issues

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

8 (3,030 )

Introduction "I have no great quickness of apprehension or power to follow a long and purely abstract of thought is very limited... (but) I am superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully" Charles Darwin, Preface to "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals" Participant observation (PO) is one of the more fruitful ...

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Importance of Women's Empowerment in India

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

12 (4,582 )

Abstract- In India, The realities of rural life in India are difficult to comprehend. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrolment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers field showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defence, ...

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Theories of Mental Health & Illness Within Sociology

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

5 (1,780 )

Compare and contrast two of the five approaches to mental health & illness within Sociology. (social causation, social reaction (labelling theory), critical theory, social constructivism & social realism) Mental Health Illness The issue of mental health has long been an object of study for society, the psychiatric professions and sociology has similarly had a long tradition of offering theoretical insights into the phenomenon. Why this might be ...

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Representation of Genders in the Media

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

6 (2,221 )

Course Diary Entry 1 Liesbet Van Zoonen: 'Feminist Media Studies' (chapter 6, pp 87 - 104) 1. ABSTRACT The sixth chapter of Van Zoonen's book 'Feminist Media Studies', 'Spectatorship and the Gaze', provides a compelling introduction to the area of feminist film studies, more specifically, to different issues surrounding the concept of the 'gaze'. Van Zoonen draws on the arguments of Laura Mulvey's work, who used psychoanalytic ...

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Durkheim's Approach to Sociological Analysis

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

6 (2,031 )

Outline the main features of Durkheim's approach to sociological analysis, and discuss how this may be used to understand suicide rate. Durkheim was a French positivist, with an emphasis on functionalism, which revolves around a biological analogy where in society, is seen as an organic whole with each component working to maintain the others, similar to the human body. Its main interest is seeing how these parts ...

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Social and Economic Problems of the Arab World

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

4 (1,429 )

The Arab World refers to the 22 Arabic speaking countries located between the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea in the east, and the Mediterranean Sea and Turkey in the north to the Indian Ocean and mid-Africa in the south. It consists of an area of around 14 million square kilometres, most of which is desert except for the coastal areas. There are approximately ...

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Personal Illness Narratives: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

10 (3,936 )

Introduction This essay employs excerpts from the narrative of a 38 year old woman named Francesca, a lady who has been given a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), to illustrate key concepts form the sociological, and psychological literature. This approach will illustrate the writer's ability to critically appraise the literature, its relevance to the narrative in question, and using narrative, places these concepts within a real life ...

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Participation Observation Research Method: Analysis

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

4 (1,222 )

Participation Observation Research Participant observation is a method of collecting qualitative data in social research. This method involves the immersion of the researcher in the subject matter so that it can be observed in its natural setting. It involves variable levels of involvement of the researcher on a continuum ranging from passive (observation) to active (participation). The distinction between participation and observation is based on the closeness ...

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History of Catherine II of Russia

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

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Catherine II of Russia Catherine II of Russia who is commonly referred as Catherine the Great was the Russian Empress from 1762 until her death in 1796. Catherine’s real names were “Yekaterina II Velikaya”. She was in the category of the “Enlightened despots” who were rulers influenced by the enlightened principles that embraced religious tolerance, freedom of speech, press and property. Catherine was born as Sophie Augusta ...

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Medical Marijuana and the Legalization Debate

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

5 (1,792 )

Introduction Medical marijuana or medical cannabis can be defined as the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Marijuana itself is a drug that comes from the cut and dried leaves of hemp plant also referred to as cannabis sativa. Its most active ingredient is delta tetrahydrocannibinol. Throughout history marijuana has been used in many different cultures to change perception, mood and consciousness. Its effects range from provoking ...

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Theory of Alienation by Karl Marx

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

5 (1,860 )

Introduction Karl Marx has been dubbed as one of the most prolific and influential thinkers of the nineteenth century. He advocated the creation of a classless society that would be guided through proper democracy and equality. In essence, Marx criticized the capitalist system as an order in which the powerful firms have gained considerable power and clout. He argued that workers are treated as commodities under this ...

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Impact of Congestion Growth in Muscat

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

26 (10,068 )

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION & LITERATURE REVIEW Statement of the problem Most of the countries experienced significant increases in car ownership over the past two decades, resulting in rapid increases in total travel on the roads, and declining absolute market shares for public transport. Bonsall (2000) notes that, in the UK, car ownership rose from 30% of households in 1960 to 70% in 1995. In the US, by ...

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Contribution of Chicago School to Criminology

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

9 (3,402 )

Critically assess the contribution of the Chicago School In this essay I will critically assess the contribution of the Chicago school. I will open this essay by briefly describing the Chicago school and the conditions in which it arose. I will then look at the context within criminology in witch the Chicago School emerged; I will do this by looking at the dominating criminological theories that existed before ...

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Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Sampling and Ethics

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

5 (1,682 )

1. Discuss the main difference between qualitative and quantitative research? While qualitative research involves the analysis of unstructured information from interview transcripts, open ended survey responses, photos and videos, quantitative research involves the analysis of numerical data. According to Reswick, J. B., (1994 p. viii), “Quantitative and qualitative research differ in at least three major ways.First, the process is very different; second, the tools are different; and, ...

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Theories of Work and Identity

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

5 (1,607 )

Discuss: Work is a big portion of a person’s life. To say that work is a big portion of a person’s life is a understatement of large proportions. Children are raised with one or both parents who make it a priority. They are raised to make it a priority. They work virtually all their lives. They retire from it. It can be intrusive and ubiquitous and the ...

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Biomedical and Social Models of Health

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

6 (2,314 )

The bio-medical and social models of health offer different views of health and disease. Outline the main characteristics of each model and assess their strengths and weakness in explaining health and disease." Health can be viewed as the state of being fit and well, as well as a state of mental sanity (WHO 2005). According to Blaxter (2004), if a person can perform daily functions such as ...

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Theories of Risk and Uncertainty

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

4 (1,406 )

Outline the main social theories of risk and uncertainty using at least one example as illustration. One of the most lively areas of theoretical debate in social and cultural theory in recent times is that addressing the phenomenon of risk and the role it plays in contemporary social life and subjectivities. Three major theoretical perspectives on risk emerging since the early 1980s and gaining momentum in the ...

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Impact of Pastoralism on Political and Economic Organization

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

6 (2,375 )

The Basseri community is one of the traditional ethnic groups in Iran who inhabits the Fars province. This tribe is illustrated as Persian and Arab and nomadic within a delineated territory. The Basseri community is one of the pastoral nomads who usually wander along the plains and hills near the Shiraz town. In the area where they migrate it is said to be best for agricultural activities ...

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History of Societal Acceptance for Homosexuality

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

7 (2,604 )

There are obvious outgrowing numbers of gays and lesbians communities in our country and all over the world. People become increasingly engaged into homosexual affiliations. Many variables influence the emergence of sexuality in all young people. These variables are changes in biological processes, relationships and community interactions. The level of acceptance between gays and lesbians has changed over the years. The researchers would like to determine the ...

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Effect of Migration on Development of Northern Ghana

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

9 (3,291 )

Migration has been an age-long activity which has been going on in different forms and continues to be a vital component of individual and societal development through acquisition and transfer of knowledge and resources. Migration is a global phenomenon which continues to dominate the scenes around the world, while some form of migration is been promoted for economic reasons, other forms face strict restrictions. Migratory movement within ...

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Gender in Organizations From a Critical Perspective

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

12 (4,608 )

The term gender is just a set of characters that tent to differentiate between female and male, especially in case of women and men. Depending on the context under discussion, the distinguishing characteristics differ from sex to social duties to gender identity as well. Some of the cultures have certain gendered-related social roles that ought to be considered distinct from ladies and gents. On the other hand, ...

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Impact of Sex Tourism on Thailand

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

9 (3,244 )

The purpose of this project is to provide an overview of the sex tourism industry in Thailand. Moreover, discuss what it is as well as consider the motivations behind it. This paper will also focus on the benefits and disadvantages, particularly the domestic social consequences of sex tourism within Thailand. The accessibility problem of the tourism industry has caused prostitution to grow steadily throughout many parts of ...

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Nature of Sociological Theory

03 Oct 2016 11 Jan 2018

8 (2,864 )

THE NATURE OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY OKUMAGBA, OGHENERO PAUL, FAYEYE, J.O. & EJECHI, EUCHARIA SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY DEFINITION AND MEANINGS Different people see Sociological & theory in different ways. Different people have regarded different aspects of sociology as theory and students are also involved because their works are based on theories. How do we define a theory? In other to give an answer to this question, we must ...

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How Effective is the Internet for Meeting People?

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

8 (3,070 )

Keywords: online dating essay, internet dating essay How effective is the internet as a means of meeting new people? Examine the successes and failures of internet dating. Background History: In recent years ‘internet dating’ has become very popular for a number of reasons, mainly due to its ease and convenience. In a world where single people often have little time to socialise and find it hard to ...

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NHS: History of, and Modern Day

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

7 (2,406 )

Introduction Early approaches to health in the UK generally saw it as the responsibility of the individual to seek and pay for health services. However, we can see the emergence of government involvement as early as the late 1700s as Britain was emerging as an industrialised nation. This new age of wealth brought about medical advances but symptomatic of the laissez-faire (leave alone) attitudes of the time, ...

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Theories of Religion: Emile Durkheim and Max Weber

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

4 (1,301 )

The topic I have chosen to discuss is religion, as theorised by Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. Religion can be recognised in every culture around the world. Therefore, sociologists examine it in order to understand why religion and the beliefs and practices associated with religion, are so significant and the position they play within society (Macionis & Plummer, 2008, p610). Durkheim and Weber both carried out their ...

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Comparison of Positivist and Phenomenological Methods

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

7 (2,404 )

Describe, compare, contrast, and critically evaluate the effectiveness of both positivist and phenomenological methodology adopted when studying society. Sociology is the study of human society, including both social action and organisation. Sociologists use scientific research methods and theories, and study social life in a wide variety of settings, this offers not only information but also a distinctive way of looking at the world and the position humans ...

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Impact of Harassment on the Victim

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

10 (3,785 )

How does harassment have a psychological effect on homosexuals? Homosexuality has been an issue for people around the world seemingly since the beginning of time. It is a lifestyle that has been debated, unaccepted and stereotyped.But in recent years, society has welcomed more and more homosexuals into its loving arms under the umbrella of civil liberties. It is become increasingly acceptable to be homosexual in society today.1 ...

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Categories of Abuse Essay

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

6 (2,382 )

Abuse can be defined as "to treat wrongfully or harmfully". There are different categories of abuse that have been recognized and within our case study there appears to be two distinct forms of abuse, domestic abuse and child abuse. These can be sub divided into terms of physical abuse, emotional /psychological abuse, and non-organic failure to thrive. Physical abuse is the intentional inflicting of physical injury or ...

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Effects of Teenage Pregnancy

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

4 (1,353 )

Abstract In this paper, teen pregnancy is discussed. You would get an insight on contraception, abortion, sex ed., peer pressure, parental influence, and social situations. As stated in the paper, teen pregnancy is very serious, and it's also a very sticky situation to go through especially as a teen. Teen females usually don't purposely want to get pregnant; they are mostly pressured or want to explore their ...

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Residential Segregation Has Been Defined

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

CHAPTER 1 Residential segregation has been defined by several authors in various disciplines. It is reported by Cundiff and Hudson (1999) to involve the spatial concentration of population groups. In a similar definition by Kemper (1998) residential segregation was referred as the spatial separation of population sub-groups within a given geographical area such as a large ...

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Landscape And A Health Of A Human

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

Introduction This part of paper concerns about the connection between a landscape and a health of a human well-being. The contribution of a landscape towards a human quality, well-being and performance in any subject is pressed in this concern. After decades of revolution in terms of technology and design, landscape has existed in our life ...

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Legalizing Prostitution And Its Various Viewpoints

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

In the present time, prostitution ranks among the most controversial issue in many countries. There are two groups of people who have different ideas about this issue. Some people believe that prostitution should be allowed to be legalized. Whereas, some people claim that prostitution should never be legalized. The laws on ...

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Heteronormativity Is The Cultural Bias

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Professor Ipsen Gen 101 Smaller Question Heteronormativity is the cultural bias or the view that puts clear boundary between male and female, which emphasizes normal sexual and romantic relationship between two genders. As freshmen in college, I have a friend name Joe whom I did not expect him to be gay. At first, I thought ...

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The Role Theory And Contact Theory

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

2.0 Introduction In this study, the role theory and contact theory has been used. Role theory explains the reasons why heterosexuals are prejudiced toward gays and lesbians focusing on heterosexuals’ belief that homosexuals breach expected social roles. On the other hand, contact theory clarifies positive attitudes towards gays and lesbians developed by heterosexuals’ interpersonal contact ...

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Societies And Cultures Changing

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Society is described as a group of citizens who act together to allocate a frequent culture in a particular location. Therefore society and culture are both intricately connected because the culture is consisting of the society's objects; while the society is consisting of the group of citizens who allocate a widespread culture. Nowadays, there are ...

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Predisposing Factors Of Homosexuality

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

A term Paper presented to Mr. Roger Garcia English Department By: Daffodil Dawn F. Aquino Angeliza P. Sumbelin BSN 3- NA February 14, 2013 Outline: Estrogen-Containing foods: A homosexual risk to males Thesis: Predisposing factors of homosexuality are foods that contain a high level of estrogen such as chicken, soy beans and dairy products like ...

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Gradual Development Of Mental Health Policies

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

6.1 Challenges (1) Political Structuring Problems Political influence and Party infiltration pose the preponderant problem for the mental health policy in the People’s Republic of China. Since the initiation of this policy, the two factors have been continuously guided the three periods of evolution of mental health policy and services till the present. During the first stage, ...

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The Suicide Among Youth

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

A very Good morning to our respected lecture and my fellow friend, in this wonderful morning I would like to share a quote which is "There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be and you accept it, or you ...

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Sociology Of Family And Marriage

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Name: Institution: Course: Instructor: Date: Sociology of family and marriage A family is a basic unit in society that consists of blood related persons living together. However, this definition is not totally applicable in today’s complementary society due to variations in family relations (Henslin, 2010). Historically, the family structure types were nuclear and extended. The ...

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Nature Is The Least Important

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

Nature has been part of man since time immemorial. The idea that we are separate from nature is only relatively recent. Nature is an important constitute of the human environment. This paper highlights the different definitions of nature. It will also depict the degree of association over the different evolutionary periods focusing mainly on the ...

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Women Experience On Birth Environment

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Abstract Introduction Literature review Birth environment Brief history of Birth environment Ideal birth environment The world as experienced by women Existential Phenomenology Steps involved in existential phenomenology Methodology Area of study Data collection Data analysis Data Presentation and interpretation conclusions Women Experience on Birth Environment: A phenomenological study ABSTRACT Since the aim of phenomenology is ...

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Look At Population And Demography

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

49. China has been the world's most populous country for centuries and today makes up one-fifth of the world's population. It is no surprise that China's huge population, tumultuous demographic history and possible future have attracted the world's attention. The country's growing economic strength, combined with its demographic might, ensures it will stay in the limelight ...

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Isaac Is The First Child

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Throughout the brother’s childhood, they were able to state that they are students along with the ability to identify which year they attended at school. This is clearly the brother's social role used to describe their self-image. For instance, this indicates that the brothers’ intellectual level has increased. During childhood, the brother’s ...

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Improving Empowerment Of Women

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Improving empowerment status Bharti Saini *1, Mukesh Kumar*2,Renu Singh3 ,S.D.Singh4 1*A.P, Applied Science & Management Deptt. Hindu College of Engg, Sonipat, Haryana (India) 2* Pursuing B.Tech Final year student of Electrical Engg., P M College of Engg, Sonipat 3 Research Scholar, L.N Mishra Institute of Social science and economic Reforms, Patna 4. Reader, L.N Mishra ...

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Development Of Public And Community

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

William Beveridge was an economist and social reformer who was associated with the development of the welfare state. Beveridge trained as a lawyer but during the liberal government of 1906-1914 he was asked to advise David Lloyd George on pensions for the elderly and national insurance (BBC History 2012). In 1941 the government asked ...

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Structure And Operation Of Family Farms

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Ques 1: Till the onset of the 1990’s the common belief across the world was that farming is a 24 x 7 job. In other words, a person fully dedicated in agricultural activities and farming can be addressed as a farmer. The moment, the person starts to opt for other work that are not necessary ...

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Views Of Intimate Sexuality Changed

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

Chong Yin Hui Edit profile details From: Chong Yin Hui ([email protected]) Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 12:16:39 PM To: Chong Yin Hui ([email protected]) To a small extent that the Chinese view of intimate sexuality is differ from the western one. They get many common areas in this topic. The views of intimate sexuality changed among ...

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Dench Gavron And Young

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in. And how many want out" says Tony Blair (2006) Measure of country. It's an announcement that most of us may consider as granted. Is this really what Dench, Gavron and Young (2006) where after? Did they also think ...

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Approaches To Social Housing Past And Present

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Figure : Maslow's hierarchy of needsMaslow’s hierarchy of needs, places housing as central to achieving health and well – being of people (Lester et al, 1983). JOURNAL on pc. Housing is defined as a "place of resistance, the home and place of homemaking, and can represent a significant source and store of wealth" (Alcock et ...

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Look At Suicide Among Youth

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

A very Good morning to our respected lecture and my fellow friend, in this wonderful morning I would like to share a quote which is "There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be and you accept it, or you ...

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The Willard Community Are Published

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Steven Duffel Southwest Baptist University Abstract Community Assessment Paper The city of Willard is located in Greene County, Missouri and is comprised of 5,293 residents (City of Willard, 2010). Willard is considered a part of the Springfield, Missouri Metropolitan Statistical Area. Willard has a long standing history that the residents are proud of. ...

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Eagles Were Formerly Known

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

There is no single Tlingit term to refer to moieties or clans. The Tlingit apply the term naa to moieties, clans and nations. Earlier ethnographers, such as (Oberg 1973), used the term phratry instead of moiety because of the assumption that Tlingit society was divided into three divisions or phratries. However, all concede that the ...

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Young Adulthood Is A Period

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Marriage is a legal sanction where man and woman as a couple committed to each other. According to Cherlin (2004), the reason marriage became increasingly deinstitutionalized is supported by the demonstration such as low stability of marriage, delay in marriage and growth in cohabitation. Besides, the most influential reason contributed to the "deinstitutionalization of marriage" ...

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Theoretical Perspective In Prostitution

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Subject Code : FDN 1113 Subject Title : FOUNDATIONS IN SOCIOLOGY Program of Study : FOUNDATION IN SCIENCE Year & Semester : 2013, SEMESTER 3 Lecturer’s Name : Ms QURAT UL AIN Due Date : FRIDAY, 22nd MARCH, 2013 Students’ Details Name : EDMUND KUA EIK MUN Matric No. : FSC00149 Assignment Overall Marks : ...

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Law Should Require Woman To Dress Modestly

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT ACDEMIC ENGLISH 2 BM 201(10) Name : ALICIA JAMES IC : 941218075246 Index No. : PP102713 Batch No. : 1210 CAMPUS : PENANG WORD COUNT : 3000 QUESTION 1 The law should require woman to dress modestly. Discuss. QUESTION 2 In the last 20 years, rates of divorce have risen significantly in Western ...

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Tragedy Then As Farce By Zizek

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Name Instructor Course First as Tragedy, Then as Farce by Zizek Zizek was born in 1949 in a region of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in bourgeois kinfolk. He has proven himself as a chief anti-postmodernist central truth-seeker and his exertion has at present bred an International Paper of Zizek Studies. He is mainly fascinated in Marxist and ...

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The Privacy Privatism And Privatisation

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Alain van Woerkens What is the difference between privacy, privatism and privatisation , and how do these concepts help explain the meaning of the home under late-capitalism? Introduction In this essay I will start by giving the meaning of and the difference between privacy, privatism and privatisation. Then I will expand on the different points ...

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Biological Nature Determine Gender Identity Formation

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

External Assessment To what extent does biological nature determine gender identity formation? Extended Essay Candidate Name: India Watkins Centre Name: King Edward VI Community College Centre Number: 003864 Candidate Number: 003864 018 Assignment Supervisor: Mr R Ludlam 05/03/2013 Word Count: 3816 *Does not include supplementary information. Abstract When a baby is born, the main question ...

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Factors That Influence A Person Self Concept

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

123 Manchester road Manchester M3 1AA Telephone: 0161 000 000-5 Fax: 0161 000 0006 Written report Table of contents Introduction......................................................................................... Page 3 Factors that influence a person self-concept....................................... Page 4-5 Methodology....................................................................................... Page 5 Findings.............................................................................................. Page 6 Conclusions........................................................................................ Page 7 Recommendation................................................................................ Page 8 Appendices......................................................................................... Page 9 Bibliography....................................................................................... Page 10 Introduction I have been asked to reassess ...

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Look At Work And Family

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

SOC 3030-800 Work and Family The doctrine of separate spheres is an ideology that states that there are separate spheres of life: the public sphere and the private sphere. Life in the public sphere takes place outside the home, for example in the workplace. The private sphere is home and family life. ...

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Violence Committed Against Them

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Alexandra Soto Mr. Berrios Through history we have seen how the patriarchal society has imposed many costumes that has influence women and its role in society which some of them still remain now a days. Men have always been the head of the family which has given them in part superiority which they have used ...

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Constraint In Womens Employment And Careers

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Introduction The issue of women’s employment and careers has been high on social and organization agendas recently. This is the result of an increase in surplus labor force combined with females who are placed on a vulnerable status. At the same time, the labor market has undergone tremendous changes, more and more women take part ...

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Economic Theory Of Conflict

02 Nov 2017

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Many theories of conflict exist in explaining the nature of conflict in society. The Economic Conflict theory, Human Needs Theory of conflict, Relative Deprivation theory, Protracted Social Conflict theory (PSC) and Psycho-cultural Conflict theory are the theoretical underpinnings of this study, since the Bawku conflict hinges on the issues that these theories deal with. Economic ...

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Animal Shelters Where Established

02 Nov 2017

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Derveleen Calixte Senior Project Animal Shelters where established in the U.S. as a solution for the thousands of animals found as strays on the streets. Animal cruelty also increased with time and soon the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) was founded in 1824 in England by Henry Bergh. The SPCA was ...

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Picture For Structural Functionalism Theory

02 Nov 2017

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Subject Code : FDN 1113 Subject Title : FOUNDATIONS IN SOCIOLOGY Program of Study : FOUNDATION IN SCIENCE Year & Semester : 2012/2013, SEMESTER 3 Lecturer’s Name : Ms. QURAT’UL AIN Due Date : FRIDAY, 22 MARCH, 2013 Students’ Details Name ...

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The Womens Effectiveness In Managerial Roles

02 Nov 2017

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Midterm Paper Organizational Behavior Women’s effectiveness in Managerial Roles The gender gap for women to men in Managerial roles working in companies is slowly declining. Women can be effective managers because men and women are considered more equal every new generation. Social conditioning causes and effects the way people interact with the world. Proponents ...

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Suicide Is The Voluntary Termination

02 Nov 2017

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RESEARCH PAPER W1/44/60 Dr. James L. Knapp Carmen Horn Southeastern Oklahoma State University Introduction Suicide is the voluntary termination of one's life. It’s a major public health and mental health problem in the United States. The suicide rate for elderly population is growing faster than any other age group.( Erber, 2010) Older adults have suicide ...

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Reflecting The Rapid Increase

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Reflecting the rapid increase in the aged population, the question of what constitutes aging well and how to age well has been gaining attention. There has not yet been a definite answer; part of the reason being that old age is relatively young, and there is still much room to be researched. This is ...

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Media Is The Buzz Word Today

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION Media is the buzz word today ushering the world in the era of globalization. Media defines and then redefines the socio-cultural and socio-economic parameters. Media in India, like every modern and advanced country, comprises of the radio, the film, the television, the press, publications and advertising besides traditional media. They are referred to as ...

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Home Under Late Capitalism

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction In this essay I will start by giving the meaning of and the difference between privacy, privatism and privatisation. Then I will dwell on the different points of view on home. Finally the meaning of home in the late-capitalism will be discussed with the use of current developments like gated communities and the wish ...

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Attributes Of Georg Simmels Formal Sociology

02 Nov 2017

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Around the time of Simmel, it was seen that he seen as an eccentric trying to put his concepts through by using unusual topics for example culture of fashion. These concepts still did not have enough though behind it, it was still an idea of his and seemed brief. Frisby (2002) claims it to be ...

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Role In Formation Of An Individual

02 Nov 2017

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"Self" Final Paper Project Student Name Contents "SELF" Summarizing self is a part of the society and which is formed by the exchange of imaginations between the people in the society, and everyone in the society takes part in forming self, consequently different cultural rules and patterns form different self. Higgins’s presented a theory on ...

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Particularly Adults Work Comprise

02 Nov 2017

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Work has been put into various categorizations by several authors. Padavic and Reskin (2002) categorizes work into three main forms known as forced work, paid work (also known as market work) and unpaid work. According to them, forced work is work performed under compulsion which provides little or no pay or any form of support. ...

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Suicide Among Mizo Youths With Special

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 Introduction Statement of the Problem Suicide is a disturbing global phenomenon which is a serious concern for all societies. Though suicide was rare in the traditional Mizo community, there is an increasing suicide rate in the recent times, particularly among the youths. This increase in suicide has become a disturbing phenomenon and needs ...

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The Women In Society

02 Nov 2017

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My essay will be about Gender, specifically women in society. Over the years, there have been extreme changes amongst understanding the roles of gender in an average society. Has it ever come across your attention the role of a woman from around 50 years ago? Research suggests that "the role of women in the 1950’s ...

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Home Ownership Does A Means

02 Nov 2017

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Topic 3: Home Ownership is a means to people’s sense of belongings and political stability of the society To tutor: Dr. Gavin Ure From student: Cheung Kai Lung, 10140951D Year: 2012/2013 Semester 1 Introduction When it comes to home ownership, it may be a common belief that home ownership is always for the purpose of ...

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Born To Work Child Labourers In Bangalore

02 Nov 2017

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Child labour is one of the social problems in India today though it has been legally prohibited. Low income and impoverished families in particular are forced to send their children to work for the survival of the whole family. Sometimes there are also cases which children themselves voluntarily dropped the school and started working without ...

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Gender Gaps And Gender Discrimination

02 Nov 2017

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Pakistan is predominantly a patriarchal society where the roles of men and women are divided into two separate worlds, where the women are expected to lead a domesticated lifestyle, while a man dominates the world outside home. Due to the uneven socioeconomic development, the rural/urban divide as well as numerous other factors like tribal, feudal ...

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Health That Marxists Believe

02 Nov 2017

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The biomedical model is the way doctors look at health. It is the belief that all illness has a biological cause. Doctors aren’t really interested in the social causes of health and the environmental way. They are interested in what bacteria and viruses make a person ill, why is their body not functioning and how ...

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What Is The Psychology

02 Nov 2017

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The human curiosity to know more about the functioning of their body and its organs led to various inventions. Prime among these being medicine: to cure physical ailments, psychiatry: to help overcome mental disease through a blend of medication and counselling and psychology: which can broadly be defined as a science that attempts to study ...

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Power Relationship Between Heterosexuals And Homosexuals

02 Nov 2017

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2.0 Introduction In this study, the role theory and contact theory has been used. Role theory explains the reasons why heterosexuals are prejudiced toward gays and lesbians focusing on heterosexuals’ belief that homosexuals breach expected social roles. On the other hand, contact theory clarifies positive attitudes towards gays and lesbians developed by heterosexuals’ interpersonal contact ...

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Change Paradox Attitudes Towards Modernization

02 Nov 2017

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Names of Authors: Ningthoujam Sombala Khandelwal Shalini Departments and Affiliations: Dr. Sombala Ningthoujam Faculty Member – OB & HR IBS Gurgaon Dr. Shalini Khandelwal Faculty Member – OB & HR IBS Gurgaon Mailing address: Dr. Shalini Khandelwal Flat No. 204, Tower 4, Palms Apartments, Opp. Unitech Country Club, South City 1, Gurgaon – 122001, India Email addresses: [email protected] ...

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Higher Levels Of Cognitive Thought

02 Nov 2017

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This is the final research project assignment for this course (NOTE: The research project builds on itself each week and will culminate with your final research proposal submission during Week 8). Ensure you use the same research project topic that you used for last week’s submission unless you were directed by the instructor to ...

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The Understanding Of Canine Behaviour

02 Nov 2017

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There are many theories and hypothesis regarding the origin of the domesticated dog; its place of origin and date of evolution. It is certain that the dog is a descended of the wolf however never believe the floating theories that your dog is a "mini wolf". The dog carries a remarkable amount of traits, drives ...

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Gender Gap Dissemination In Employment

02 Nov 2017

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Status of women in Pakistan: Physical and Human living conditions Women’s aspirations and position of working women in society Social status of working women Female employment & Economic participation Gender Parity, Gender Gaps and dissemination in Pakistan Social norms and Gender empowerment Human Capital and Income Group by Gender Gender preferences for work by Female ...

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Usefulness Of Nregs In Relation

02 Nov 2017

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Dr.B. Anil Prasad [1]  Abstract Social exclusion is a relatively new concept with a multidimensional character related to the relative position of an individual or a group or a region in the entirety of society. Exclusion is conceptualised through different social processes and dimensions of everyday life: economical, cultural, physical or mental disability, geographical (spatial), political ...

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The Body Has Become One

02 Nov 2017

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Literature Review 1.1 Introducing ‘the body’. ‘The body’ has become one of the main concerns within sociological theory only recently. Before this time, the discipline of sociology looked at human beings as the ‘social actors’ or the ‘social agents’ whose character and behaviour depended on their social location, beliefs and values (Turner, 1984). ...

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Trafficking In South Asia

02 Nov 2017

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As first chapter is about the introduction of why a research was needed on this topic. What is the research question? What are the main objectives of this research? A list of books and journals will be reviewed as how they have contributed to this study The second chapter will be the introduction of human ...

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Not Natural But Reflects The Society

02 Nov 2017

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When confronted with the term "the family" it can be argued that the majority of individuals will instinctively relate this term with the idea of two parents living with their children in the same household, also known as the stereotypical form of the family that is the "Nuclear Family" (Marriam-Webster, 1947). However, when looking at ...

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Case Study Of Structural Functional Paradigm

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Subject Code : FDN 1113 Subject Title : FOUNDATIONS IN SOCIOLOGY Program of Study : FOUNDATION IN SCIENCE Year & Semester : 2013/ SEMESTER 3 Lecturer’s Name : Ms. QURAT UL AIN Due Date : Friday 22nd 2013 Students’ Details Name ...

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