Population of Bird in Acacia Mangium Proposal

11 Apr 2018

10 (3,828 )

BIRD POPULATION IN EIGHT YEARS OLD OF Acacia Mangium PLANTATION IN SABAH LEE WOONJAH 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of Study Bird is a class of animals that live in a wide range of environments, from the tropical regions to the polar region. Them consists over 10,000 species (Betz & Parr, n.d.). Each species of bird has a restricted range of size from small to ...

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Climate Change and Socioeconomic Development Relationship

10 Apr 2018

4 (1,512 )

Climate change has been discussed since over 200 years ago but has only gained relevance and been taken seriously in the 1950s (Harding, 2007). As states come to realize the possible disastrous consequences of global climate change and attempt to tackle it by implementing certain policies, they are invariably confronted with a dilemma. To prioritise climate change, states would have to reduce their focus on socio-economic ...

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Enrichment Issues in Animals: Andean Bear and Asian Elephant

06 Apr 2018

6 (2,019 )

In this write-up the environmental enrichment issues of two species housed at the Belfast Zoological Gardens will be discussed. Environmental enrichment can be defined as the development of stimulating settings for animals within a zoo as a means for them to demonstrate species-typical behaviour such as exercising control or choice (Shepherdson, 1998). The two species in this piece being investigated are that of the Andean (spectacled) ...

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Impact of Cane Toad Introduction Into Australian Habitat

28 Mar 2018

8 (3,031 )

Biology Issue Report: The impact of the introduction of Cane toads into the Australian habitat. Cane toads (Rhinella Marina) were introduced to north-eastern Australia in 1935 in an attempt to control the sugar cane pests damaging the crops of farmers. Cane toads are large toads native to Central and South America. They are voracious predators, eating a diet consisting mainly of arthropods. The main habitat ...

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Analysis of Family Waste Production

28 Mar 2018

3 (945 )

Recycling Waste generated in my home Andrew Connor Cowan   What is the amount of waste produced by my household Over 42 million cubic meters of general waste is generated every year across the country, with the largest proportion coming from Gauteng (42%). In addition, more than 5 million cubic meters of hazardous waste are produced every year, ...

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Effects of Greenhouse Gases on the Environment

27 Mar 2018

4 (1,385 )

What are the three human affected sources of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 75words 704-705 Krogh (2011), states that the three human affected sources of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and the amount of cattle we raise. These three affects either put in too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere or doesn’t produce enough. The burning of fossil ...

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Effect of DDT on the Environment

21 Mar 2018

6 (2,039 )

Effect of DDT to This Environment Pesticides became a bad forebode in agriculture since mid-twentieth century. In agriculture, pesticides are an important element to control the major vector-borne diseases such as malaria and visceral leishmaniasis. There are 4 major groups of pesticides: insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides and fungicides. Although pesticides are vital to protect the crop and also human health in the whole world, but due to their ...

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Effect of the Weather on Agriculture

01 Feb 2018

11 (4,218 )

Executive Summary Agricultural activities are often affected by the weather. Weather is unpredictable as it changes from time to time. As the agricultural activities affected, the crops or the outcome of the agricultural activities would be affected as well and this caused the income of the farmers to be affected or causing the investors to lose money. Therefore, weather derivative is needed to protect the farmers ...

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Debates on Elephant Culling

19 Jan 2018

4 (1,402 )

Ivy Terry The Controversy of Elephant Culling Press and media have pushed the idea that elephant populations are threatened, diminished by habitat loss, poaching and a variety of other reasons. In the 1930s habitat loss and heavy ivory poaching had decreased South Africa's elephant population from 3-5 million to around 500,000 (Harmse, Riana). Since then, through protection, laws and regulations the elephant population in ...

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Ethics of Seal Clubbing in Canada

19 Jan 2018

4 (1,254 )

Chet Merklin Jeff Smith Canadian Seal Clubbing Seals have it rough. They hunt for food, they eat, they nurture their young, they procreate, they sleep, and they survive. Their fate, however, isn’t really in their flippers at all. The true power rests with a species far more indecisive and far less furry than the seals over which it fights amongst itself. Fifty years ago, ...

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Impact of Global Warming

16 Jan 2018

5 (1,670 )

Milagros Hoyos Global Warming Global Warming is an international phenomenon where the weather and temperature change unpredictably and fast (when greenhouse gases get trapped in the atmosphere). Since the Industrial Revolution, global warming has increased, affecting Earth by rising its global temperature (which has increased due to the fact that the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases spewing from industrial plants has enlarged). ...

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Policy Analysis

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

7 (2,475 )

Policy Analysis on Female Genital Mutilation FGM The policy on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), adopted by the Human Rights Commission of Ontario, Canada, in 1996 (and further revised it in 2000) acknowledges the practice as an internationally recognized violation against women and girls' human rights and looks at the domestic implications of Canada's obligations as a signatory to international conventions and treaties which recognize FGM as a ...

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European Monetary Union's effect on Europe

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

5 (1,826 )

A currency is a form of money and is used when purchasing goods or services. Coins and paper money are both forms of currency. There are different types of currency for each country, for example the UK has the Pound (£), the USA has the US Dollar ($) and 15 member states of the European Union use the Euro (€). There are other currencies used all around ...

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Development of Recycling Company

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

10 (3,670 )

Executive Summary Recently, the growing utilization of plastics are specifically used domestic purpose and produced from industrial and consumer applications and need to combined with increased consumer awareness surrounding solid waste recycling, has led to an increased demand for recycled plastic resins and products for our general purposes. One of the quickest increasing types of collected plastic materials for recycling is polyethylene terephthalate ("PET") from post-consumer beverage ...

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Strategies to Lower Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

9 (3,253 )

Carbon dioxide emissions from Annex I countries have established since 1990 but are growing rapidly in developing countries (non Annex I countries) at a rate of approximately 4% per year which is reflected in the world emissions which are growing roughly 600 million tons of CO2 per year. Carbon dioxide emissions are the dominant component of greenhouse gas emissions, but represented in 2006 only 69,6% of the ...

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Environmental Impacts of Food Production, Strawberries

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

6 (2,199 )

Introduction The high rate of environmental degradation and the depletion of our ozone layer are some of the reasons supporters of Green Revolution are demanding that food production processes should be energy efficient (Gardner et al., 2008; Perman et al., 2003). This report investigates and compares the possible environmental impacts of strawberry production in these two countries: Spain and UK. The approaches used in this study centre ...

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Health and Safety Challenges in the Mining Industry

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

16 (6,258 )

1. Outline some of the key health and safety challenges that is faced by a mining company you are familiar with. The industry has experienced both high consequence low frequency events (disasters such as Moura and Gretley) as well as low frequency high events (such as slips, strains and falls) contribute to the industry's high lost time injury rate (LTIR). It has also had its share of ...

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Improvements of Waterways in the Philippines

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

6 (2,195 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION For too long the waterways of the Philippines have been grossly contaminated through activities including domestic uses, industrial discharges, stormwater run-off, discharge of untreated sewage, recreational activities and the like. It has been recognised that for the health and safety of both the people of the Philippines and the protection of the environment for our future generations it is necessary that a strategy be established ...

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Role of Solar Energy for Sustainability

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

4 (1,430 )

Environmental Sustainability Introduction This paper is based on the environmental sustainability and the role of solar energy in environmental sustainability. Maintaining the qualities such as human life, clean water and suitable climate that are valued in the atmosphere is termed as environmental sustainability. There are various resources and factors, which contribute directly or indirectly in maintaining the quality of environment. The various aspects of environment that produce ...

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Types of Wild Tea

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

5 (1,740 )

It's quite disappointing that while we have been putting too much attention to the ballyhooed “Cheaper Medicine” Law, we failed to pursue with equal vigor a promising effort to develop medicines which come from the backyard garden. If we can just put our act together, we might be able to offer our people herbal remedies that could even be much more effective and wallet-friendly than the so ...

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Tourism Revenue Sharing (TRS) Benefits

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

25 (9,682 )

1.1 Background Tourism Revenue Sharing (TRS) has been identified by various environmentalists and conservationists as the best way to offset human-wildlife conflict which impedes local support for national parks (Hulme & Murphree 2002). By channeling tourism revenue to local residents, conservationists hope to offset wildlife costs and improve local attitudes toward conservation. To date tourism revenue-sharing programs have met mixed success (Western 2001).This study looked at the ...

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Fossil Fuels: Contribution and Impact

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

6 (2,284 )

Discuss the contribution of fossil fuel to modern human society and the environmental impact The importance of Fossil Fuels to human society cannot be overemphasized. Public services such as buses, train system, general heating system and electricity are being powered with fossil fuels. Due to the high global demand of fossil fuels, they form the major part of the economy of producing countries and the world in ...

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Impact of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

8 (3,179 )

ABSTRACT Extensive researches carried out have pointed to the fact that impact prediction in the EIA process has been problematic and it lacked transparency, scientific rigour or both (Badr et al 2004, Glasson et al 2005). Therefore the aim of this research paper is to evaluate impact prediction in the EIA process by comparing impact prediction practices in three environmental impact statements for one environmental component: Air ...

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

14 (5,359 )

1. Introduction Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a procedure that requires developers to follow in order to be granted permission for a development and was first introduced in European Union (EU) in 1985 (Glasson, 1999). The guidelines and requirements of EIA come from a European Directive (85/33/EEC as amended by 97/11/EC). In this process, developer requires to compile an Environmental Statement (ES) where significant impacts and its ...

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Effects of Climate Change on the Middle East

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

10 (3,662 )

The Effects of Climate Change on the Middle East The Middle East is going to experience a very tough patch in the coming years, with Climate Change threatening basic life, political tensions dividing countries and the economy relying on depleting oil reserves. Of course this is not true for the whole region but mealy a vague overview and this is what this essay aims to look at ...

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Global Warming: Causes and Effects

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

3 (1,032 )

Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on Earth. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods are getting more frequent. It is responsible for the conspicuous increase in storms, floods and raging forest fires we have seen in the last ten years, though, say scientists. Tier data show that an increase of one degree Celsius makes the Earth ...

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Pollution in the USA

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

5 (1,704 )

One of the most eminent problems is pollution and other forms of environmental worsening. While this problem is everything but new, and in reality tends to weaken in the most urbanized countries, the innovation is its global growth, leading to such problems as the global warming. The USA is the world's leading polluter. The USA has the largest cars and the largest roads to all other countries. ...

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Local Agenda 21 Guidelines

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

6 (2,107 )

The concept of Local Agenda 21 was first introduced in 1987 at a meeting of world leaders in Norway. During that meeting the participants agreed that the planet has to adopt policies of "sustainable development" in order to move forward. Officially the Local Agenda 21 was then introduced at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, organised by the United Nations where more than 100 countries and representatives ...

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Analysis of Air Quality in the UK

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

7 (2,721 )

Introduction Air pollution has always been a major area of concern in the developed world, especially in major cities. Air pollution is defined as- ‘the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants such as dust, fumes, gas, mist, odour, smoke, or vapour in quantities and of characteristics and duration such as to be injurious to human, plant, or animal life or to property, or ...

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Life Cycle of a Compact Disc (DC)

23 Mar 2015 15 Dec 2017

4 (1,563 )

LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF A COMPACT DISC CD's have become an essential item in everybody's life. Despite its simple structure, it allows you to listen hours of music, to watch films on a player as well as to store a huge amount of information. For all these reasons, CD's consumption has increased in the last few years. That's way a compact disc is an important matter of ...

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Strategies for Campus Sustainability

01 Dec 2017

4 (1,396 )

DR. VIDYA.H.N   DR. PUTTARAJU.K.   CRAFTING CAMPUS AWARENESS – STRATEGIES TOWARDS CREATION OF CAMPUS SUSTAINBILITY FULL TEXT OF THE PAPER “ First challenge in the design of a new campus is not to create new buildings, but to create a shared vision towards sustainability”. INTRODUCTION –In a College campus each student has a unique role to play in making the campus a sustainable place . ...

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Disaster Preparedness Plan

30 Nov 2017

4 (1,283 )

Abstract When I was a child my mother always kept extra water in 2 liter bottles under her sink and would call them her “Earth quack” water. Little did I know that I grew up on what is called the New Madrid vault which is well over due to happen again, the last time it released was in 1933. I never understood why she did this ...

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Electricity Reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina

24 Nov 2017

8 (3,086 )

During the conflict between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, huge number of transmission and distribution network was damaged. This resulted in a minimum electricity supply that was barely maintained. Thanks to a large number of donations, a major reconstruction occurred post-war of most of generation. Electricity as not the only sector affected by the war, coal, engineering and many other have suffered badly in during the ...

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Factors Affecting Participation with Sustainability

24 Nov 2017

4 (1,332 )

Participation is an essential component of development and the degree of participation in development programs is a key determinant of success or failure. According to Bagherian et al. (2009) the activites and factors which contribute with success of particiption still unkown and remind a mystery. But some researchers and scholars studied peoples' participation and affecting factors in development projects they found some key factors which affect ...

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Ecological Agriculture for Sustainable Development

19 Oct 2017

10 (3,847 )

Siddaraju V. G [*] Dr. M. Indira [**] Introduction Sustainable development is relevant issue of the present day. Sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is achieved through sustainable agriculture. Food security for the common man is a basic right. Over 800 millions people in ...

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Regulations for Carbon Pollution

19 Oct 2017

4 (1,275 )

Executive Summary In June 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a draft rule to regulate carbon pollution from existing power plants, as part of an action plan to address climate change. The rule is limited to existing power plants and does not address other sources of carbon pollution such as cars or industrial facilities. It is often referred to in short hand as the “111d rule,” ...

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Strategies to Improve Water Scarcity

04 Oct 2017

5 (1,799 )

Executive Summary This report is the summary of the definition, problems, limitation, consequences, government intervention to solve the issues and suggestion for improvements for the scarcity of water. The topic for my report is the scarcity of water in Malaysia. This report is about in the early March of 2014, there was a water crisis incident that had happened in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. There ...

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Significance of Sustainable Agriculture

04 Oct 2017

8 (3,025 )

Ahmad Fitri Bin Jamaludin Table of Contents (Jump to) CHAPTER 1: Introduction CHAPTER 2: Roles of Sustainable Agriculture Economy Roles Social Responsibility Research for Sustainable Agriculture Future CHAPTER 3: Importance of Sustainable Agriculture Future Predictions Environmental Factors Scarcity of Land Profit Factors Rural Economies CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION CHAPTER 5: REFERENCES CHAPTER 1: Introduction Sustainable agriculture is the production of agricultural goods, ...

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Environmental Impacts of the Manhattan Project

03 Oct 2016 28 Sep 2017

7 (2,684 )

Background In the year 1940, the US government started their own nuclear weapons project that was later named The Manhattan Project. This was due to the fact that some American scientists, who were comprised mostly of European refugees, feared that Nazi Germany, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, was already conducting their own nuclear weapons development (Independence Hall Association, n.d.). The development of the atomic bomb ...

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Impact of Air Pollution to the Environment in Malaysia

03 Oct 2016 28 Sep 2017

9 (3,364 )

1.0 Introduction Health impact assessment (HIA) is the process of evaluating the possible impact of a biological, chemical, physical or social factor on specific human population system under a fixed environment and for certain duration. (HIA) is an important element of the environmental impact assessment process, which has been considered compulsory for all approved activities under the Environmental Impact Assessment Order, 1987, which comes under the umbrella ...

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Environmental Management System of Starbucks Coffee

03 Oct 2016 28 Sep 2017

7 (2,597 )

Background of the company "Starbucks Coffee is the number one purveyor of coffee in the world. Starbucks Coffee is an American global coffee company and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Moreover, Starbucks Company is the largest coffeehouse company in the world ahead of Costa Coffee, with 20,737 stores worldwide. Howard Schultz, the Chairman and CEO of Starbucks ". With what stated above, Howard ...

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Effectiveness of the Environmental Levy Scheme

03 Oct 2016 28 Sep 2017

10 (3,783 )

Investigate the effectiveness of the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags and Give suggestions on alternative solutions to saturating landfills within 5 years. I have chosen this topic on the basis that this scheme is the first measure in the Product Eco-Responsibility Scheme, thus by reviewing its effectiveness I can give suggestions regarding successful factors and areas for improvement on further schemes of similar nature. ...

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Damage to the Environment Due To Living Standards

03 Oct 2016 28 Sep 2017

4 (1,578 )

Damage to environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvement in the standard of living “The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing that we all share.” —Lady Bird Johnson. The highly development of science and technology thing effects the living standard a lot. Nowadays people suffer from so many problems for instance air pollution, the ...

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Report of Environmental and Palaeoclimatic Changes

03 Oct 2016 28 Sep 2017

10 (3,647 )

A multi-proxy report of environmental and palaeoclimatic changes.  Introduction The question as to whether peat stratigraphy could be used as an archive of past climate change was unresolved in the 1970’s (Aaby, 1976). Peats where used as sedimentary archives from which only pollen could be extracted. However, it was long believed that peats growth was cyclical. Due too scientific ...

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Tesla Case Study

03 Oct 2016 28 Sep 2017

5 (1,957 )

Keywords: tesla motors case analysis, case study on tesla A CASE STUDY ON TESLA MOTORS Cost/Benefit Analysis In business, every decision that has to be made requires thorough evaluation. And one of the most convenient and straightforward methods to do this is through Cost/Benefit Analysis. In CBA, an estimation of the total value of all the benefits of a certain project is compared to that of ...

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Strategies for Environmental Sustainability

20 Sep 2017 26 Sep 2017

8 (2,836 )

Environments consequences It is past time for all the people of every nation has to participate in the search for more sustainable communities. This effort is vital for the worldwide population so there will really be a planet for our kids and their kids to live in the future. An environment sustainable movement is recommended for every nation to have a real chance in returning earth ...

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A Report in Soil Science: Soil Water Budget

20 Sep 2017

6 (2,001 )

SOIL WATER BUDGET INTRODUCTION Soil is the most crucial factors for life on Earth. Soil is linked to everything around us and performs many important roles in sustaining life on Earth. One of those is for providing the basis for food and biomass production. However, this role is being affected by the degradation of soil. Hence, an understanding of soil is needed for finding an optimal ...

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Management of Local Environmental Projects

19 Sep 2017

6 (2,159 )

There are various methods or approaches that can be used to manage local environmental projects through the implementation of environmental management measures with varying degrees of success and effectiveness. The methods and approaches used to manage local environmental projects can vary due to the objectives, active group membership, and the actual geographical location of those environmental projects. The scale and objectives of local environmental projects can ...

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Environmental Management System (EMS) in an Organisation

18 Sep 2017

6 (2,263 )

1. How would you summarise the environmental challenge faced by industry at the current time? Since the start of the industrial age, economic growth and the environment have often been in conflict (Florida and Davidson, 2001). Motivated by more than just “altruistic concerns” (Florida and Davidson: 64) many companies are now taking initiative and incorporating the environment into their business strategy. The environmental challenge to industry ...

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Development and Importance of Solar Electricity

16 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

7 (2,479 )

Noxious gasses, acrid fumes, scarred landscapes, a massive carbon footprint, and a warming atmosphere. These are the consequences of obtaining energy from nonrenewable resources such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum. These are the sources we use to produce electricity, endangering the very planet we live on through their harmful impacts on the environment. These destructive effects include, but are not limited to, the creation ...

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Agencies to Combat Global Malnutrition

16 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

9 (3,515 )

Globalisation Globalization is apparently the most critical variable right now forming the world economy. In spite of the fact that it is not another wonder the progressions it is achieving now happen significantly more quickly, spread all the more generally and have a much more prominent business, monetary and social effect than at any other time. (Bettcher 2002) "Globalization, or the increased interconnectedness and interdependence ...

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Effects of Fossil Fuels

15 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,141 )

Every year, 5.5 million people die prematurely because of air pollution (Lelieveld et al 367). In fact, that number is more than the deaths caused by malaria and HIV/Aids combined. By 2050, the number is projected to double if the problem cannot be tackled properly (Carrington). When asked how to address this problem, a common answer is to reduce our fossil fuels productions. But how ...

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Boxing Day Tsunami, 2004

15 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

4 (1,258 )

  Introduction First of all, the main objective of this academic report is to describe the third-biggest ever recorded tsunami, which is known as "Boxing Day 2004". Moreover, this event was one of the biggest natural disasters in recent history. This report is mainly divided into four sections: the introduction where an outline regarding the objectives and the purpose of this report is presented, ...

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Introduction to Noise Pollution

15 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

4 (1,584 )

NOISE POLLUTION The word 'Noise' is derived from the Latin word 'nausea' which means feeling of sickness at the stomach with an urge to vomit. Disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life. The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles, aircraft, and trains. What is Noise Pollution? ...

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The Future of Oil - Article Analysis

15 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,306 )

Analyzing the Logic of an Article Student Name: Jennifer R. Thomas Article Number and Name: Article 26 "It's Still the One" by Daniel Yergin Work Cite: Jackson, Robert M. Global issues 13/14 (1st ed.). Date: 2-23-2017 BACKGROUND What qualifications ...

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Effects of Confirmation Bias on Consumer Attitudes Toward GM

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

7 (2,647 )

Literature Review: Evaluating the Effects of Confirmation Bias on Consumer's Attitudes Toward Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods (GMFs) have been a part of American life for more than twenty years, with the USDA approving the first commercial crop in 1994 (Bruening & Lyons, 2000). Since then, genetically modified (GM) crops have boomed, with an estimated 70% of processed foods on grocery store shelves containing ...

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Night Hunting Controversy in Saskatchewan

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (996 )

Night hunting controversy has been in the news for quite some time in Saskatchewan. The province made amendments to the Wildlife Regulations on Feb 10 1998 to ban the use of artificial lighting for hunting. Now there is talk in Manitoba to try and do the same thing as Saskatchewan. Cathy Cox has yet to say if there would be a banning or not but ...

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The Samarco Dam Collapse

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (1,126 )

The Biggest Brazilian Environmental Disaster Introduction   When a natural catastrophe happens, it always catches the attention of people around the world. Therefore, this research was the place where information was collected about the greatest environmental disaster that occurred in the history of Brazil, which affected the lives of many Brazilians. This report aims to show the damage caused to the population and the environment, ...

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Disaster: The Nepal Earthquake

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (1,173 )

Major Event: Disaster The Nepal Earthquake ; Figure 1: Mounting damage Presented by: Steven Eu Su Shian  PLAN INTRODUCTION A tragedy happened two years ago on April 25th, 2015 in an Asian country called Nepal. It also; known; as "The Nepal Earthquake". It caused a lot of difficulties to the Nepalese citizens and also it drew a lot of attention from the people ...

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Precision Agriculture Technician Role

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (889 )

For a daily task of a precision agriculture technician is collect data for yields for corn or beans or anything like that. Or i could use geospatial technologies to collect data to find out how much nitrogen there is in the ground. The training you would need is basic like how to run microsoft excel and learn how to collect data and put in microsoft ...

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Global Community Impact on Water Shortage: Article Analysis

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

7 (2,546 )

MA447 Global Management Issues Taking Sides Worksheet Student Name: Jennifer R. Thomas Takings Sides Article Number and Name: Article 2.4 Can the Global Community Successfully Confront the Global Water Shortage? Work Cite: Easton, Thomas A. Taking Sides. Boston: McGraw-Hill Education Create, 2014. Print. Date: 2-21-2017 ...

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Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES)

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,054 )

Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), a non-profit organization was founded in 1989. Its objectives include encouraging ethical and sustainable business practices and promoting investment policies which are environmentally, socially and financially sound. It has created a group of world's largest companies and investors who are responsible to take care of the environmental issues. 100-plus companies and many Fortune 500 businesses like- General Motors, Polaroid, ...

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Should GMO Crops be Banned?

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (825 )

Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) are works or creature that have their DNA test consolidated with DNA from the germ, infections, or different plants and creatures keeping in mind the remainder goal too. GMOs are initially used to upgrade general change to dietary substance. The GMO crop has raised worries over their own advantageous in that they are impervious to illnesses, produces more prominent yields, and ...

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Warrington Environmental Pollution and Soil Health Risks

08 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

15 (5,923 )

Report on the environmental pollution and human health risks of soils in the former industrial area of Woolston, Warrington. 2.Introduction: As a result of rapid population growth followed by intense industrial activity and petrochemical development soils have suffered from contamination with substances of various origins (E.M.Garcia et al,2015).As a result of rapid industrialisation of cities such as Manchester, newly constructed canals were built all over ...

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The relationship of DOC/CDOM

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

17 (6,638 )

Jiwei Li1, Qian Yu1, and Yong Q. Tian2, 3 1 Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2 Institute for Great Lakes Research, Central Michigan University. 3 Department of Geography, Central Michigan University. Key Points: The relationship of DOC/CDOM is impacted by the land cover types and temperature. The same CDOM indicates different DOC levels according to watershed land covers and seasons. Abstract ...

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USS Lead Superfund Site

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

4 (1,573 )

The environmental regulatory agencies in Indiana are the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the IDEM (Indiana Department of Environmental Management), which split regulatory responsibility for the local environment. This balance leans more heavily towards the IDEM, since the EPA has to divide its attention amongst six states in the region while the IDEM's sole focus is just the state of Indiana. Additionally, each agency contributes ...

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Re-establishment of Native Plants by Seed Germination

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

8 (2,923 )

Re-establishment of Native Plants by Seed Germination in the State of Kuwait 1.1 Desertification Desertification and land degradation has become a matter of increasing importance both locally and globally. Due to heat fluctuations produced by climate change, arid and semi-arid areas are becoming easily susceptible and prone to desertification (Kassas, 1995). Conservation of natural desert habitats should be a priority for environmental agencies and governments especially ...

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Transitioning from a Linear to a Circular Economy

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

10 (3,872 )

Prepare a critical review evaluating the challenges of transitioning from a linear to a circular economy. 2000 words (24th March) Introduction The linear model of consumption will need to adjust or be replaced in the near future due to rising population, decreasing resources (i.e. metals, materials), and water limits. The current linear economic system is unsustainable but the concept of circular economy may ...

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Folklore Traditions and Paleontology

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

8 (3,115 )

The scientific process frames information using empirical reason, a system that extracts valuable and seemingly unbiased facts of nature while often affording less room for sources of knowledge that defy its exacting methodology. As a result, information coming from oral histories, myth and ritual is not always regarded as valuable, or at least not as valuable as that which can be tested in a laboratory ...

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Conversion of Waste to Energy

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

12 (4,738 )

This section of the report focuses on waste to energy which is one of the most popular methods used to manage municipal solid waste around the world. Through waste to energy, trash has become a useful material because we are able to convert it to heat. The combustion of trash at a waste to energy facility produce ash, heat and flue gas. From the ash, ...

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J. David Bamberger: A Biography

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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A champion of land stewardship and habitat restoration J. David Bamberger has become an internationally known and highly respected conservationist who has dedicated his life work to protecting the environment while using its resources. He has transformed a once blighted.useless property into a beautiful sanctuary that serves as a model for others interested in habitat restoration. He has made strides in protecting and growing certain endangered species populations which have made positive ...

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The Hawaiian Monk Seal: An Endangered Species

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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The Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus Schauinslandi) is an endemic species located on the Hawaiian Islands. It has the following taxonomy: Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Family: Phocidae, Genus: Neomonachus, and Species: Schauinslandi (fisheries.noaa.gov). It is found predominately on the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, with a smaller population located on the main islands. The monk seal arrived at the Hawaiian Islands anywhere from 3.5 ...

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Soil & Water Contamination: Wheal Jane Incident

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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The Wheal Jane incident was a significant mine water discharge event. The incident occurred in 1992, shortly after the mine closure. This report provides a brief description of the mine, the incident itself and the resulting aftermath. Wheal Jane Mine is located near the village of Chacewater, in Cornwall. The mine itself was formed in 1861, after the merging of five smaller mines. The ...

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Waste Management Practices in Malta

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Chapter 1 Introduction - Context As time gone by, the world as we know it evolved and also with it do did the waste management practices. Through the global widespread epidemic outbreaks, back in early nineteenth century, waste management had shifted from the 'dilute and disperse' and 'repair and reuse' to the new concept of 'collect and remove' in order to protect the ...

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An Outline of Global Climate Change on Earth

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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There is no doubt that the accumulating evidence is suggesting that the Earth's climate is continually changing in direct result because of human activity. The most important of which causes the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from fossil fuels. A report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated the Earth's average land and sea surface temperature has increased by ...

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Implementation of a Risk Communication Plan

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Following the reported deaths of hundreds of birds in Esperance in Western Australian between December 2006 and March 2007, it was discovered that lead being transported through the town's port were responsible for their deaths. However, much of the community was unaware of this until it became public as part of the investigation into bird deaths in the local environment. Esperance saw itself as an ...

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Content Analysis of Web-based Norovirus Education Materials

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Content Analysis of Web-based Norovirus Education Materials Targeting Consumers Who Prepare and Handle Food: An Assessment of Alignment and Readability Hillary Evansa Morgan Gettya Cortney M. Leonea Michael Finneyb Angela Frasera* aDepartment of Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA bDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA ABSTRACT - word count Huma noroviruses sicken 19-21 million people in the U.S. ...

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Impact of Wind Farms on Wild Life & Avian Mortality

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Humanity depending on oil, coal and gas to produce energy is destroying many ecosystems around the world. They are reaching crisis levels, finding alternative energy source is critical. Wind power, can be viable energy source that costs very less than other power producers. Wind power releases no pollutants or harmful substances like the other generators. But there are some issues even with wind-energy such as ...

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Influence of Capitalism on Current Food Regime

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Introduction The structure of Capitalism may have been existed during the first food regime and leading up to the second food regimes but implicitly refrained from exposure to the rise of nation - state system. Peasant farming and agrarian system of development might be seen as a form of capitalism in the first food regime period as cultivation and farming of land are restricted ...

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Dr. Edward 0. Wilson

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Dr. Edward 0. Wilson (E.O. Wilson) was born June 10,  1929, in Birmingham, Alabama. He was recognized as the world's leading authority on ants. he also was the foremost proponent of sociobiology. In his early childhood days, Wilson was amazed with nature and all of its creatures. After a fishing accident, Dr. Wilson was left blind in one eye. This made it difficult for him ...

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Impact of Deforestation

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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The destruction of our planets forest is one of the most important modern environmental issue today. People, 1.6 billion, are dependent on forests for their livelihoods with some 300 million living in them (Lawson). The forest industry is the basis of economic growth and employment (Boucher, Elias and Lininger). Global forest products are estimated to be worth $327 billion (Chakravarty, Ghosh and Suresh). U.S., Japanese, ...

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Environmental Noise Management Plan

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Environmental Noise Management Plan for a proposed Outdoor Music Event University of Derby Online Learning, University of Derby, UK Iwona Typek- Ryszka 100381110   This Noise Management Plan has been completed to regulate the potential noise issue during proposed three days outdoor music event. The objective of this plan is to provide control measures to prevent noise impact on the local residents during the event ...

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Life Cycle Analysis of Compact Discs

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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"Making products like CDs and DVDs consumesnatural resources, produces waste, anduses energy. CDs and DVDs are created from many different materials, including metals, plastics,and dyes. The discs are packaged in clear or colored plastic cases or cardboard boxes, wrapped inplastic, and sent to distribution centers and retail outlets around the world. If properly stored andhandled, most CDs and DVDs will last for decades, and probably ...

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Impacts of Green Energy Production on Ireland

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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An Evaluation of the Impacts of Green Energy Production on the Flora and Fauna of Ireland Introduction Green energy production has significantly increased in recent years. Its rise is primarily due to environmental concerns and the vital need to find alternative energy sources as fossil fuels supplies decline. In terms of the environment, the use of renewable energy in order to alleviate the effects of ...

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Conventional and Water Sensitive Urban Development

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Literature Review The Difference between Conventional Urban Development (CUD) and Water Sensitive Urban Development (WSUD) Introduction Urban development in cities around the world has come under constraining pressure due to population growth which leads to urban sprawl and the effects of anthropogenically induced climate change impacts on environmental ecosystems. The increase in the development of infrastructure such as impervious surfaces on roads, walkways, ...

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Impact of Globalisation on Land Use and Food Security

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Discuss the impact of globalisation on land use and food security in developed tropical areas. Globalisation over the past decades has impacted on major fields worldwide. It connects the world through trade, human migration, markets and capital flows and social and political institutions (Lambin & Meyfroidt, 2011). With the projected population growth of 9 billion in 2030 (Grau & Aide, 2008), the pressure on land ...

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The Purpose of Feathers in Non Avian Dinosaurs

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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There is a significant body of evidence within the scientific community over the past fifteen years to suggest-contrary to depictions in blockbuster movies and mass media-that dinosaurs, both avian and nonavian, had feathers of some sort. Recent spectacular discoveries have suggested that modern day birds are descendents of dinosaurs, suggestions of the origin of such feathers, and the discovery of various types of filamentous fibers ...

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Importance of Environmental Care in Business

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (942 )

The partners There are numerous significant choices which were touched base at when the unexpected mishap happened. The events and occasions that took place amid the occurrence ended the life of various people. The partners, for this situation, involve each who was influenced by the activities that happened amid the mishap. This incorporate; workers of Amtrak, the organization itself, its clients who were on ...

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What are the impacts of aquaculture on biodiversity?

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (802 )

Thesis: the greatest impacts of aquaculture on biodiversity are the possible invasion of escapees, the degradation of the environment, particularly through eutrophication, and the greater risk of harm caused to a wild population. LINK TO IMPACT ON BIODIVERSITY (EFFECT) AQUACULTURE (CAUSE) Intro Aquaculture can be thought of as a practice that it similar to farming. It involves the cultivation of aquatic dwelling organisms either on ...

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Strategies for Atmospheric Impacts of Road Transport

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Consider the prospects for using alternative fuels to reduce the atmospheric impacts of road transport  As our world has globalised, our society has become increasingly interconnected through breakthroughs in our ability to travel from one area to another. This interconnectedness has been of economic and social benefit for people all over the world, so much so that we refer to our world as "shrinking" due ...

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Impact of Urban Living on Biodiversity and Ecosystems

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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  It is estimated that almost more than one half of the world's population is presently living in urban areas (Sakieh et al. 2016; Weigi et al. 2014). In many parts of the world, increasing urban lands has caused changing land use and land cover (LULC) (Wu 2014). Biodiversity, ecosystem processes and functions and human habitants in an urban environment are influenced by the ...

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Diet and Digestion as Factors for Large Size in Sauropods

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Dinosaurs have captured the imagination since the very first fossils were discovered. The mystical creatures in many ancient cultures may be attributed to fossils weathering out of the earth. Nearly every culture had some form of dragon in their mythology, a uniformity best explained by fossilized dinosaurs. Some scientists believe the fossils of ceratopsians are the source of the mythological griffin. Part of the fascination with ...

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Accurate Drainage Network Extraction From Satellite Imagery

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Ferdousi Khatun 1, Pratikshya Sharma1 Computer Science and Engineering Department, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology Majhitar, Sikkim Abstract. The extraction of the drainage hydrographical network is a key for various types of study such as hydrological analysis, geomorphology, environmental science, terrain analysis and still a research topic in the field of GIS. Drainage network are extracted through satellite image (e.g. Digital Elevation Model (DEM)) processing, ...

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Formicidae Biodiversity in Texas Vegetation

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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A COMPARISON OF FORMICIDAE BIODIVERSITY IN NATIVE AND NON-NATIVE VEGETATION IN SOUTH TEXAS A study to determine how ant communities in non-native vegetation, specifically in Cenchrus ciliaris, differ from native vegetation in south Texas. ABSTRACT   When non-native grasses become invasive, they can alter plant communities and can therefore, potentially affect arthropods due to their relationships with the vegetation they reside on. Cenchrus ...

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Analysis of Australia and New Zealand Sustainability

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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In the recent years, following increasing societal urges for responsible practices, involvement of the community, accountability, demand for more transparency, better working standards, contained GHG's emissions, and multiple other environmental and social elements (Ioannis Ioannou and George Serafeim, 2014, p.1) has given rise to a growing demand from stakeholders for corporate organisations to produce sustainable reports. Sustainable reporting as stated in the GRI 101: foundation ...

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Gbalahi Landfill Effects on the Environment

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Beyond Technical Description: the State of the Gbalahi Landfill and its Effects on the Environment. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0. Introduction One critical area of governance that has received huge investment in the developing world, especially in African countries in the last decade, is the social sector. However, in Africa, south of the Sahara, investment in the provision of social services is skewed towards health care ...

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Monash Carbon Footprint report

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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This report presents interpreted data after Monash university conducted a carbon footprint assessment between 2005 till 2014.  Introduction Today we can see for ourselves the damage we have caused to our home planet. overshoot is known as the consumers demands for earths resources are going beyond the level which the earth can regenerate. According to dahl(2008), "improving global governance and our ability to manage the ...

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Evaluation of UK Legislation and Policy on Fracking

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

12 (4,408 )

AN EVALUATION OF CURRENT UK PLANNING LEGISLATION AND POLICY MEASURES TO CONTROL THE POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF FRACKING ON WILDLIFE CONSERVATION   Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction The pace of the development of Britain's Shale-gas industry is accelerating due to the current government's policy to progress the extraction of shale-gas, or 'fracking' as commonly known, ...

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Victorian England and Natural History

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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Victorian society is a time characterized by the rule of Queen Victoria in England, during the years 1837 to 1901. In the years leading up to it, ideas surrounding natural history began changing, and they were brought to a head by scholars in Victorian times. With more discoveries of fossils, interest in natural history and dinosaurs increased. Scientific study of dinosaurs and the history of ...

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Assessing the Effects of the Asteroid on Dinosaurs

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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The most widely accepted cause for the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs, at the end of the Cretaceous period, is the asteroid impact. The theory suggests that the impact of a giant asteroid, over 65 million years ago, wiped out the land roaming dinosaurs that inhabited the Earth for the entirety of the Mesozoic period (Alvarez and Asaro, 1990). The impact of this giant asteroid had ...

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