Serviceable Reactive Programming Srp

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Serviceable Reactive Programming (SRP) is an approach to reactive programming where systems are structured as networks of functions operating on signals. SRP is based on the synchronous data-flow paradigm and supports both continuous time and discrete-time signals (hybrid systems). SRP apart from most other languages for similar applications it support for systems with dynamic ...

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Factors That Has Greatly Influenced Human Language

02 Nov 2017

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In recent years, there has been an enormous increase in the relativity of using cell phones to communicate. Cell phones have become the fundamental components of family life, especially for most teenagers. Appearance of unlimited texting plans offered by phone companies like Sprint, T-mobile and Verizon, texting is becoming hard to resist. "IYO TXTng = ...

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Approach Taken To Normalize Mot Data

02 Nov 2017

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MOT Assignment AC52039 Gareth Agius This is a brief document highlighting the approach taken to normalize MOT data, and construct the necessary ERD diagrams. Table of Contents Introduction SCAN WITH VIPER PLAGERISM DETECTION The document below presents two approaches to normalising the data; the differences between the two approaches taken will be explained in greater ...

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The Implementation Of Such Methodology In Indonesia

02 Nov 2017

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Today, the Indonesian government implements the school-based curriculum in order to improve the competence of students. The curriculum is designed to provide the authority for school in Indonesian to formulate their own syllabus and learning framework with references to the standards of content and student graduation competency. The term of competence refers to a combination ...

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Us Citizenship Test Rules

02 Nov 2017

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Are you aware of the test rules that are needed for the US citizenship? Hopefully, you might be aware of such rules but still there are many people who do not have any knowledge of test rules needed for the US citizenship. To get a citizenship of US, an applicant usually needs to qualify the ...

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Define Motivation In Language Learning

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Motivation is one of the most important factors which influence language learners’ success or failure in learning the language. Motivation is defined as "the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid and the degree of effort they will exert in this respect" (Keller, 1983). Specifically, for language ...

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The Most Significant Knowledge Sources

02 Nov 2017

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1. Ontology, 2. A knowledge base for general-purpose use, 3. An indexed text based information. The interaction of computers with humans in natural language started since the computer was invented. Earlier systems (e.g., ELIZA[11],PARRY[12], and SCHOLAR[13]) used simple rule-based approaches. Most of the early systems failed to be useful of because the complexity of ...

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What Is The Entrepreneurship

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction What is entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship basically is means someone will start or establish the companies based on his/her discovers of the specific niches that not yet so popular in the marketplace which maybe still is the blue ocean yet. Almost all of the entrepreneurs will create their own niches for the new products or new ...

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Definitions Of Beauty And Ugliness

02 Nov 2017

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What is the definition of beauty? Is there such a definition? Or does each of us have his own explication? Maybe a person that I think is beautiful, somebody else considers ugly. You can find defects on a person that maybe don’t exist, or somebody may consider himself, ugly for no reason. A person may ...

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The Lmd And Icts Use

02 Nov 2017

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2.0 Introduction Any research in any scientific field needs first an appropriate method to be followed as well as an accurate way in collecting data and undertaking the investigations. From that fact, the research methodology chapter is as important as any section in our doctoral dissertation. It is a worthwhile part that we focus on ...

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Testing Of Holographic Sight

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT Holographic sight or Holosight or Holographic Diffraction Sight is basically a technology in which a sighting reticle is superimposed on the target field view via a laser transmission hologram. In other words, careful application of laser light is used to create a photograph of the reticle. The main advantage of Holographic sight is that ...

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Text String Detection From Natural Scenes

02 Nov 2017

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Mr. Rampurkar Vyankatesh Vijaykumar.,VPCOE Baramati. Mrs. Gyankamal J. Chhajed. Asst.Prof.,VPCOE Baramati. Abstract In this paper we have presented different methods to find strings of characters from natural scene images. We have presented different techniques like extraction of character string regions from scenery images based on siblings and thickness of characters, efficient binarization and enhancement technique ...

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Knowledge Is Built From Previous Knowledge

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 Introduction “All knowledge is built from previous knowledge. As we read, study, perform experiments, and gather perspectives, we are drawing on other people’s ideas. Building on their ideas and experiences, we create our own” (The Writing Center, n.d.). Regardless of any field, a person has to rely on established works as their reference. ...

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Query Based Arabic Text Summarization

02 Nov 2017

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Ibrahim Imam#1, Nihal Nounou*2, Alaa Hamouda*3, Hebat Allah Abdul Khalek#4 Computer Science Department, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport 1st Al Mushir Ahmed Ismail Street, Sheraton Al Matar, Cairo, Egypt [email protected] [email protected] Horizons Software Haroun Al Rashid Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt [email protected] Faculty of Computer Engineering, Al-Azhar University Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt [email protected] ...

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English Vocabulary Teaching In Senior High Schools

02 Nov 2017

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情境教学法在高中英语词汇中的有效性研究 摘要 根据《国家英语新课程标准》要求,高中毕业生要求掌握单词达3,500个左右,这对高中英语词汇的学习与教学都提出了更为严峻的挑战。如何有效地帮助高中生成功地学习与获得英语词汇也成了教育界一个重要的研究课题。本文旨在通过定量研究的方法对高一级学生进行实验研究,并分析其结果,证明情境教学法在高中英语词汇教学中的有效性与可行性,从而更加肯定情境教学法对高中英语词汇教学的积极作用,提高其采用率,帮助我国英语学习者提高英语词汇掌握水平。 关键词 新课标; 高中; 英语词汇; 定量研究; 情境教学法 Effectiveness of Situational Approach in English Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High Schools 广州大学外国语学院09级英语专业03班 学生姓名:冯梦思 学号0907010177 指导老师:温晋方 Abstract According to the New National English Curriculum, Chinese students in senior high school are required to master about 3,500 English words up to their ...

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Tracing The Meaning Of Words Through Time

02 Nov 2017

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The word silly has been developing a number of meanings for decades. Originally, it meant exactly the opposite of what it means at the moment that is unreasonable or weird. It derives its meaning from the old English word seely, meaning joyful, delightful, blessed or fortunate. As time went by, its meaning changed to not guilty, ...

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The Ideology Of What Is An American

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter I Introduction Background of the Study Systemic Functional Linguistic approach contributes on how genre is understood and applied in textual analysis. Systemic Functional was developed mostly by Michael Halliday (Halliday; Halliday and Hasan) at the University of Sydney, and applied to genre particularly in the work of J. R. Martin, Frances Christie, Bill Cope and ...

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A Corpus Based Study In Cognitive Linguistics

02 Nov 2017

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Natalia Lushchan ABSTRACT Customer is one of the central and crucial notions in marketing. Though the terms customer and client are distinct, they are often confused not only by foreign language learners but also by native speakers. Moreover, consumer, the third term which is closely related to customer and client, varies significantly from the first ...

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History Of Power And Leadership Management

02 Nov 2017

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Power is define as the ability to get someone to do some- thing you want done or the ability to make things happen in the way you want them to. In addition, power is the force to make things happen in an intended way; influence is what you have when you exercise power, and it ...

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The Structure Of A Sign Language

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Sign languages are the first languages of people who are hard of hearing and speech disabled people. In UK, there are approximately 50,000 people who are born deaf and British Sign Language (BSL) is their first or preferred language. SL’s are communicated in visual – gestural modality and are completely natural. It consists ...

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The Confidential Reference Book

02 Nov 2017

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A NOUN is a word that refers to a place, person, idea or thing… Person such as engineer, college, Rahul, mother, father Place such as India, Graphic Era, Dehradun, world, city Idea such as truth, honesty, democracy, boredom Thing such as star, sun, moon, telescope We use nouns all the time– be it writing an ...

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Improved Algorithms For Mining Sequential Patterns

02 Nov 2017

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College of Computer and Information Systems Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Sequential Pattern Mining is the process of applying data mining techniques to a sequential database for the purpose of discovering the correlation relationships that exist among an ordered list of events. The patterns can be used to focus on retailing ...

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Time Management Is Another Important Skill

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Study skill is very important to students as they help students to remember and learn different kinds of knowledge. Variety of study skill helps to do assignments, homework and tests to an excellent quality and most of all it helps to pass the course efficiently. There are different types of study skills; Classroom ...

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Issue In Second Language Acquisition

02 Nov 2017

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Charlotte Jones ELF and Global Englishes as an Issue in Second Language Acquisition University of Central Florida Introduction What is a ‘standard’ variety English and can it be defined? English spoken as a mother tongue encapsulates a number of varieties, not limited to but including: Australian, Canadian, Irish, New Zealander, South African, British, and American ...

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A Review Of Telecollaboration On The Task

02 Nov 2017

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This paper reviews how different telecollaborative task types develop and enhance learners‟ ICC and language competence and what are the possible challenges and difficulties for educators when they implement them. The paper begins with the definition and explanation of telecollaboration ,following that are the introduction of the three main categories of telecollaborative tasks and their functions ...

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The Noun In English And Romanian

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION This paper is aimed at people whom are interested in studying the English noun categories of gender and number antithetical to those in Romanian. It will be taken into account both similarities and differences. English is different from Romanian due to the fact that it is a derivative form of the early German language ...

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Family Communication Patterns And Mobile Phone Dependence

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of Study Communication is a combination of words, gestures, facial expressions and other ways to express our meaning by involved listening and speaking (Wandberg, 2005). Through communication, people can understand each other meaning so that it can strengthen the relationship with one another. Communication is more than just a word, gesture ...

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Understanding Text Using Anaphora Resolution

02 Nov 2017

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K.Karthikeyan Research Scholar, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. [email protected] Abstract - Anaphora is mostly attractive phenomenon in computational linguistics for resolving anaphora with preceding and succeeding referent. The ability to perform Anaphora Resolution is important in NLP application. Traditional research focus on resolving particular type of anaphora only, no one ...

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Johari Window Is A Model Diagram

02 Nov 2017

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Johari window is a model diagram that consists of four-square grid proposed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. These four quadrants represent your four shelves of each contain different facets and versions of the self. The window’s four basic areas are open self, hidden self, blind self and unknown self. Each area is ...

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Computer Interactive Language Learning Supplement And Gaming

02 Nov 2017

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This is an interim report submitted in part fulfilment of the degree of BSc (Hons.) in the School of School of Science and Technology led by Dr. Peter J. Passmore and with the supervision of Bob Fields. School of Science and Technology University of Middlesex 19 December 2013 Project Specification Construct and build an interactive ...

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English Teachers Use Of Spanish Influence

02 Nov 2017

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How English teacher´s use of Spanish influence his/her 3rd high school year students` listening comprehension in an English-as-a-foreign-language lessons on a subsidized school in Recoleta. Table of contents CALIFICACION DE LA TESINA AGRADECIMIENTOS GLOSARY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Delimitation: The following research is called "How English teacher´s use of Spanish influence his/her 3rd high school ...

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The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter is devoted to discuss the theoretical aspects of second-language learner's language and also to explain what Error Analysis is. It sheds the light on the methodology for the identification and interpretation of errors. Then, the procedures for the linguistic analysis and classification of errors as well as their sources are outlined. 2.1 Learner's ...

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Convergent Goal Relation In Classroom Interaction

02 Nov 2017

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As has been mentioned, there are three kinds of goal relations, i.e. goal-convergent relation, goal-neutral relation and goal-conflicting relation. However, the goal-convergent relation plays the dominant role in classroom interaction. This is mostly because such an institutional setting as a classroom has the cooperative atmosphere. Teachers will organize their lectures according to the pre-determined goals ...

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The Mobile Phone Among Young Danes

02 Nov 2017

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TROELS F. BERTEL & GITTE STALD Abstract The focus of this chapter is on the appropriation and use of the internet on mobile phones among young Danes. We ask why young people in Denmark begin using the internet (and features requiring internet connectivity) on their mobile phones—or why they do not. The analysis builds on ...

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The History About The Batteries

02 Nov 2017

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Batteries consist of two main types , primary and secondary. primary cells are batteries which cannot be recharged like Alkaline, Lithium Cells, Silver Oxide Cells, and Zinc Air Cells. while secondary cells are rechargeable like Nickel-Cadmium, Nickel-Metal Hydride, Lithium Ion, Lead-Acid, and rechargeable Alkaline. The main difference between them is that primary cells can ...

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The Pattern Recognition And Classification

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 1 INTRODUCTION Pattern classification Pattern recognition and classification is the science of grouping data by labeling input data as one of the known classes. Some examples of data are speech signal, face image, eye image, handwritten word and e-mail message. Mostly, the pattern recognition algorithms are trying to match input data considering their ...

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Linguistic Situation In Senegal Languages In Senegal

02 Nov 2017

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Senegal is a country where three great civilizations came together: black African, Arab-Islamic and western French. This situation leads to a cultural and a linguistic diversity, a melting pot of people and languages which impacts daily life, administration and education within the country. The first people living in Senegal were of various ethnicities that formed ...

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Teacher Education And Training

02 Nov 2017

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Kothari (2004) defines research design as "the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure" (31). The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze different teaching methods used by the UWI, Cave Hill Campus and UIMP. Because ...

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The History About Oyama

02 Nov 2017

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Learner: Alisia L. Daily EDU8005-8 Dr. Jiang Qualitative Research Design 4 Learner Comments: Faculty Use Only <Faculty comments here> <Faculty Name> <Grade Earned> <Writing Score> <Date Graded> Qualitative Study Discussion Section EDU8005-8: Qualitative Research Design Northcentral University Dr. Jiang April 7, 2013 Qualitative Study Discussion Section For this assignment please write a discussion section that thoroughly describes what ...

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Approaches Used In Machine Translation

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an internet-based technology allowing website publishers to easily and frequently broadcast relevant content updates to subscribers. Business analysts looking for content relevant to their needs have thousands of RSS feeds to chose from, with each feed potentially syndicating dozens of articles each day. Here we propose to develop ...

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Gold Mining And The Properties Of Gold

02 Nov 2017

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Gold is a remarkable, rare metal, with an unparalleled combination of chemical and physical properties. It is the only yellow metal and bears its name from the Old English word for yellow, 'geolu'. It is also the only metal that forms no oxide film on its surface in air at normal temperatures, meaning that it will ...

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The Importance Of Listening Comprehension

02 Nov 2017

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Theoretical Part The importance of listening comprehension Listening comprehension is an important receptive skill and also a useful preparation for listening in real life. The importance of listening has changed over the past years. Listening used to be defined as the ignored skill. Listening skills were believed to be learnt automatically through the practice of grammar, ...

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Phenomenon Of Language Change

02 Nov 2017

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Hoc Bui English 312 Final Paper One World, One Lingua Franca "For last year's words belong to last year's language, And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." T.S. Eliot. Language is a continuous ongoing competition, with a distinguish effect of either driving out or merging ...

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Identification And Analysis Of Terrorism Metaphors

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract In the present paper a discussion is made of the identification and analysis of metaphors encountered in Toni Blair's speeches and interviews on terrorism post to the September-attacks by the adoption of the cognitive approach as is developed by Steen's (1999) procedure for developing conceptual metaphors out of linguistic expressions. The investigation involves ...

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Materials Development Theories Focusing On Grammar Teaching

02 Nov 2017

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For example, if anyone who thinks of his/her own native language does not able to list all the tenses with their corresponding uses and structures that exist in that language, unless talking about a teacher, a translator or a linguist. This does not mean that those who cannot name all the tenses are not successful users of the language. ...

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The English Vocabulary Is Central To Language

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction English vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to English teaching. The development of vocabulary teaching is significant in English teaching. Over the past thirty years, metacognition and metacognitive strategies have caught people��s eye. There are more and more researches on English vocabulary learning strategies. This paper researches into application of metacognitive ...

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The Acrylamide In Food In Switzerland

02 Nov 2017

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WARNING: This Essay Has No Title! Introduction Topic of Dissertation: Oxidized fat, Charred component, Carcinogen phenylbutazone are substances that can be found inside the burger meat which will lead to several types of cancers if consume in long-term period. Lim Hock Leong, Chong Lee Kim, Wau Hui Ying (Tunku Abdul Rahman College, 2013) Title of ...

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The Phenomenon Of Language Change

02 Nov 2017

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And to make an end is to make a beginning." T.S. Eliot. Language is a continuous ongoing competition, with a distinguish effect of driving out or merging existing languages. In very rare cases the revival of other languages can endemically occur, but language death is a more prevalent occurrence. If we consider the cooperation ...

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The Chomskys Notion Of Competence

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 The scientific history of communicative competence began in the 1960s as a counter-movement against the ‘’linguistic competence’’ introduced by the structural linguist Noam Chomsky in contrast to the concept of ‘’linguistic performance.’’ Dell Hymes (1972) argued that Chomsky’s concept could not serve as a relevant component in real-life communication. He founded the idea ...

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Used Simple Rule Based Approaches

02 Nov 2017

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Working in medical domain avoids many ambiguity problems and, but even in a scope some problems can occur. Information requirement of health professionals have been researched for more than two decades. Early surveys (Strasser 1978) required information on new developments in the field of specialties and government regulations relating to health care [47]. Mostly the ...

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The Function Of Oral Presentation

02 Nov 2017

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ORAL PRESENTATION The function of oral presentation is to communicate the main ideas of the research problem and the findings to convince the audience of the success or otherwise of the research. Oral presentations are meant to be heard, not read. It is not satisfactory merely to read a research report or paper, ...

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The Role Of Computer Mediated

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Vocabulary is no longer a neglected aspect of language learning (Meara, 1980).Highly complex and incremental process of lexical acquisition involves, at a minimum, noticing the various properties of the new lexical items, the storage of the item in the internal lexicon, and consolidation of such storage. This study intended to explore the possible solutions ...

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Research In Computer Applications

02 Nov 2017

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1 Department of Computer Science, Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi − 630003, India. [email protected] 2 Research Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Palayamkottai − 627002, India. [email protected] 3Ananda College, Devakottai, India. [email protected] Abstract In this paper, we introduce algorithms to ...

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The Convention Of Using Directory Names

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Samuel Tesla says that Go is not meant to innovate programming theory. It’s meant to innovate programming practice. Go OOD(Object Oriented Design) Google language Go is completely an object oriented language. Like other languages Go allows methods on any type one defines without all the boxing/unboxing. Go provides many same features as other ...

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Native Mandarin Chinese Learners

02 Nov 2017

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Mandarin Chinese and English have many structural and phonological differences. So this is the reason why Chinese learners face numerous diffculties in the process of learning English. Chinese learners especially have experienced diffculties in pronouncing English sounds. According to Meng, Zee and Lee (2007), the Chinese learners will mispronunce due to English vowels that are ...

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How Children Acquire Language At Which Stage

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: The question to consider is how children acquire language and at which stage they could improve their speaking and listening skills. In particular, syntax and vocabulary are the main concern of the language acquisition domain. The task of psycholinguistics is to discover the relationship between language and the human mind (Field: 2003). Many theories, therefore, ...

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The Legalization Of Cannabis

02 Nov 2017

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-The Fact about cannabis and Reason Why cannabis has to be legal- 12101174 Sung Nakki Submit : 30 June 2002 1. Introduction Society is made by human. In society, human makes rules, and follow rules that they made for maintaining society. If rule is not necessary, however, for maintaining society, it needs to exist? In ...

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Diagnostic Techniques And Analysis Trends For Establishing

02 Nov 2017

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-The carrying out of the Intensive Programme "Diagnostic Techniques and Analysis Trends for Establishing a Health Profile " – DTHP, during two weeks, takes into consideration the creation of the best interaction framework possible between the Master students and PhD students and the teachers of the 7 partner universities from 5 countries (University Claude Bernard ...

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Assessment Strategies And Tools

02 Nov 2017

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Upon completion of these lessons, participants should be able to: Identify the importance of communicating effectively Discuss methods for overcoming barriers to effective communication. Implement active listening techniques. Describe the functions and forms of nonverbal communication. Identify the steps in problem solving List techniques for managing stress Teaching Points and Organization: Time Content and Delivery ...

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Effect Of Different Kinds Of Anxiety

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Overview General definition Anxiety as a main affective factors Review of literature Body Relation of anxiety to other affective factors Anxiety and Introversion/Extraversion Anxiety and Perfectionism Anxiety and Attitude/Motivation Causes and effects of language anxiety Six potential sources of language anxiety from three aspects Anxiety and Linguistic Coding Deficit Hypothesis Anxiety and social activity ...

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Orgin Of Discourse Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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Discourse Analysis Sometimes, it is difficult to define Discourse Analysis because Discourse analysts have not agreed on specific definitions of this phenomenon. What we can do therefore is to review broad definitions some analysts have given DA. Thereafter we would consider principles and concepts of DA that are basic to the present study. Our ...

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Post Test Analysis Of Reading Skills

02 Nov 2017

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In the above test item, majority of the learners, i.e. 70% of them identified more than fifteen words like remember, understand, learn, speak, etc. The remaining students, i.e. 30% of them identified below ten words. This shows that the learners were able to interact well in the class with the teacher and with their ...

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The Most Auxiliary Verbs

02 Nov 2017

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All verbs that are not an auxiliary verb are known as full verbs or lexical verbs. As in German, a full verb has a meaning of its own, which can express some kind of describable meaning. They can form the predicate by itself. In certain cases a full verb is preceded by one or ...

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Pragmatics Is A Branch Of Linguistics

02 Nov 2017

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Language is a means of communication; it expresses thoughts, emotions, feelings, and desires of human beings. Proverbs play an essential role in cultural, social, didactic, and psychological aspects in all societies. Proverbs are the essence of popular philosophy. They form the consensus of folklore and give a true picture of the spirit of the nation. ...

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Formal Grammar Instruction Theoretical Aspects

02 Nov 2017

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Instrucción Formal de la Gramática: Aspectos Teóricos para Considerar su Enseñanza With the rising of new tendencies and methodologies in the EFL field, formal grammar instruction has become unnecessary during the last few years. Institutions and educators have made serious decisions in order to promote a language production which is fluent and coherent. Thus, grammar ...

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Research On Prosodic And Kinesic Systems Revisited

02 Nov 2017

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1-Introduction People are loaded with prejudices about how each one talks. Much research on linguistics exhaustively dealt with how different types of communities use language differently in terms of choice of terminology. However less research has been done on how people perceive and judge each other according to the usage of linguistic prosody and kinesics. ...

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Linguistic Forms Of Hedging Devices

02 Nov 2017

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During the last few decades, rigid role patterns have changed and as a result gender notions have changed as well. Men and women are increasingly becoming each other�s equals in areas of education and profession. This implies that, in Western society anyway, the concept of masculinity no longer exclusively brings to mind the image of ...

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Information Regarding The Texts Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework In this stage of the Project, the information regarding the texts analysis, such as text style, text function or type of translation will be explained through this entire chapter. Also, in this part of the project, will be mention with wide details the information about some translation techniques, as well as ...

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Reading Culture In Malaysia

02 Nov 2017

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Background of the problem Reading plays an important role in our lives. Not only is it the fastest way to reach for new information and new knowledge, but it is also useful in building maturity and widening awareness of contemporary issues. Besides, reading gave human the ability to think deeply and seek for changes, which ...

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Some Concepts Of Principles And Parameters Theory

02 Nov 2017

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Principles and parameters theory embodies the difference between underlying and surface structure as the relationship between three levels, as we have already seen briefly in the discussion of movement. D-structure specifies the underlying structure of the sentence, say: "john went where" Or, as Chomsky and Lesnik ( 1991) put it, ‘D-Structure express lexical properties in ...

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Non Observance Of Grices Maxims

02 Nov 2017

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Grice pointed out that not all people observe the maxims. People tend to be lying in different situations in real life. The speaker’s laying leads him to break maxims. There are many reasons lead the speaker to be lying, such as save face, avoid embarrassment, avoid inappropriate situations, and sometimes to avoid hurting the hearer. ...

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Content Of Csr Communications

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction The general research question of this dissertation is to examine to what extent international corporations have embraced the idea of CSR. This general research question is broken down into distinct aims: To investigate the value and content of CSR communications. To evaluate the corporate ethical stance in respect of the CSR communications. To ...

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Perform A Communication Audit

02 Nov 2017

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Unit Title or No: 5.3 Managing communication Assignment Title or No: Student Name: Jenny D. Fernandez Name of tutor: Gina Maranca Student Number: JF270400000185 Due date: Student Contact Number: 07553889413 Student Email:[email protected] CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM All forms of cheating, plagiarism or collusion are regarded seriously and could result in penalties including loss of marks, ...

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Differences Between Clt And Tblt

02 Nov 2017

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CLT is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages by emphasizing the use of communication or interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a particular language. It is also often known as "a communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages" or simply the "the communicative approach". TBLT ...

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Big Challenge For Second Language Learners

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the study Learning English language as second language (L2) is a big challenge for second language learners (Darus & Subramaniam, 2009). It is because most of the learners will face problems with the lack of vocabulary, structure and syntactic rules. Learners make errors in learning L2 because they get interference ...

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Communicative Language Teaching Clt

02 Nov 2017

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University of Prishtina Faculty of Education English Language Department Thesis: CLT-Activities Mentor: Candidate: Ma. Blerim Saqipi ...

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Which Ram Memory Is Better

02 Nov 2017

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IB Diploma Program EXTENDED ESSAY: Computer Science "Which RAM memory is better at different frequencies, DDR2 or DDR3?" Supervisor: Adnan Å alaka Student: Benjamin Kukuljac Wordcount: 3569 Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Hardware and Software used 5 What is RAM? 9 Explanation of RAM timings 11 Preparation for tests 13 TESTING 15 Conclusion 23 Abstract The research question of this essay "Which RAM memory is ...

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Validity And Predictive Power

02 Nov 2017

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MARYAM SHABBIR [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] Job interview: A job interview is a process in which a potential employee ...

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Metaphor And Metonymy In Cognitive Semantics

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Cognitive semantics is part of the cognitive linguistics movement. Cognitive linguistics represents the slogan "linguistic knowledge is a part of general cognition". It is a point which divides the formal and functional approaches to language. In cognitive semantics, the meaning is based on conventionalized conceptual structures. The main principles of cognitive semantics are as follows:- Grammar ...

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A Review Of Vowel Phonology

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT Previous research with respect to second language acquisition reveals that language transfer in both the language perception and production from the first language (L1) to the second language (L2). The present study investigates the role of language transfer in native Cantonese (L1-C) and native English (L1-E) speakers who are graduates of a Canadian ...

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English To Speakers Of Other Languages

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction The present study is a report of a mixed methods research of the effects of the focus on form (FonF) approach to teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). The study focused on English simple past tense (PT) and definite and indefinite articles (ART) as the linguistic targets at the university ...

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The Cuisine Of The United States

02 Nov 2017

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Being an English major, I am deeply interested in American culture especially culinary art. Tow years ago, I was lucky to go to America to experience the different culture. By living there for 3 months, I found that America has a serious fat problem, which has already influenced its living and working. When you walk ...

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Job Relevant Interview Content

02 Nov 2017

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The Form Of The Verb

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 The majority of English words we use every day were taken from the Latin or Greek languages. In order to know the meaning of an unknown word, we have to find the meaning of its stem. Many words are formed from combination of other words or from combination of words and prefixes or ...

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Some Peer And Collaborative Learning Strategies

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction "…learning with and from each other is a necessary and important aspect of all courses. The role it plays varies widely and the forms it takes are very diverse, but without it students gain an impoverished education." (Boud, 2001) What is peer learning? Reliance on the traditional lecture as the main mode of student learning ...

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The Spains Railway Network

02 Nov 2017

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\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} \usepackage[round,authoryear]{natbib} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} \title{Railway Resurrection: an analysis of the rise and fall of train travel and what can design do about it} \author{Francisco Dans} \date{January 2013} \maketitle \begin{abstract} I grew up in a country where rail transport is seen as just a commodity. Spain's railway network is laid out in a ...

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Definitions And Concepts Of Plagiarism

02 Nov 2017

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Communication Style Doing Business

02 Nov 2017

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Contents Instruction The Global Financial Crisis in Australia impact on many areas. For instance, the Australian dollar has been in a very high rate for couple of years since then, and it also affects the International Education Export Business. It is like domino effect; the international students have to spend more money on the cost ...

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How People Are Assigned With Different Roles

02 Nov 2017

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In the social context, all people are assigned with different roles, which differentiate them in terms of status and power. Although sometimes the hierarchy between two parties is already known in advance, we are interested in looking into spoken discourse of dynamic exchange, to figure out how power is exercised through language use in reality. Therefore, ...

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Text Messaging On Language Skills

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Chintan Patel Mr. Paiz ENGL 106 The Impact of Text Messaging on Language skills and Standard English The English language as you may know is evolving since the beginning, one read of Beowulf or The Canterbury Tales is enough to be reminded of how far removed we are from the language of our ancestors. Texting ...

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What Type Of Star Will The Sun Become

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Hi Everyone, We hope you enjoyed your trip to the Planetarium. I know we found it very informative and the two shows we saw were full of some great science. Now, it’s time to put our experience at the Planetarium to some good use. This document is an e-Assignment. It is to be completed electronically. ...

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The Use Of Computers

02 Nov 2017

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Leach [ [1] ] introduces the idea of traditional, top-down method, where the form is prescribed by the designer and all sustainable and structural criteria are solved at a latter part of the design, and how more contemporary, bottom-up methods, where the processes that produce the form and defined, are now being explored. This research and development ...

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Structure Of A Sign Language

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Sign languages are the first languages of people who are hard of hearing and speech disabled people. In UK, there are approximately 50,000 people who are born deaf and British Sign Language (BSL) is their first or preferred language. SL’s are communicated in visual – gestural modality and are completely natural. It consists ...

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The Reducing Violent Tendencies

02 Nov 2017

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Specific problem: How can Aikido lessen one’s violent tendencies? Thesis statement: Aikido can lessen one’s violent tendencies through harmonizing rather than confronting, instilling self-defense, and transforming aggression into cooperation. Here are some background information on martial arts and Aikido. The media has created a violent image of the martial arts. Aikido is also known as ...

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A Pwm Strategy For Ac Voltage Controllers

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract — Ac voltage controllers has been widely developed to a matured level with improved power quality in terms of power factor correction, reduction in harmonic distortion .In this paper a PWM techniques for AC voltage controller has been designed for single phase converters. This paper presents a different approach which is based ...

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Omani Efl Students Used Language In Weblogs

02 Nov 2017

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 Introduction This study has investigated how a group of Omani EFL students used language in weblogs. I adopted a bottom-up approach to data analysis to find out if there is a relation between the elements of the context of situation, and the social purpose of the weblog-texts (that is at the level of clause and ...

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The Usage Of Microsoft Word

02 Nov 2017

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IT Project Ilya Sokolov Salman Sohail Reinhard Alberin Haxhijaha Xhan Haxhijaha ...

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The Battery Is A Device

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Batteries consist of two main types, primary and secondary. primary cells are batteries which cannot be recharged like Alkaline, Lithium Cells, Silver Oxide Cells, and Zinc Air Cells. while secondary cells are rechargeable like Nickel-Cadmium, Nickel-Metal Hydride, Lithium Ion, Lead-Acid, and rechargeable Alkaline. The main difference between them is that primary cells can be ...

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Theological Output Application And Proclamation

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Limit your passage- bring in your outline Verify the boundaries of your passage Outlines Book of Amos Section of my text ( the outline for the section on my text) My passage- have its own outline What is a historical situation surrounding my text? Leads Are there other texts like my passage in the book ...

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Enable Multi Resolution Modeling

02 Nov 2017

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Cagri Tekinay, Mamadou D. Seck, Alexander Verbraeck Department of Systems Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands {c.tekinay} Introduction Most of the real-world systems are large-scale and constituted by a vast number of technical and social components interacting in a non-trivial way. Capturing the underlying complexity of their behavior ...

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