The Causes Of Language Anxiety

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract: In China, it is a common phenomenon to see students behaving anxiously in the English class, which will influence the final learning achievements. Bailey (1983) explored the correlation between anxiety and learners’performance and concluded that a high level of anxiety could have adverse effects on student’s FL performance. Therefore, the anxiety in the English ...

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What Is Font And Letter Style

02 Nov 2017

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3.1 Balance Balance refers to the arrangement of all the elements within the given design and the visual weight each has in relation to the total composition. A balanced layout creates a sense of is an equilibrium between the structure an d the content: A composition is in symmetrical balance when the weight of all ...

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Fast Parallel Thinning Algorithm

02 Nov 2017

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It is well known that the general problem of pattern recognition lies in the effectiveness and efficiency of extracting the distinctive features from the patterns. The effectiveness and the efficiency of extracting the characteristic features from patterns is a well-known general problem of pattern recognition. One great approach to recognise certain types of digital ...

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A Demand For Freelance Writing

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction If you are like many people, you are probably in a job that you can’t stand or that you are underpaid. Maybe you were laid off your job. Whatever the reason may be, you have decided to go at it alone. Starting and running a business is the hallmark of America today. Many people ...

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Children Literature Awarding Books

02 Nov 2017

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The children's literary works in Knowledge has been a base key of articles on all factors of children's literature for almost 40 years. It views traditional and modern content, the grown and the popular, which varies across works for infants through significant for teenagers. The perform symbolizes the groups of stories and poems as well ...

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Frequency Of Football Terminology

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction The source of my focus in the investigation comes from my interest in football, I chose this area to look at how foreign individuals interact with the media even though in most cases they are not fluent in english. My investigation title ‘An analysis of how specific football terminology is more apparent in post-match ...

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High Value On Learning Grammar

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction This thesis is a report of a mixed methods research of the effects of the focus on form (FonF) approach to teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). The study focused on English simple past tense (PT) and definite and indefinite articles (ART) as the linguistic targets at the university level in an ...

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Anthem1 For Doomed Youth

02 Nov 2017

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What passing-bells2 for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out3 their hasty orisons.4 No mockeries5 now for them; no prayers nor bells; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, – The shrill, demented6 choirs of wailing shells; And bugles7 calling ...

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Steps Of Error Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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The research we carried out is based on the error analysis of written works made by Slovak primary pupils who learn English as a foreign language. Our aim was to find out the areas of English grammar which are the most difficult for them, i.e. where they made errors, what types of errors they made, what ...

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What Does The Virtual Agent Do

02 Nov 2017

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FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 1 SECOND SEMESTER 2012/13 NAME: Tan Jun Ee (161550) LECTURER: PUAN AZRINA BINTI KAMARUDDIN DATE OF SUBMISSION: 15 APRIL 2013 Part A (3) Describe each model. Ortony Model In this model, there are 4 domains which are affect, motivation, cognition and behaviour. These four domains of functioning are needed to ...

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The Effect Of Culture In Language Learning

02 Nov 2017

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A. THE REASONS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH 1. What are you reasons for learning English according . Very important Important Neither important Nor unimportant Not important English should be learned in USA or England 1 2 3 4 5 Learning language should be in the target language of the country/countries 1 2 ...

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Conceptualizing Pedagogy For The Learning Of Number

02 Nov 2017

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devika.naidoo Abstract Both South African and UK, US and Australian researchers cite inadequate pedagogy as a cause of poor learning and performance in numeracy in the early years. This paper examines a numeracy lesson to show one aspect of inadequate pedagogy. Following a qualitative research approach data collection included observation of lessons, writing fieldnotes ...

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The Global Financial Crisis In Australia

02 Nov 2017

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Contents Instruction The Global Financial Crisis in Australia impact on many areas. For instance, the Australian dollar has been in a very high rate for couple of years since then, and it also affects the International Education Export Business. It is like domino effect; the international students have to spend more money on the cost ...

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Pasta The Italian Cuisine

02 Nov 2017

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British Is A Globally Language

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 British is a globally language. British is spoken all over the planet and first language of sciences world. That is why it is spoken accorss the planet both as a local and as a second language or language. Due to which it is best mean of connections of latest sciences and engineering of ...

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Applications Of Text Mining

02 Nov 2017

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Independent Study-I Crime tendency in person by analysis of their social media Profile (FACEBOOK) Name : Sajjad Ali Khan Reg.Number : 1073110 I.S. Advisor : Zohaib Jan Department : Computer Science I would like to say thanks to Almighty ALLAH by the grace of whom I am able to complete this research project. Especial thanks to my supervisor Mr. Zohaib Jan for his ...

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The Error Analysis Of Written Works

02 Nov 2017

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The research we carried out is based on the error analysis of written works made by Slovak primary pupils who learn English as a foreign language. Our aim was to find out the areas of English grammar which are the most difficult for them, i.e. where they made errors, what types of errors they made, what ...

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The English Oral Communication

02 Nov 2017

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This part of this study gave more insights of the study in terms of backgrounds and related research. It explored the two main aspects; English oral communication ability and Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA). English oral communication ability could be divided into listening, speaking and pronunciation. CALLA is an instructional model which has three ...

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Text Based On Cosfuzzy Logic

02 Nov 2017

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Krishna Mohan Associate Professor Department of CSE UCEK, JNTUKakinada [email protected] Dr.MHM Krishna Prasad Associate Professor Department of CSE UCEV, JNTUKakinada [email protected] ABSTRACT Objective type of Examination evaluation is easy in Computer world. But the descriptive type of question evaluation is more difficult and there is no significant research has been taken place. In this paper ...

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Classification Based On Positive And Negative

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 5 Association Rules indicates how strongly two sets of attributes are associated in the sense that how frequently they co-occur in a dataset. Its applications started with analysis of purchase patterns of customers, utility in decision making process such product placement, catalogue design, cross-marketing strategies. Frequent Itemset Mining is crucial in finding association ...

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Use Example To Treat Medial Omission

02 Nov 2017

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We would observe that the revised versions of the headlines comform with the rules of Yorùba standard language whereas in the original ones, àti has yielded place to comma. The omission of àti, a vital syntactic element, enables the newspaper to achieve brevity, compactness and tone of informality. This strategy makes the headlines cispy and ...

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Computer Technology And Bilingual Dictionary Compilation

02 Nov 2017

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指导教师姓名:吴建平教授 专 业 名 称:英语语言文学 论文提交日期:2013年5月 论文答辩时间:2013年6月 学位授予日期: 答辩委员会主席: 评阅人: 2013年6月 厦门大学学位论文原创性声明 本人呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下,独立完成的研究成果。本人在论文写作中参考其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果,均在文中以适当方式明确标明,并符合法律规范和《厦门大学研究生学术活动规范(试行)》。 另外,该学位论文为( )课题(组)的研究成果,获得( ...

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The History Of The Implementation Procedure

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION Language and culture are undividable. Excluding cultural setting in language teaching is nonsensical. Cultural knowledge is as important as proficiency in language use. Cultural teaching in foreign language classrooms should be as important as linguistic knowledge teaching. Culture teaching should be integrated with language teaching As foreign language teachers we are continuously interested in ...

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Expert Teachers And Well Planned English Courses

02 Nov 2017

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English Courses Pro London is a standard and reputed English training institution offering different types of courses in English language and communication. This institute facilitates the people to learn English through their courses comprising of Business English, General English and as well as Specialist Business English. The staffs of English Courses Pro London (London) are ...

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Dna Binding Protein Prediction

02 Nov 2017

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\begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.75\textwidth]{chap3/figures/aim_1_CMYK.eps} \caption[What we want to learn from nucleic acid-binding protein prediction]{A) Which of these proteins binds DNA? B) Given that a particular protein binds DNA, which residues are involved in binding? DNA: \url{}.} \label{fig:DNA-bp_prediction_goals} \end{figure} \section{Project Goals} We approach the DNA-binding prediction project in two ways, illustrated in \ref{fig:DNA-bp_prediction_goals}. We asked two questions: ...

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Difference Between Uds And Other Speakers

02 Nov 2017

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It is with great enthusiasm and learning spirit that I bring out this final report. I also feel that it is the right opportunity to acknowledge the support and guidance that came in for various quarters during the course of completion of my degree. I express my gratitude to Head of School of Engineering and Computing for rendering ...

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The Purpose Of Advertisement And Translation

02 Nov 2017

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Outline Thesis Statement: This paper explores the advertisement translation and how can we translate the advertisement from the perspective of functionalism. Abstract 1 2.Literature review 5 3. Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Functionalism 9 4.Conclusion 21 Bibilography 23 Abstract The purpose of advertising is to persuade the public to purchase a product or service, so is the purpose ...

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The Adoption Of Critical Reading

02 Nov 2017

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Candidate Number: BU/13A/IT/0671 Date of Submission: 22/03/2013 Course Title: Academic Skills 1 Course Code: 104 GEN Tutor: Elizabeth Olaoye HOW A UNIVERSITY STUDENT SHOULD APPROACH ACADEMIC READING IN ORDER TO MAKE THE PROCESS AS EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE AS POSSIBLE Academic reading can be defined as an active process through which a student attracts or draws ...

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The Perception Of Word Boundaries

02 Nov 2017

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Individual Essay "The Perception of Word boundaries in a Second Language" EVELYN ALTENBERG PART ONE This essay is a review of Evelyn Altenberg’s "The Perception of Word Boundaries in a Second Language" (2005). There has been limited exploration of speech segmentation by second language learners. Lamminmaki (1979) looked into the perception of English Juncture by ...

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Barriers To Communication Its Concepts And Problems

02 Nov 2017

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The phenomenon of Communication is concerned with transfer of message. The message should reach the Decoder in order to gain a proper Feedback. However, since no two people are same, so communication style varies from person to person and in a broad perspective, from an organization to organization, country to country or culture to culture. For ...

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Anglicism In Bosnian Language

02 Nov 2017

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Faculty of Humanistic studies Department of English language SEMINAR PAPER ANGLICISM IN BOSNIAN LANGUAGE Mentor: ...

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The History Of The Ozark Furniture Company

02 Nov 2017

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Kamara Week Aminata III Assignment 10/27/12 Q. Ozark Furniture Company can obtain at most 3000 board feet of maple lumber for making its classic and modern maple rocking chairs. A classic maple rocker requires 15 board feet of maple, and a modern rocker requires 12 board feet of maple. Write an inequality that limits the ...

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Formal Schema Of Syntax

02 Nov 2017

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There are some common problems in junior middle school students: Most of students lack the knowledge of syntax. They feel hard in making sentences and using the proper words. Lots of them used to make a sentence in Chinese logic. However, we may also find the reason from these problems. That is, their consciousness of ...

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The Non Primary Mother Tongue

02 Nov 2017

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A considerable amount of literature has been focused upon the age related critical period hypothesis of L2 acquisition. This hypothesis proposes that there is a biologically determined phase in which language attempts to reach native-like proficiency becomes considerably difficult. Despite the common ideology that the critical period does not extend beyond the adolescent phase, ...

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Open And Distance Learners

02 Nov 2017

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Job Without A Degree Certificate

02 Nov 2017

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New planet discovered - world Samsung or HTC – who’s the winner? Lost and found continent - world 100 trains to be launched - finance Google to venture into real world - technology Budget 2013 – in favour of women - finance Focus on Gold - markets Rent or Buy? - Business Interest rates and ...

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Is Marijuana A Gateway To Harder Drugs

02 Nov 2017

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Marijuana is a gateway drug to those who use and misuse the drug. Marijuana is classified as a gateway drug, one that helps people escape their reality and hide in their dreams; while most use it for recreational use, Marcy Dolin, a Multiple Sclerosis Patient using Marijuana for pain relief. Marcy, the 71 year old Marijuana ...

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Automatic Completion Of Computational Linguistic Resources

02 Nov 2017

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Author11, Author22, Author33 (1) INSTITUTE_1, address 1 (2) INSTITUTE_2, address 2 (3) INSTITUTE_3, address 3 Author1@mail1, Author2@mail2, Author3@mail3 Abstract This article represents a description and a realization of a new methodology of studying the issues in computational derivational morphology, related to the algorithmization of certain linguistic mechanisms, e. g., affix substitution, derivatives projection, derivational constraints ...

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Using Bagging K Nn Imputation

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract— Researchers in the database community have aroused great interest in handling high dimensional data sets for the past decades. Today’s business captures inundate sets of data which includes digital documents, web pages-customer databases, hyper-spectral imagery, social networks, gene arrays, proteomics data, neurobiological signals, high dimensional dynamical systems, sensor networks, financial transactions and traffic statistics ...

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Test Various Pieces Of Hardware

02 Nov 2017

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Hardware Testing Today Martyn had given me a task to test various pieces of hardware that have been stripped from Dell OptiPlex GX260 minis from the day before. I was asked to complete this job because these pieces of hardware are being sent into the technician room to be used as spares. Any un-useable hardware ...

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Report On Successful Academic Piece Of Writing

02 Nov 2017

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This report is aimed to improve the potential of academic writing and skills for students who are writing report on academic lesson or any other academic subjects. There are many Academic writing styles & Skills. This report offers useful improving tool for writing Academic piece of writing skills for a successful Piece of academic writing and ...

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Listening Is A Critical Receptive Skill

02 Nov 2017

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As we know, English has four skills; reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills. Of course, there are other skills such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling that all play a role when learning English. I will refer to the four commonly used skills, because those are the most important ones when teaching and learning. This ...

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Developing People Through Effective Workplace Coaching

02 Nov 2017

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Developing People through Effective Workplace Coaching A guide to improve your knowledge, skills and practice in unlocking the potential in others 'image:' Contents 1. What is Coaching? 3 2. Conversational Coaching 4 3. The TGROW model of coaching 7 4. Active Listening 10 5. Ten Great Coaching Questions 12 6. Agreeing "SMART" objectives 14 7. The Art of Feedback 18 23 ...

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Gender And Language In Men And Women

02 Nov 2017

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Brian Senel's comment "One could never make love to a woman with a glottal stop" opens many questions and discussions connected to gender and language use. In order to discuss this comment I will first focus on explanation of social construction of gender, then I will draw attention to gender and language use and at the ...

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Result Of Vlid Using Prlm Approach

02 Nov 2017

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1M.E, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Student, 2Professor, Department of ECE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur [email protected] Abstract- Visual Language is identified from the movement of speech articulators of human using Automatic visual language identification and Automatic Lip reading techniques. By using this words spoken by the humans can be identified. It describes the datasets we recorded for ...

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Increasing Requirements For Storage Space

02 Nov 2017

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\section{Introduction} Increasing requirements for storage space as well as the amount of transmitted data in various fields of communications, such as over the Internet, telecommunication, data compression is used to optimize the use of limited space and bandwidth. Nowadays, data compression is affecting many of our daily activities, either when listening to music which many ...

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Time Is An Essential But Scarce Resource

02 Nov 2017

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Time is an essential but scarce resource. Time is irrecoverable because every minute spent is gone forever, it is limited because we have only 24 hours in a day and it is dynamic because it is never static. Time Management is not about getting more things done in a day, it is about getting the ...

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Constructing The Inter Rater Reliability Of Efl

02 Nov 2017

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This research aims to investigate the constructing on inter-rater reliability of EFL essay writing tasks in college English of Mainland China. In Mainland China, all contemporary high-state tests on English proficiency consider the essay writing task as an indispensable part of the whole and allocate quite large proportion of total score to it. Consequently, the corresponding ...

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Linguistic Analysis Of Selected Indo Anglian Poets

02 Nov 2017

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Srinjoy Ghosh Mr.Shashi Shekhar Singh (B.A.hons ENGLISH) AIESR A0706110018 (Assistant Professor) Introduction The Indo-Anglian poetry is obviously a historical phenomenon, but it is vastly more than that; it has by now, become a separate and significant genre and a dynamic contribution to world literature. While exploring the genesis of Indo-Anglian literature we must consider, apart from the contemporary ...

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Intercultural Relations In A Monolingual Setting

02 Nov 2017

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"To have another language is to possess a second soul". Charlemagne (in Carder, 2007, p.79 Having explained the effects that globalization had on languages increasing the expansion and supremacy of English, in this chapter, I will now analyze in details how the use of this common language in a multicultural setting can impact the identity ...

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Timeline Of Evolutionary History Of Life

02 Nov 2017

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An IQ Test is a test designed to assess someone’s intelligence and an Emotional Intelligence Test measures the ability of a person to perceive, control and assess emotions. After completing an IQ Test at, in general I can say I the questions asked are relevant to assess a person’s ability to perform in the ...

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Effective Teachers Enjoy Seeing The Development

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework In this section of the project you will find several antecedents that are related with the topic of how to enhance classroom management through the teaching of values. It includes literature review and theories that contain classroom management, reading strategies and values. In additions, it also describes definitions of the terms. ...

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Life And Life After Death

02 Nov 2017

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PART I TRUTH, LOVE AND DEATH PART II James K P ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mr. James KP is from a noble, orthodox, Christian family from Chengannur (Kerala) India. He was born & brought up in Nasik, India and pursued his professional education from ‘The College of Engineering’, Pune, India. He passed out in the year ...

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Retesting Of Visakha Teacher Effectiveness

02 Nov 2017

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Research in Teacher Effectiveness has been going for almost a century, but useful information has appeared in all its time (Mitzel, 1982). By this it is evident that measurement of Teacher Effectiveness is difficult since so many variables must be considered. Hence a teacher with proper combination of all variables would be considered ...

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Main Goal Of Language Learning Communication

02 Nov 2017

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1. Introduction The main goal of language learning is communication. Cross-cultural communication sometimes breaks down in real-life conversations, and the problems that occur are not always due to the non-native speaker’s errors in syntax, pronunciation, but also due to their pragmatic incompetence. When interlocutors lack pragmatic competence, it can often lead to pragmatic failure. ...

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Explore The Relationship Between Age

02 Nov 2017

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Critical Thinking & Research Skills (IFYP0002) Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...

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Art And Science Of Helping Adults Learn

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 ) English Department Research Project How to avoid anxiety in an elderly English beginner’s group at Asociación Gerontológica Costarricense (AGECO) during the first bimester of 2013 through the input hypothesis I-103 Graduation Seminar Bachelor in English Names: 1. Azofeifa, Paula Instructor’s name: Rodríguez, Priscila March 3rd, 2013 Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework The following theoretical framework ...

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Increasing Popularity Of Social Networking Sites

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This paper explores the relationship between SNS' usage and academic productivity of students. A sample of 100 English-speaking students, both undergraduate and graduate was selected from Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy. Personally administered survey was used as a data collection tool. Academic productivity of students was used as a dependent variable. The independent variables showed how ...

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The Natural Language Processing Tools

02 Nov 2017

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resolving coreferential mentions in blog comments Table of Contents List of Figures Introduction Background Thecoreference is defined in linguistic as the grammatical relation between two words that have a common referent. In computational linguistics,coreference resolution is related to discourse. Pronouns and other referring expressions should be placed together into an equivalence class in order to ...

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Additional Materials On The Accompanying Cd

02 Nov 2017

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UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering and Computing Department of Aerospace, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Aerospace Systems Engineering 303CDE – Individual Project – 1213AAA "Turbulent Jets: Mesh influence on the accuracy of simulations" Author: Chris van Schalkwyk SID: 201082 Supervisor: Dr Humberto Jesus Medina Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of ...

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The Effects Of Peer Pressure

02 Nov 2017

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During the 20 years of my life, I have experienced great numbers of events. Most of them have faded away with time going by. However, there is still something unforgettable in my life, among which an event that happened last year is the most unforgettable. It happened on the National Day of last year. I ...

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The Debate On The Status Of Data

02 Nov 2017

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Qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed traditionally in the social sciences (e.g. psychology), that aims to gather an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and the reasons governing these behaviours (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011). It has since spread across many academic disciplines and even in market research. Typically, psychologists have sought to collect quantitative ...

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Oral Expression Learning Social Development

02 Nov 2017

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Regarding the role play applied to foreign language learning, highlights the report by TSL Journal. In this, the author said, "As language and culture are interrelated, language cannot be taught without culture, but there are many ways of co-teaching language and culture. One of them is role play." ( Kodotchigova, 2002, p.1) This means that the ...

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The Advantages Of Effective Communication

02 Nov 2017

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Effective communication is the act of using correct word in order to get your message across and keep in mind who is receiving it. For example most people often use up to date slang when with friends as a mean of talking effective considering the best way to get their message to that person. Advantages ...

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The Human Facial Expressions Studies

02 Nov 2017

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One’s face give up feelings and the public will be able to read it like a book —William Shakespeare (Macbeth, Act, Scene 5, Page 3). According to, facial expressions are the motion of the facial muscles to physically convey the emotion being felt inside. Facial expression is a form of communication also part of ...

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The Role Of Mother Tongue

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION The role of mother tongue (L1) in second language learning and instruction has been reevaluated several times within the last few decades. L1 has been balancing on the language teaching scales from being viewed as a hindrance in the era of Behaviorism, to its insignificance as argued by Chomskyan linguists, then to it having ...

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A Bar Movement Analysis For Chinese Bei Passives

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 6 Chapter 5 demonstrated that A â€"movement analysis is problematic for Vietnamese passives. For this reason, the present chapter aims to analyze bị /được passive constructions under the perspective of an alternative approach instead of A â€" movement, namely A â€"bar movement analysis. As introduced in Chapter 2, the movement of the ‘null operator’ ...

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The Case Of International English Language Testing

02 Nov 2017

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1. INTRODUCTION In the language testing field, it is regarded as important for test developers to provide a clear description of the language construct that their tests offer. In other words, they should provide an evidence to support their claims about the validity or test scores. This issue is critical especially to large-scale tests ...

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Theoretical Aspects Regarding Communication And Games

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER I THEORETICAL ASPECTS REGARDING COMMUNICATION AND GAMES 1.1 Communication and Education Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow. (Lawrence Clark Powell) One of the most interesting issues, which has been debated for a long time, is communication. Communication has become one of the most important preoccupations of a great number ...

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A Hospitality Related Organization

02 Nov 2017

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Executive Summary The subject of the report is the analysis of work that was done in a hospitality related organization. Therefore the author used several books about Human Resource Management, Corporate Law in the Netherlands and Business Law to do research on these different elements. The report starts with a short introduction followed by the ...

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Serviceable Reactive Programming Srp

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Serviceable Reactive Programming (SRP) is an approach to reactive programming where systems are structured as networks of functions operating on signals. SRP is based on the synchronous data-flow paradigm and supports both continuous time and discrete-time signals (hybrid systems). SRP apart from most other languages for similar applications it support for systems with dynamic ...

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Factors That Has Greatly Influenced Human Language

02 Nov 2017

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In recent years, there has been an enormous increase in the relativity of using cell phones to communicate. Cell phones have become the fundamental components of family life, especially for most teenagers. Appearance of unlimited texting plans offered by phone companies like Sprint, T-mobile and Verizon, texting is becoming hard to resist. "IYO TXTng = ...

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Approach Taken To Normalize Mot Data

02 Nov 2017

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MOT Assignment AC52039 Gareth Agius This is a brief document highlighting the approach taken to normalize MOT data, and construct the necessary ERD diagrams. Table of Contents Introduction SCAN WITH VIPER PLAGERISM DETECTION The document below presents two approaches to normalising the data; the differences between the two approaches taken will be explained in greater ...

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The Implementation Of Such Methodology In Indonesia

02 Nov 2017

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Today, the Indonesian government implements the school-based curriculum in order to improve the competence of students. The curriculum is designed to provide the authority for school in Indonesian to formulate their own syllabus and learning framework with references to the standards of content and student graduation competency. The term of competence refers to a combination ...

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Us Citizenship Test Rules

02 Nov 2017

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Are you aware of the test rules that are needed for the US citizenship? Hopefully, you might be aware of such rules but still there are many people who do not have any knowledge of test rules needed for the US citizenship. To get a citizenship of US, an applicant usually needs to qualify the ...

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Define Motivation In Language Learning

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Motivation is one of the most important factors which influence language learners’ success or failure in learning the language. Motivation is defined as "the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid and the degree of effort they will exert in this respect" (Keller, 1983). Specifically, for language ...

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The Most Significant Knowledge Sources

02 Nov 2017

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1. Ontology, 2. A knowledge base for general-purpose use, 3. An indexed text based information. The interaction of computers with humans in natural language started since the computer was invented. Earlier systems (e.g., ELIZA[11],PARRY[12], and SCHOLAR[13]) used simple rule-based approaches. Most of the early systems failed to be useful of because the complexity of ...

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What Is The Entrepreneurship

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction What is entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship basically is means someone will start or establish the companies based on his/her discovers of the specific niches that not yet so popular in the marketplace which maybe still is the blue ocean yet. Almost all of the entrepreneurs will create their own niches for the new products or new ...

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Definitions Of Beauty And Ugliness

02 Nov 2017

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What is the definition of beauty? Is there such a definition? Or does each of us have his own explication? Maybe a person that I think is beautiful, somebody else considers ugly. You can find defects on a person that maybe don’t exist, or somebody may consider himself, ugly for no reason. A person may ...

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The Lmd And Icts Use

02 Nov 2017

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2.0 Introduction Any research in any scientific field needs first an appropriate method to be followed as well as an accurate way in collecting data and undertaking the investigations. From that fact, the research methodology chapter is as important as any section in our doctoral dissertation. It is a worthwhile part that we focus on ...

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Testing Of Holographic Sight

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT Holographic sight or Holosight or Holographic Diffraction Sight is basically a technology in which a sighting reticle is superimposed on the target field view via a laser transmission hologram. In other words, careful application of laser light is used to create a photograph of the reticle. The main advantage of Holographic sight is that ...

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Text String Detection From Natural Scenes

02 Nov 2017

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Mr. Rampurkar Vyankatesh Vijaykumar.,VPCOE Baramati. Mrs. Gyankamal J. Chhajed. Asst.Prof.,VPCOE Baramati. Abstract In this paper we have presented different methods to find strings of characters from natural scene images. We have presented different techniques like extraction of character string regions from scenery images based on siblings and thickness of characters, efficient binarization and enhancement technique ...

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Knowledge Is Built From Previous Knowledge

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 Introduction “All knowledge is built from previous knowledge. As we read, study, perform experiments, and gather perspectives, we are drawing on other people’s ideas. Building on their ideas and experiences, we create our own” (The Writing Center, n.d.). Regardless of any field, a person has to rely on established works as their reference. ...

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Query Based Arabic Text Summarization

02 Nov 2017

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Ibrahim Imam#1, Nihal Nounou*2, Alaa Hamouda*3, Hebat Allah Abdul Khalek#4 Computer Science Department, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport 1st Al Mushir Ahmed Ismail Street, Sheraton Al Matar, Cairo, Egypt [email protected] [email protected] Horizons Software Haroun Al Rashid Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt [email protected] Faculty of Computer Engineering, Al-Azhar University Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt [email protected] ...

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English Vocabulary Teaching In Senior High Schools

02 Nov 2017

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情境教学法在高中英语词汇中的有效性研究 摘要 根据《国家英语新课程标准》要求,高中毕业生要求掌握单词达3,500个左右,这对高中英语词汇的学习与教学都提出了更为严峻的挑战。如何有效地帮助高中生成功地学习与获得英语词汇也成了教育界一个重要的研究课题。本文旨在通过定量研究的方法对高一级学生进行实验研究,并分析其结果,证明情境教学法在高中英语词汇教学中的有效性与可行性,从而更加肯定情境教学法对高中英语词汇教学的积极作用,提高其采用率,帮助我国英语学习者提高英语词汇掌握水平。 关键词 新课标; 高中; 英语词汇; 定量研究; 情境教学法 Effectiveness of Situational Approach in English Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High Schools 广州大学外国语学院09级英语专业03班 学生姓名:冯梦思 学号0907010177 指导老师:温晋方 Abstract According to the New National English Curriculum, Chinese students in senior high school are required to master about 3,500 English words up to their ...

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Tracing The Meaning Of Words Through Time

02 Nov 2017

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The word silly has been developing a number of meanings for decades. Originally, it meant exactly the opposite of what it means at the moment that is unreasonable or weird. It derives its meaning from the old English word seely, meaning joyful, delightful, blessed or fortunate. As time went by, its meaning changed to not guilty, ...

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The Ideology Of What Is An American

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter I Introduction Background of the Study Systemic Functional Linguistic approach contributes on how genre is understood and applied in textual analysis. Systemic Functional was developed mostly by Michael Halliday (Halliday; Halliday and Hasan) at the University of Sydney, and applied to genre particularly in the work of J. R. Martin, Frances Christie, Bill Cope and ...

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A Corpus Based Study In Cognitive Linguistics

02 Nov 2017

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Natalia Lushchan ABSTRACT Customer is one of the central and crucial notions in marketing. Though the terms customer and client are distinct, they are often confused not only by foreign language learners but also by native speakers. Moreover, consumer, the third term which is closely related to customer and client, varies significantly from the first ...

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History Of Power And Leadership Management

02 Nov 2017

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Power is define as the ability to get someone to do some- thing you want done or the ability to make things happen in the way you want them to. In addition, power is the force to make things happen in an intended way; influence is what you have when you exercise power, and it ...

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The Structure Of A Sign Language

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Sign languages are the first languages of people who are hard of hearing and speech disabled people. In UK, there are approximately 50,000 people who are born deaf and British Sign Language (BSL) is their first or preferred language. SL’s are communicated in visual – gestural modality and are completely natural. It consists ...

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The Confidential Reference Book

02 Nov 2017

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A NOUN is a word that refers to a place, person, idea or thing… Person such as engineer, college, Rahul, mother, father Place such as India, Graphic Era, Dehradun, world, city Idea such as truth, honesty, democracy, boredom Thing such as star, sun, moon, telescope We use nouns all the time– be it writing an ...

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Improved Algorithms For Mining Sequential Patterns

02 Nov 2017

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College of Computer and Information Systems Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Sequential Pattern Mining is the process of applying data mining techniques to a sequential database for the purpose of discovering the correlation relationships that exist among an ordered list of events. The patterns can be used to focus on retailing ...

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Time Management Is Another Important Skill

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Study skill is very important to students as they help students to remember and learn different kinds of knowledge. Variety of study skill helps to do assignments, homework and tests to an excellent quality and most of all it helps to pass the course efficiently. There are different types of study skills; Classroom ...

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Issue In Second Language Acquisition

02 Nov 2017

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Charlotte Jones ELF and Global Englishes as an Issue in Second Language Acquisition University of Central Florida Introduction What is a ‘standard’ variety English and can it be defined? English spoken as a mother tongue encapsulates a number of varieties, not limited to but including: Australian, Canadian, Irish, New Zealander, South African, British, and American ...

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A Review Of Telecollaboration On The Task

02 Nov 2017

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This paper reviews how different telecollaborative task types develop and enhance learners‟ ICC and language competence and what are the possible challenges and difficulties for educators when they implement them. The paper begins with the definition and explanation of telecollaboration ,following that are the introduction of the three main categories of telecollaborative tasks and their functions ...

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The Noun In English And Romanian

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION This paper is aimed at people whom are interested in studying the English noun categories of gender and number antithetical to those in Romanian. It will be taken into account both similarities and differences. English is different from Romanian due to the fact that it is a derivative form of the early German language ...

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Family Communication Patterns And Mobile Phone Dependence

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of Study Communication is a combination of words, gestures, facial expressions and other ways to express our meaning by involved listening and speaking (Wandberg, 2005). Through communication, people can understand each other meaning so that it can strengthen the relationship with one another. Communication is more than just a word, gesture ...

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Understanding Text Using Anaphora Resolution

02 Nov 2017

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K.Karthikeyan Research Scholar, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. [email protected] Abstract - Anaphora is mostly attractive phenomenon in computational linguistics for resolving anaphora with preceding and succeeding referent. The ability to perform Anaphora Resolution is important in NLP application. Traditional research focus on resolving particular type of anaphora only, no one ...

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Johari Window Is A Model Diagram

02 Nov 2017

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Johari window is a model diagram that consists of four-square grid proposed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. These four quadrants represent your four shelves of each contain different facets and versions of the self. The window’s four basic areas are open self, hidden self, blind self and unknown self. Each area is ...

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Computer Interactive Language Learning Supplement And Gaming

02 Nov 2017

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This is an interim report submitted in part fulfilment of the degree of BSc (Hons.) in the School of School of Science and Technology led by Dr. Peter J. Passmore and with the supervision of Bob Fields. School of Science and Technology University of Middlesex 19 December 2013 Project Specification Construct and build an interactive ...

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