Authorship Analysis And Identification

02 Nov 2017

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Saurav Bose IIIT-Delhi [email protected] Saurabh Yadav 2010077 IIIT-Delhi [email protected] ABSTRACT With the rapid proliferation of Internet technologies and applications, misuse of online messages for inappropriate or illegal purposes has become a major concern for society. The anonymous nature of online-message distribution makes identity tracing a critical problem. This report provides an overview of Authorship analysis ...

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Structure And Word Order

02 Nov 2017

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Dr. Brian Nolan Describing Grammar Describing Grammar INTRODUCTION: Structure and word order has often been analysed through so many papers and studied by a numerous academics. They have developed various hypotheses in order to show how syntax works in languages and its importance for speakers to communicate properly. The reason why this has been done ...

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Heat Transmission In Different Windows

02 Nov 2017

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Extended Essay Subject: Physics Topic: Heat Transmission in Different Windows Research Question: How does the shade/ thickness of the glass/windows affect the inside temperature of a room/car that is under the influence of solar radiation from the sun? C:\extended essay\EE - Physics\EE pictures\ee pics\IMG_7150.JPG Name: Harshvardhan Sanghavi Candidate Number: dsh532 (004669 – 009) Word Count: ...

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Review Of Introduction To Theoratical Linguistics

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

The principles underlying phonetic analysis have now been discussed in sufficient detail, and we may look a little more closely at the concept of the phoneme, which has been introduced as the unit of phonological description. Now we can analyse about the COMPLEMENTARY DISTRIBUTION OF ALLOPHONES in this summary. Complementary distribution of allophones: We may begin ...

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Department Of Elementary Education

02 Nov 2017

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Lesson Plan Candidate: Katlin Reese Content area/grade level: ELA/ 4th grade description of lesson: Using selected section (pgs. 16-17) from Eureka! Great Inventions and How They Happened, an expository text by Richard Platt, students will practice close reading in order to identify and "explain events, ideas, or concepts" about the Cotton Gin "based on specific ...

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Anova Summary For Cantonese Participants

02 Nov 2017

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Once the onset and the offset of the vowels were located, the vowel formant measures were taken using PRAAT 5.3.42 (Boersma and Weenink 2013). The first through sixth formant frequencies were estimated on the vowel portion using LPC analysis with a series of overlapping Gaussian windows with duration of 50 ms with a 2.5 ms ...

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Short Statement Type Sentence

02 Nov 2017

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Graphological features When we pick any Yorùba newspaper and look at its front page, we are attracted by the masterhead or nameplate presented in Gothic style, a heavy-face type of printing with thick, pointed letters with variation in size and shape. Often there are many headlines on front page with an average of 8. ...

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The Impact Dependency Properties

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 3 3.1 Introduction This chapter deals with the object-oriented concepts of impact analysis perspective and presents an overview of the various entities considered in this research. It starts by identifying the components of analysis in our research, their relationship types, properties that govern impact dependency and the various dependency types of an object-oriented system. ...

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Rain Attenuation And Depolarization Prediction Techniques

02 Nov 2017

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Bhavin Pandya, Krishna Chaitanya DA-IICT, Gandhinagar [email protected] [email protected] Supervisor Prof. Deepak Ghodgaonkar Abstract—Satellite communication plays a major role in today’s communication across the earth. It is more advantageous compared to terrestrial mode of communication. In wireless communication one needs to use higher frequencies in order to increase the bandwidth and get much wider bands. But ...

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The History Of The Double Negative

02 Nov 2017

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The English Language has become increasingly corrupted over the years with new words but more importantly new meanings attached to "old" words with words being used in a completely different context to previously. In addition to this, there are some words and phrases which have become uncool, some which are O.K., some which were socially ...

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Most Important Tool Used By Humans Communication

02 Nov 2017

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There is not just one given way of communicating effectively it involves many different elements and processes, however if a person aims to learn the key competencies this will allow them to gain knowledge and self- awareness which as a result will give them access to having a higher level of interpersonal skills and relationships. This ...

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Knowledge Conception And Assumption

02 Nov 2017

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1.1 Introduction Any research in any scientific field needs first an appropriate method to be followed as well as an accurate way in collecting data and undertaking the investigations. From that fact, the research methodology chapter is as important as any section in our doctoral dissertation. It is a worthwhile work that we devote to ...

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Speak Better Through Love

02 Nov 2017

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"Speak better through love" and "Singlish or English, how we speak matter" are two typical texts that focus on the influence of living environment on children’s speeches. The first text, written by Colin Goh – a huge defender of Singlish, clearly states that the impact of living environment created by adults on children’s language learning ...

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The Contextualization Of The Parables

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 3 This research is a qualitative research. The researcher will carry out library research and internet research. It largely depends on the interpretation of data, the interpretation can be quite subjective, and it may therefore vary from person to person. Interpretation cannot be entirely avoided in linguistic analysis. The reason why quantitative analysis is ...

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The Non Finite Verb Phrases

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Newspapers are one of the most popular media omnipresent globally. Their role in informing the public has remained equally important despite the ever-growing popularity of other forms of media nowadays. The writing in newspapers is characterized by a specific language marked by a distinct style and register. This type of language is called block ...

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Bauers Treatment Of Blocking

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter sheds the light on the adopted model in the present study. It presents Bauer's (2004) analysis of blocking, and the fundamental factors interacting with blocking. Furthermore, it makes reference to the choice of noun-forming affixes in relation to which morphological blocking is going to be dealt with. In addition, the reference will include ...

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Entrepreneurial Success Is Interest

02 Nov 2017

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The main and first condition made entrepreneurial success is interest. An entrepreneur must work in an area that he/she interested. Otherwise, they unable to maintain a level of work task which beyond their job ability and they might fail. On the other hand, their interest has to translate into a vision that can let their ...

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Reading And Writing Critically Are Difficult

02 Nov 2017

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The results of research can be found in books and journals, newspapers, popular magazines, memos, minutes and reports, government documents, dissertations, policy documents, computer-based materials, computer programs, conference papers, letters and diaries as well as in television and radio documentaries and news reports. Researchers who conduct complete literature reviews will consult all of these ...

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Process Efficient And Effective As Possible

02 Nov 2017

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Candidate Number: BU/13A/IT/0671 Date of Submission: 22/03/2013 Course Title: Academic Skills 1 Course Code: 104 GEN Tutor: Elizabeth Olaoye HOW A UNIVERSITY STUDENT SHOULD APPROACH ACADEMIC READING IN ORDER TO MAKE THE PROCESS AS EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE AS POSSIBLE Academic reading can be defined as an active process through which a student attracts or draws ...

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Vocabulary And Concept Development

02 Nov 2017

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Step 1: Academic Content Selection and Learning about Students Directions: An important step in planning instruction is to learn about your students.  Select one class, one content area, and the state-adopted academic content standards or state-adopted framework (if your single subject content area does not have content standards) for this task.  Respond to the questions below ...

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Application Of Schema Theory

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract The study attempts to find a new efficient way for the English writing teaching to improve the junior middle school students’ English writing, and to activate students’ interests in the English writing at the same time. The author has carried out an empirical study by applying the schema theory into the junior middle school ...

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Speech Driven Computer Aided Articulatory Movements

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to improve the phonetic skills of Tamil language learners. Here, the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system is designed mainly to know how the words are perceived by the second language learners and early language learners as well as to identify the fluency of speech. Ways of improving the ...

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Use Of English For Advertisement In Uae

02 Nov 2017

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CONTENT Table of Contents Type chapter title (level 1) 1 Type chapter title (level 2) 2 Type chapter title (level 3) 3 Type chapter title (level 1) 4 Type chapter title (level 2) 5 Type chapter title (level 3) 6 Abstract: English language education has become a vital part of many educational systems in the world. In the United Arab Emirates ...

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The Interaction Of Computers

02 Nov 2017

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Working in medical domain avoids many ambiguity problems and, but even in a scope some problems can occur. The aim of this chapter is to provide information needed to understand the domain model and the information needs of the user; provide motivation for question answering in restricted domain; focus upon the issues in information retrieval, ...

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The Physical Problem And The Coordinate System

02 Nov 2017

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First Author#1, Second Author*2, Third Author#3 #First-Third Department, First-Third University Address Including Country Name [email protected] [email protected] *Second Company Address Including Country Name [email protected] Abstract— This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Proceedings of an IEEE conference. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the ...

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The Teaching Practice Theory And Assessment

02 Nov 2017

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C:\Users\Acer User\Desktop\UNI Westminster arms.jpg University of Westminster Amersham and Wycombe College Mario Santos 740544 Teaching Practice, Theory and Assessment Module 7LL S04 Patch 2 05/03/2013 Index Introduction__________________________________________________________page 03 Patch Two___________________________________________________________page 03 Assessment__________________________________________________________page 03 Initial Assessment_____________________________________________________page 04 Formative Assessment_________________________________________________page 05 Summative Assessment________________________________________________page 06 Assessment Strategies_________________________________________________page 07 Bibliography________________________________________________________page 08 Introduction In order to complete the criteria of ...

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A Healthier Alternative The Cigarette Problem

02 Nov 2017

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I’m sure everyone reading is affected by cigarette smoke every day, whether you are a smoker yourself, or you know someone close to you who smokes. I’d like to share with you some information on how first- and second-hand tobacco smoke affects the human body, and inform you of a healthier, safer alternative for smokers ...

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The Disadvantages Of Microstrip

02 Nov 2017

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The disadvantages of microstrip compared with waveguide are the generally lower power handling capacity, and higher losses. Also, unlike waveguide, microstrip is not enclosed, and is therefore susceptible to cross-talk and unintentional radiation. For lowest cost, microstrip devices may be built on an ordinary FR-4 (standard PCB) substrate. However it is often found that the dielectric losses ...

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The Lack Of English Proficiency

02 Nov 2017

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Based on the unit- "Language and Identity" Samiul Laskar Candidate Number: 000790-031 Words: Abstract: 291 Written Task: 906 Total: 1197 November 2013 Table of Contents Rationale The lack of English proficiency in Japan and how it can be solved without making English the official second language of Japan is the topic of discussion. This task ...

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Access Glyphs From The Type Menu

02 Nov 2017

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Change from the Text Tool to the Pointer Tool and click over your text. You will notice that your text has been placed into a �box� of sorts. This is called an Element. Many objects and all of your text must be within an Element; there is no �freestanding� text in an InDesign document as ...

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Modern Media A Tool

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT This paper looks at the modern media to find out some innovative techniques for English language teaching. I discuss the importance of media with a new perspective presenting it as a tool for English language learning. Proper use of the strategy must be taken care in this regard for its implementation. The wide spread ...

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History Of The Impact Of American Dietetic

02 Nov 2017

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Culture on American Fat Problem 浅析美国饮食文化 对美国肥胖问题的影å" ç³» 别 外国语言与文化学院 ä¸" 业 英语(国际商务方向) 班 级 09941012 å­¦ç"Ÿå§"名 杨 è–‡ å­¦ 号 0994101203 导师å§"名 ...

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Related Work On Mining Positive

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 The association rule mining task can be stated as: Let I be a set of items, and T be a database of transactions, where each transaction has a unique identifier (tid) and contains a set of items. A set of items also can be called as an itemset. The support of an itemset ...

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The Concept Of Machine Learning

02 Nov 2017

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To collect the data we can also take the help of any software tool. These tools are basically helpful in collecting the data. These tools are generally open source software. These tools are freely available on internet. Some of them are like wavesurfer, praat etc. The thing very important in case of collecting data is ...

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Text Based E Learning

02 Nov 2017

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Analytical Study under Information Retrieval in Indian Languages Kolikipogu Ramakrishna Department of Information Technology Sridevi Women's Engineering College, Hyderabad, India [email protected] B. Padmaja Rani Department of Computer Science and Engineering JNTUH College of Engineering,JNTUH Hyderabad,India [email protected] Abstract— Information Retrieval in Telugu Language (IRTL) is a challenging research area of Application Domain under Information Retrieval Systems. ...

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Advent Of Globalisation And Technology

02 Nov 2017

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my name Abstract table of contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Literature Review 5 4. Rationale 13 5. The sample 13 6. Research questions 13 7. The research design and methods of data collection 14 8. The results 14 9. Teaching implications 14 10. Limitations 14 11. Conclusion 14 Ashcroft, B. et al. (2000) Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts. Routledge 15 1. Introduction With ...

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Development Of Credit Card Worldwide And Malaysia

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

The idea of credit card which is lending money through a card is created on 1800s. At the first stage, it is only used for agricultural and durable goods. After that, it is spread to other industries such as hotel, airlines and many more. The cards normally used at their own merchants but some local ...

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Using Reformulation And Paraphrasing

02 Nov 2017

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Samira idelcadi CNFI PragmaticsDirections : Answer the questions in your own words using reformulation and paraphrasing. Give a thourough analysis of all the questions and devise your own examples. Use tables, charts, etc. to present the information in your answers. In referring to maxims in this assignment : the term flouting and violating are used ...

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The Negative Politeness And Hedging Strategies

02 Nov 2017

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Using the model of the politeness principle, Myers (1989) pioneers the application of Brown and Levinsons’s (1987) politeness strategies onto written text. Brown and Levinsons (1987) propose that negative politeness is the strategies assuring the readers that the writers do not intend to infringe on their wants, their freedom to act. Most of the features that ...

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The New Media Formats

02 Nov 2017

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by Pelageya Pandeva On account of the advances of the computer technology in the last decades, digital media have become the most rapidly growing forms of communication and entertainment. The implementation of storytelling in interactive media like websites, films, hypertexts, interactive fiction and digital games enhances successfully the audience’s attention and experience. There is no ...

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The Controllers And Extensions

02 Nov 2017

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A set of instructions that can react with the user interaction of Visualforce markup (like button click or link click) is called a controller. A controller can control the behavior of a page and that can be used to access the data which should display in the page. This chapter will introduce you to few ...

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A Life Without Education

02 Nov 2017

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The appeal to pathos is the most powerful appeal that an advertisement could use as it touches the audience and makes them feel invested in the advertisement’s cause. Pathos appeals bring human experience into the argument. Pathos creates an image that provokes emotions and, thus, forms a background for persuasion of ideas of a certain ...

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What Does The Gold Standard Mean

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction I see this question in two parts, first of all in see first part of the question is asking about what the gold standard is and I will then break the question up in to a series of questions about the gold standard ranging from why they choose gold possible advantages and disadvantages of ...

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Advertisement Translation Guided By Functional Translation Theory

02 Nov 2017

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Outline Thesis Statement: This paper explores the advertisement translation and how can we translate the advertisement from the perspective of functionalism. Abstract: The purpose of advertising is to persuade the public to purchase a product or service, so is the purpose of advertisement translation. The functional translation theory has been regarded as the key ...

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The Gender Issues About Having A Business

02 Nov 2017

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In total, 12 people were interviewed in this investigation. This included woman 11 women, who currently own and manage their own business and 1 woman, who had had established her business, all women were originally born and grown up in Russia and then moved to London, UK. All the empirical data gathered through semi-structured interviews ...

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How The Rewrite Process Helps

02 Nov 2017

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Blake Biggers Instructor Chase English 1003 How the rewrite process helps Most students dislike their teachers for making them rewrite the incorrect answers they received in their assigned class work and homework. Everyone has had a seemingly mean and ridiculous teacher that goes hand and hand with that one assignment that took too much effort ...

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Aspects Of Bacterial Network Communication

02 Nov 2017

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\documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{pslatex} \usepackage{amssymb,amsfonts,amsmath} \usepackage{epstopdf} \ifCLASSINFOpdf % \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % declare the path(s) where your graphic files are % \graphicspath{{../pdf/}{../jpeg/}} % and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with % every instance of \includegraphics % \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpeg,.png} \else % or other class option (dvipsone, dvipdf, if not using dvips). graphicx % will default ...

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Designing A Syllabus For Teaching

02 Nov 2017

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Thiết kế đề cương môn học để giảng dạy "Tiếng Anh nâng cao" cho sinh viên chuyên ngành Quốc tế học tại Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng ABSTRACT The paper is aimed at presenting some issues related to the designing of a syllabus for teaching "Advanced English" to International Studies Majors ...

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Why Would South African Households Recycle

02 Nov 2017

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Fill your student number in here: S Brainline Internal Assessment Subject: Life Orientation Research Project Grade: 12 Final submission: 16 / 08 / 2013 ONE RESEARCH TASK PHASE: Marks awarded: 1 (10)   2 (20)   3 (10)   4 (10)   5 (30)   6 (10)   7 (10) FINAL PRODUCT (100)   TOTAL (100)       ...

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The Non Verbal Communications

02 Nov 2017

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‘Communication is the process by which ideas, information, opinions, attitudes and feelings are conveyed from one person or group to another person.’ (McClave, H. 2008) Communication between humans mainly takes the form of being two-way, in other words it needs a sender, a person who starts the conversation by sending a message, and a receiver ...

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Museums As Gameworlds Larp In Greek Museums

02 Nov 2017

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Museum visitors’ communication through exhibition’s interpretation aims at fulfilling museums educational role, as well as, at the inclusion of different visitor’s groups (βλ. και Vergo 1990, Sauter 1994, Ambrose & Paine 2006, Crooke 2008, Hartmut & Thinesse-Demel 2004, Watson 2007). * In that framework, the Museum Education and Research Laboratory (University of Thessaly) researches current ...

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A Meta Description Logics Knowledge Base

02 Nov 2017

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FOR ARABIC LANGUAGE PROCESSING Yasser YAHIAOUI1, Ahmed LEHIRECH2 1. Centre Universitaire de N�ama, 2.Universit� Djillali Lyebes SBA. 1. [email protected], 2. [email protected] ABSTRACT Description Logics (DLs) are successful knowledge representation formalisms, which can be used to represent the terminological knowledge of an application domain in a structured and formally wellunderstood way. They are employed in various ...

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Purpose Of The Game

02 Nov 2017

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Table of Contents Abstract This game is puzzle game which include two stages, the first stage provide two option for the kids, either to arrange a numbers or alphabet’s, while the second stage is an arrangement of statue in a serial order. This game was designed for the kids between ages of 6 to 9 ...

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Hamiltonian Cycle Within Extended Otis Arrangement Network

02 Nov 2017

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Awwad Ahmad University of Petra Faculty of IT, CS Dept Amman - Jordan [email protected] Abstract—In this paper we propose the construction of a Hamiltonian cycle in the Extended OTIS-Arrangement network. The Extended-OTIS-Arrangement network has many attractive topological properties Including regular degree, semantic structure, low diameter, and ability to embed graphs and cycles. As constructing a ...

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Un Normalised Report Data

02 Nov 2017

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MOT Assignment AC52039 Gareth Agius This is a brief document highlighting the approach taken to normalize MOT data, and construct the necessary ERD diagrams. Introduction SCAN WITH VIPER PLAGERISM DETECTION The document below presents two approaches to normalising the data; the first approach follows the normalisation rules to the letter, without applying amendments to the ...

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Clifford Geertzs Thick Description

02 Nov 2017

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In his early career during the 1960s Geertz studied the social sciences inter disciplinary under the direction of Talcott Parsons, Parsons had grand designs for the social sciences, he wanted to bring them together to have an all-round view of what he classed as culture. Parsonism was heavily rooted in science, which Geertz did not ...

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Reality In The Kite Runner

02 Nov 2017

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The Linguistic Manipulation: A Powerful Instrument for the Construction of the Version of Reality in The Kite Runner ABSTRACT The purpose of the present research was to analyse the linguistic manipulation in the novel, The Kite Runner, according to the ...

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History Of Importance Of Listening Comprehension

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 The first and earliest skill that each person learns and uses to learn about the world around him is listening. Atwater (1992) declares that in the first years of formal education at school, students spend 50% or more of their communication time listening, followed by speaking, reading and writing in that order. One’s ...

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The Differences In Language And Gender

02 Nov 2017

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Language in the oxford dictionary is defined as follow: " the means of human communication consisting of the use of spoken or written word in a structured way" . thus language is the means by which individual use to communicate with each other. However language we use are not cut off from society. It has ...

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Analyzing The Extensive Reading Approach

02 Nov 2017

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Aurora Varona Archer [email protected] Universidad de Veracruz, Mexico Some scholars have highlighted the benefits of using extensive reading as a way to motivate students to learn a second language (L2). This article is derived from a study that aimed at implementing extensive reading in an action research project in a public University in Mexico. Therefore, ...

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Acrylamide In Food In Switzerland

02 Nov 2017

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WARNING: This Essay Has No Title! Introduction Topic of Dissertation: Oxidized fat, Charred component, Carcinogen phenylbutazone are substances that can be found inside the burger meat which will lead to several types of cancers if consume in long-term period. Lim Hock Leong, Chong Lee Kim, Wau Hui Ying (Tunku Abdul Rahman College, 2013) Title of ...

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Software Running On The Android Platform

02 Nov 2017

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Research Scholar Professor/ Head Dept of English & Foreign Languages Dept of English & Foreign Languages SRM University ...

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Indexical Behavior In Linguistics And Philosophy

02 Nov 2017

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In linguistics and also in the philosophy of language an indexical behavior or utterance indicates some state of affairs, for example "I" is said to refer to whoever is speaking. "Now" is an indicator of the time that word was uttered. "Here" reveals the place that word was uttered. Indexicality is seen by many as a ...

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Perceptual And Language Differences

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Communication is defined as any act by which one person gives information to or receives from a person about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge or affective states. It may be intentional or involuntary, involving orthodox or unconventional signals, taking verbal or non-verbal forms (Valenzuela, 2012). For a manager, communication is essential as it ...

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The Process Of Learning A Second Language

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract 1. Introduction For the past decade task-based language teaching and learning has captivated the interest of numerous scholars, teachers, testers, and syllabus designers in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) research and tasks have played a crucial role in language pedagogy. Since then an increasing number of studies has been conducted to investigate ...

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English Verb With The German Verb

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION This paper intends to compare the English verb with the German verb. Assuming the fact that most students still get stuck when it comes to the grammatical terms, they have been looked at as close as possible. Led by the conviction that when researching the grammar of a foreign language one always finds out ...

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Language Is A Means Of Communication

02 Nov 2017

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Language is a means of communication; it expresses thoughts, emotions, feelings, and desires of human beings. Proverbs play an essential role in cultural, social, didactic, and psychological aspects in all societies. Proverbs are the essence of popular philosophy. They form the consensus of folklore and give a true picture of the spirit of the nation. ...

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Analysis Of Spoken Language Michael Mcintyre

02 Nov 2017

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In this analysis I will evaluate the approaches to stand-up comedy undertaken by comedians Michael McIntyre and Peter Kay, commenting on techniques such as role-play, comic exaggeration, lexical choices, and changes in pitch and tone, used to establish humour. Michael McIntyre is a proud middle-class comedian raised in the heart of Hampstead, north London. Over ...

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Analysis Of Michelle Obamas Inspiring Speech

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

1) First of all, it is important to define what is public speaking. During public speaking, we deliver what we want by using words to audience or simply we can share some information with audience. Interest to public speaking grows.There are various types of public speaking situation. Let's analyze each of them. One type of ...

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Introduction To The Sun And Reading

02 Nov 2017

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Case Study 1: Subject-Specific and Developmentally Appropriate Pedagogy A. Contextual Information for Case Study 1 1. Elements of a Learning Experience in a Unit Grade: Third Content Area: Language Arts Subject Matter: Reading and writing Time Period for the Learning Experience: Two 30-minute sessions in two consecutive days State-adopted Academic Content Standards for Students Reading: Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level Appropriate Text ...

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Cultural Adaptation On Efl Reading Comprehension

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This study examined the effect of cultural background knowledge on reading comprehension at inference and literal levels which was gained through reading an American short story that depicted either culturally familiar (nativized) or culturally unfamiliar (original) versions of the story. Subjects were intermediate level EFL learners studying English at a language institute in Iran. They ...

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The Textual Analysis Of Old English

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction The Old English poem is forty-two lines long and is in essence concerning misfortunes. Hence, some scholars assert that the poet’s didactic purpose is essentially an endeavour to hearten individuals who because of misfortune have become depressed. Moreover, the poem does not have a title in the manuscript. Nevertheless, individuals have given it a range ...

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The Linguistic Forms Of Hedging Devices

02 Nov 2017

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1. Introduction Although the difference in language between men and women has been widely discussed, most of the literature on the subject concentrates on two main theories. The first is the �dominance approach� (supported by Lakoff 1975; Fishman 1983), which claims that the difference in language between men and women is a consequence of male ...

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Passivization Involves Changing Of Active Sentences

02 Nov 2017

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English: Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Argument structure in syntax is a term that came into use in the 1980s in America. The phrase is used to render the concept that the European had on clause syntax. They refer to it as valency. A valency describes the type of clause can be used together with ...

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Development Of Second Language Through Computer Games

02 Nov 2017

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While discussing the role of computer games in learning a second language; psycholinguistic, and sociocultural approaches to second language acquisition are noteworthy to consider. First, psycholinguistic approaches to second language acquisition deal with the mental processes involved in learning phonological, lexical and morphological systems of language (Foster & Ohta, 2005). Psycholinguistic approaches would be concerned with ...

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History Of English Language

02 Nov 2017

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As the art of teaching is constantly changing and new methods are constantly developing we can surely say that this process is going straight forward. Language teaching and learning is a very complex phenomenon and different people have different beliefs about the nature of it. The history of English language teaching has undergone some tremendous ...

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Features Of Event Driven Programming

02 Nov 2017

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Windows Applications Using Visual Studio Sara Phypers Contents Page The development of a windows form using the features of visual studio 3 The Operation of an Event Driven Program: A. The programs start up sequence 5 B. A variety of different events and the types of objects which can create them 7 ...

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Skimming For General Information

02 Nov 2017

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1. Explain different purposes of reading. 2. How can you create reading goals? 3. What are your essential reading strategies when you read college textbooks? Name: Nina Lingga Sari Nim: 09250041According to Hiphiphurahura stated that there are three differences between extensive andintensive reading.The first difference is that Extensive Reading covers large area, while Intensive Reading coversnarrow area.The second difference is about students’ activity in class. ...

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The History About The Three Texts

02 Nov 2017

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Student Number: UKDLP870 Email: [email protected] Course Title: A-Level English Language and Literature A TMA 3: Analytical Comparison The three texts which have been presented share a common theme, that being of work or workplace. Yet each text differs from one another in respect of the method used to convey that theme to the audience. Text ...

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The Attention System Of Language

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract The interrelationships between attention and language are addressed both in the field of psychology and linguistics. The American cognitive scientist Leonard Talmy’s ongoing Attention System of Language is a pioneering project to systematically outline the attentional factors at various linguistic levels. Currently, the examples in Talmy’s framework are mainly taken from spoken English. The ...

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Impact Of Motivation On Pronunciation

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Every time there was a war in Europe there were waves of refugees who fled across to Britain and this is the reason why English is difficult to spell (Rathinashikamani n.d.). One of the most difficult problems facing non-native speakers of English is pronunciation. It is usually the largest obstacle to overcome when trying ...

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We All Have Dreams And Aspirations

02 Nov 2017

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Your morning power up session is simply an eBook that will enable you to take a gigantic step forward in your life. Have you ever thought about what it would be like if you could jump out of bed every morning with the energy to take on all challenges that come your way and to ...

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The Importance Of Doing Researches

02 Nov 2017

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1.1 Introduction Any research in any scientific field needs first an appropriate method to be followed as well as an accurate way in collecting data and undertaking the investigations. From that fact, the research methodology chapter is as important as any section in our doctoral dissertation. It is a worthwhile work that we devote to ...

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Programming Language And A Personal Identity

02 Nov 2017

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Our daily life is surrounded by all kinds of technologies and electrical appliances. Every machine has its unique integrated circuit and usage, which is basically created by programming languages. In the past few years, more and more researches have been made to explore the human-machine interface. The ways we communicate, study or work are all different ...

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Empirical Support For Weighted Majority

02 Nov 2017

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Ms. Parneeta Sidhu, Mr. Aditya Bindal, Mr. Hunny Chugh, Dr M.P.S. Bhatia Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Azad Hind Fauj Marg,Sector-3,Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 [email protected], Mob:09871425044 Abstract : This paper describes experimental results on using Weighted Majority, EDDM and DWM based algorithms on datasets that contain different types of concept drift. These three algorithms have been ...

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The Pedagogical Implications Of The Study

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter begins with the summary of the research, a brief discussion of the findings of the test for the students in all the four language skills and questionnaire for the teachers, and observation of their lessons and considers the significance of the study with special reference to the research objectives. This is followed by ...

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Creation And Destruction Of Understanding

02 Nov 2017

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The aim of this endeavour is to discover whether the variable of gender may alone dictate different conversational styles in male and female participants. Through the analysis of seven transcripts made on the basis of recordings of naturally-occurring cross-gender, all-male or all-female conversations I want to demonstrate that the variable of gender is indeed important, ...

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Critical Reading Would Help A Student

02 Nov 2017

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Candidate Number: BU/13A/IT/0671 Date of Submission: 22/03/2013 Course Title: Academic Skills 1 Course Code: 104 GEN Tutor: Elizabeth Olaoye HOW A UNIVERSITY STUDENT SHOULD APPROACH ACADEMIC READING IN ORDER TO MAKE THE PROCESS AS EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE AS POSSIBLE Academic reading can be defined as an active process through which a student attracts or draws ...

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The Harvard System Of Referencing And Plagiarism

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction The Harvard system of referencing is very commonly used by students in their academic papers and assignments. However, not all courses in INTI-UC use this system, you are strongly advised to refer to your faculty to check which format is required for your course. This guide will show you how to insert references in the ...

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What Is Developmental Dyslexia

02 Nov 2017

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Developmental dyslexia in its simplest explanation is a learning disorder which impairs the ability to read and comprehend written words. In developmental dyslexia a sufferer's reading skills will be behind their other academic development and their achieved reading level of skill will be limited meaning that they're reading is slow and their non-word reading is ...

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The Forge Of New Genres Conceptual

02 Nov 2017

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According to Giltrow and Stein (2009) "genre works as a common intuitive concept – a sense that features of language aggregate in recognizable patterns, and that these aggregations indicate something important in the uses of language in context" (p. 1). Therefore, genre operates as the hub of language where various features accumulate in order to ...

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The Belotero Dermal Filler

02 Nov 2017

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The cosmetic market is full of a huge range of different cosmetic products, each with different applications and uses, and all offering a number of distinctive benefits. Many of these products are refined or angled towards particular users, and so it is important to have an understanding of what it is that you want to ...

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Voltage Unbalance Is A Voltage Variation

02 Nov 2017

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In simple terms, voltage unbalance is a voltage variation in a power system in which the voltage magnitudes are not equal or the phase angle differences between them is not 120 degree. In reality this is impossible to achieve in a power system. Before going into any formal definition of unbalance system we first have ...

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Informational Uses Of Smartphones

02 Nov 2017

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Author note: Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Troels Fibæk Bertel, IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaards vej 7, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract This article examines the instrumental use of smartphones for information access and consumption among Danish youth at a time where smartphones have become widespread in Denmark and ...

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English Functional And Corpus Based Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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Every language in the word has its own structure. Nowadays, grammar is rather descriptive than prescriptive. It is the reason why we label sentences as "grammaticel/ungrammatical" or "well-formed/ill-formed" We don’t use prescriptive terminology such as "correct/incorrect". (Radford, 1988:8) Language, as a living organism is constantly changing. The reason of this never-ending change is use ...

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The Main Aspects In Pqrst System

02 Nov 2017

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One of the benefits of reading is to improve our knowledge. When we read, we will get more information regarding on what we read and it can expand our mind. Book, magazine, comic, and sometimes television, required us to read. So, we must read to get the information on what the word is written about. ...

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Relationship Between Sns Usage And Academic Productivity

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This paper explores the relationship between SNS' usage and academic productivity of students. A sample of 100 English-speaking students, both undergraduate and graduate was selected from Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy. Personally administered survey was used as a data collection tool. Students' academic productivity satisfaction was used as a dependent variable. The independent variables showed how ...

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Reading Lolita In Tehran

02 Nov 2017

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A Reflection Marshall Bryant TSL 5525 ESOL Cultural Diversity Dr. Crevecouer-Bryant March 3, 2013 Summary of Main Points Reading Lolita in Tehran is a memoir about the author, Azar Nafisi, and her journey through the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Iran/Iraq war and her decision to leave her home permanently. She did her studies ...

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Students Comprehension Vocabulary And Grammar

02 Nov 2017

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The test format is multiple-choice on a reading text that is provided to students. The questions are 15 items with different levels of difficulty whereby I am testing different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. My students’ level is high-intermediate where they have acquired a reasonable sum of knowledge particularly in regard to reading comprehension. Therefore, the questions ...

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Sociolinguistic Analysis Of Serbo Croatian

02 Nov 2017

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A reasonable summary of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in its tractable form. It is that different cultures interpret the same world differently and this has an impact on how they both think and construct meaning in language. In fact, language shapes or influences thought to some degree. This hypothesis is important to linguistics because it acknowledges ...

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