Low-Power Folded Tree Architecture for DSP Applications

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,392 )

Low-Power Folded Tree Architecture for DSP applications Abstract— Wireless communication exhibits the highest energy consumption in wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes. Due to their limited energy supply from batteries, the low power design have become inevitable part of today’s wireless devices. Power has become a burning issue in VLSI design. In modern integrated circuits, the power consumed by clocking gradually takes a dominant part. Reducing the ...

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Literature Review on Online Gaming

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (2,947 )

The purpose of this study is to map out and see the relationship between MMORPG game player personalities and style based on player type theory and game players’ thinking preferences in order to increase sales, opportunity to improve in game development and apply thinking preference to offer personalize in-game product or promotion by using framework of Player type theory and Whole brain thinking preference model relationship. ...

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Development of Computer Technology

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,661 )

Nowadays we can hardly see people live without either a desktop computer, a laptop or even a tablet. As we are moving towards a technology free-world era, our lives are literally revolve around technology and technical devices. Technology advancement has no doubt successfully ease people’s life. They have made things function in a more simpler and systematic ways. Imagine an accountant who has pile and pile ...

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Characteristics of Real Time System

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,699 )

ABSTRACT Scheduling refers to the set of policies and mechanism to control the order of work to be performed by a computer system. process scheduling in real time system has almost used many more algorithms like FIFO, Round ROBIN ,Uniprocessor Multiprocessor etc. The choices for these algorithms are simplicity and speed in the operating system but the cost to the system in the form of ...

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Are People Becoming Too Reliant on Technology?

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,316 )

Smart phones, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube…. The world is living in an era of constant dynamic technological revolutions. Information Technology has become inextricable from everyday life. Information technology refers to combination of computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, and the people that work with these technologies. The main aim of T is to facilitate the life of each and every one, as Steve Ballmer ...

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Development of E-Recruitment Software

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,281 )

3.7 Advantages & Disadvantages of E-Recruitment There are many benefits both to the employers and the job seekers but the not also free from a few shortcomings. Some of the advantages and the disadvantages of e –Recruitment are as follows: Advantages of E-Recruitment (For the Proposed System) are: Lower costs to the organization. Also, posting jobs online is cheaper than advertising in the newspapers. No ...

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3 Dimensional Modelling in Architectural Design

20 Sep 2017

4 (1,501 )

Computer software technology is an important part of computer technology, because computer is made up of computer software, computer software technology is one of the most concerned area in the computer technology, human today manipulated by the fast development of computer technology. Today's software development tends to be more professional and directionality, as a student whom is studying design, we are often in pursuit of better ...

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Creating an IT Infrastructure Asset List

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,029 )

Abstract This document was created following Lab #1 titled Creating an IT Infrastructure Asses List and Identifying Where Privacy Data Resides in the laboratory manual that accompanies Legal Issues in Information Security. The lab focuses on creating an IT assets/inventory checklist organized within the seven domains of IT infrastructure. Identifying assets and applying classifications to each asset and explaining how data classification standard is linked ...

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Authenticated Color Extended Visual Cryptography

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

15 (5,761 )

Authenticated Color Extended Visual Cryptography with Perfect Reconstruction R. Sathishkumar, Gnanou Florence Sudha Abstract - Visual Cryptography Scheme (VCS) is an image safeguarding scheme which encrypts the secret text based image into multiple binary images called shares, which are then transmitted to participants. These shares are then stacked over by the participants to decrypt the secret image, however with reduced quality. In Extended ...

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Development of Cryptography Studies

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

12 (4,488 )

0.1 Abstract This report is an overview of some structures that have heavily influence the course and study of Cryptography the last decades. Initially, we will analyse the structure of some important ciphers such as DES, 3DES and AES by underlying some dark and complicated points and emphasizing the critical functions called S-boxes. We will then expand of some basic attributes of these block ciphers, for ...

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Networked Game Issues

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,797 )

Network Issues and how they affect gameplay and interactivity A network is when two or more computers have a digital connection between them, particular in networked multiplayer games the players are physically separated from each other. Networks allow user's clients to communicate by sending bits of data through the internet of the form of packets, these will then build on top of the internet protocol, ...

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Understanding Mobile Technology Development

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (901 )

The world becomes increasingly interconnected technologically. The use of mobile data has grown surprisingly with the rising use of the smart phones. Therefore, mobile app plays an important role for the today's business. There are three different approaches for developing mobile apps: Native Apps: The Android and iOS are the two widely used app platforms. The Native apps are developed for a specific platform.  So ...

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Experiment for Plant Recognition

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

21 (8,071 )

Abstract In classical sparse representation based classification (SRC) and weighted SRC (WSRC) algorithms, the test samples are sparely represented by all training samples. They emphasize the sparsity of the coding coefficients but without considering the local structure of the input data. Although the more training samples, the better the sparse representation, it is time consuming to find a global sparse representation for the test sample ...

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Risk Assessment of Sangrafix Video Design Company

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

8 (3,118 )

Introduction SanGrafix is a technologically oriented company that uses cutting edge technologies in designing of mobile and PC platform games with market orientation. Due to the demanding nature of the gaming industry, the company has decided to perform a risk assessment to ensure they consistently continue to meet the customer demands without interruptions in service delivery. Securing of their network assets is aimed at ensuring ...

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Applications of Computer Technology

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,169 )

Provide an overview of how computer technology is used in a variety of situations every day We are at the stage now in life, that some of us can not survive without technology in every day life. Even for the stay at home mum, texting other parents about car pooling, we all have our washing machines, ovens, etc. Our mobile phones, which can be use ...

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Concepts and Features of Game Engines

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

19 (7,417 )

Introduction This report will cover almost everything consumers and entry level developers may need to know or be interested to know about game engines, how they work and what they're used for. This report will cover topics such as the history of game engines, different forms of engines (across multiple platforms), how game engines can be used by the community to create interesting things such ...

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Methods of Analyzing Data in Data Warehouse

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,620 )

Data Mining methods for Customer Relationaship Management Abstract-Data warehousing and data mining, applied to Customer Relationship Management (CRM), are a relatively fresh sector for organizations considering their immense advantage. Through data mining, organizations can identify key customers, predict future behaviors and take proactive and knowledge driven decisions. In this article, we discuss few data mining techniques for various CRM activities. Keywords- Customer ...

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Comparing and Contrast Jean Bartik and Margaret Hamilton

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,178 )

Software engineering; hearing this term brings to mind words corresponding to innovating, analyzing complex problems, designing software, and maintenance of programs. People picture a  stubborn nerd who only knows how to communicate with computers. It is a common misconception that in the field of technology, males are dominating all the positions that are available. Despite all that, Jean Bartik, a pioneer software engineer of ENIAC, ...

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Replica Node Detection using Enhanced Single Hop Detection

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

12 (4,631 )

REPLICA NODE DETECTION USING ENHANCED SINGLE HOP DETECTION WITH CLONAL SELECTION ALGORITHM IN MOBILE WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS 1. INTRODUCTION Sensor systems are being theme of enthusiasm among the scholarly community and industry because of those broad variety relevance in different system situations. WSNs comprise of an expansive number of little sensors, generally sent thickly in the objective territory to gather important information ...

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Perceived User Experience of Interactive Animated Transition

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,741 )

Perceived User Experience of Interactive Animated Transitions in Mobile User Interfaces and Visualisation Animated transitions hold an important part of graphical user interface design practice. They can help to guide users' attention and highlight changes in the interface. Also Information visualisation research has concentrated thus far on desktop PCs and larger displays while interfaces for more compact mobile device have been neglected. The aim ...

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Programming Languages for Data Analysis

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,808 )

R and Python for Data Analysis Abstract This paper discusses the comparison between the popular programming languages for Data analysis. Although there are plenty of choices in programming languages for Data science like Java, R Language, Python etc. With a whole lot of research carried out to know the strengths of these languages, we are going to discuss any two of these. Data ...

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Data Vault in Data Warehouse: Advantages and Disadvantages

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,723 )

Applications, Implementation, Merits and Limitations of Data vault in Data warehouse Abstract- Business companies face many challenges in exploiting and analyzing data held in diverse sources. Data vault is the latest data warehouse methodology which caters the business needs of flexibility, scalability, agility and large volume of data storage which the prior existing models fail to bestow. Brief data vault architecture, applications of ...

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The User Experience in Mobile Computing

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (822 )

ABSTRACT Mobile phones have become a necessity for almost every person throughout the world. Cell phones have become almost a status symbol in addition to the convenience and security that comes from owning them. In this article, We would like to discuss the importance of the user experience and the user interface in Mobiles/Soft Wearables. 1INTRODUCTION In this paper, We would discuss the user experience/ ...

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Increasing Visual Comfort with Blue Light in Video

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

10 (3,646 )

Adjusting the blue light of the video to increase the visual comfort belong to the changed of light environment Abstract: This paper is an approached method adjusting the blue light of the video to reduce the eye strainwhen people watching video on digital devices such as computer display, smartphone screen or tablet in different luminance of the environment's light. The method is using the ...

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Implementing a Client-to-client Communication System

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,383 )

Abstract Due to people, behaviour over the social networking and peer-peer needs for the online chatting and sharing the information, file etc..., Chat Applications had acquired great importance and there is abundant increase in the development of these applications. Therefore, in this Conference Chat Application Project we are going to develop a chat application to implement client-to-client communication using client server architecture for the group ...

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Data Mining Analysis in Health Department

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,950 )

Data mining has been used intensively and appreciably in lots of fields of life. Likewise in healthcare, data mining is becoming more and more popular each day. Its extensive applications can greatly advantage all events worried inside the healthcare industry. As an instance, data mining in healthcare enterprise benefits each insurer and insured. It assist insurers to hit upon fraud and abuse, healthcare agencies make ...

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Body Sensor Network: A Modern Survey & Performance Study

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

10 (3,867 )

ABSTRACT As because of modern emerging technologies, low power integrated circuits and wireless communication has enabled a new generation of sensors network. The incorporation of these sensors networks in Health care is very popular and plays a vital role in breath breaking situations. The deployment of monitoring hardware incorporated with various wireless standards plays a key role in regard to interoperability, invasion privacy, sensors validation ...

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Regression Test Case Optimization (RTCO) Techniques Analysis

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,337 )

Abstract: This research paper reviews different metaheuristic techniques used in Regression Test Case Optimization (RTCO) by various researchers. The research also emphases on the most used objective function for analyzing the efficiency and effectiveness of the technique used. This research has used a theoretical approach to examine different metaheuristic techniques used in RTCO. The Genetic algorithm is the chief technique used in the dominion of ...

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Impact of Computer Technology

14 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,175 )

Computer Technology I am using and how I'm using it? Computer technology starts from the time you wake in the morning, your alarm on your phone to the cup of coffee brewing. Computer technology has come a long way from when I was a child. Lots of us now have house alarms, electric toothbrushes, plasma televisions, Xboxes', I pad, tablets, laptops all these to interact ...

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Web Application Design for School Organisation Optimization

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

17 (6,730 )

Application and Knowledge Design At first, the ontology will be planned in accordance with the methodology of ontology building. Description of the Ontology The ontology domain is based upon the running of a school. The goal of the research is to provide users of the applications with the prospects to get information regarding the requirement that is required in the running of a ...

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Risk-based Access Control Model for the Internet of Things

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

16 (6,066 )

Developing an adaptive Risk-based access control model for the Internet of Things Hany F. Atlam a, c Gary B. Wills a, Robert J. Walters a, Joshua Daniel c a Electronic and Computer Science Dept., University of Southampton, UK b Security Futures Practice, BT Research & Innovation, Ipswich, UK c Computer Science and Engineering Dept., Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, Egypt ...

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Wireless Local Area Networks and Security Mechanisms

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,453 )

WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network LAN - Local Area Network IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access NIC - Network Interface Card MAC - Media Access Control WAP - Wireless Access Point AP - Access Point NAT - Network Address Translation SSID - Service Set Identifier IV - Initialization Vector IDS - Intrusion ...

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Developing an Online Banking Application

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,215 )

This report details the importance of securely developing a software and the best practices to implement throughout the development lifecycle. Using the Microsoft Secure Development Lifecycle Model, a software can be developed with sufficient security measures throughout each stage from the beginning of development until it's eventual release and even responding to incidents that may follow it's release. Creating an online banking application without thoroughly ...

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Mathematical and Physics Concepts in Computer Games

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,215 )

Introduction A two part assignment was distributed and part one was run a simulation of a given differential equation using numerical integration techniques i.e. Euler and 4th order Runge-Kutta methods. Also continued as part one a table showing the results of the simulation was to be produced and each value was to be to 3 decimal places. Two graphs where to be produced ...

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Development of School Software

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,873 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION This Test Plan has been written to communicate the school easy software development and testing procedures with the client. It includes the objectives, scope, testing methods, schedule, risks, and approach. This document will clearly identify what the test deliverables will be and what is deemed in and out of scope. 2.0 OBJECTIVES AND TASKS The School Easy is a school grade and day ...

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Matalan Architecture and Infrastructural Investigation

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,637 )

  Introduction to my Organisation BLAG I chose Matalan as my organisation to undertake my report on as it was the most convenient option since I work there part time and have worked with a lot of the systems they use currently. Matalan is a well-established fashion retailer based in knowsley and has over 200 stores across the U.K (Advameg, 2017). I ...

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Security Threats In Cloud Computing

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,298 )

What is cloud computing? To explain "Cloud computing" in simple words, let's just say it is "Internet computing", if we observe closely the internet is basically the collection of cloud; thus, the "cloud computing" word can be elaborated as using the internet, to its full potential, to provide organization and people, technology enabled oriented services. Cloud computing let consumers access, by the help of ...

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Digital Forensic Methodology and Strategy

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,479 )

Introduction Digital forensic can be described as the cyber security mostly used to secure to identify, preserve, analyze and present digital data evidence in the manner it will be legally accepted  in any legal process. Digital forensic is mostly applied in recovering that involves investigation of materials on a digital media platform and network. (Britz, 2013 ) This forensic uses the method of scientific research   ...

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Glaucoma Image Processing Technique

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,409 )

Team 19 Members 40102434 - Andrew Collins 40134357 - Connor Cox 40056301 - William Craig 40133157 - Aaron Devine We have been tasked to develop a system that through image processing techniques would be able to detect glaucoma. This required us to enhance our knowledge in how to apply pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and post-processing on a set of given images to be ...

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Cloud Computing in Educational Institutions

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,521 )

Education plays a crucial position in preserving the financial growth of a country. Now a days the lecture room coaching is changing and college students are turning into extra technology oriented and therefore in his changing surroundings, it's critical that we assume approximately the modern technology to include in the teaching and getting to know manner. One of the brand new technology prevailing now days ...

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Creation of an Online Prescence

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,607 )

Scenario Assignment No 1 of 1- Sit 1 As an IT administrator for ACS (Awesome Clothing Store), you are responsible for the company's infrastructure including its online presence. The company has commissioned a new website in order to improve their revenue and reach a higher segment of customers. The developers have delivered the code and database for the website and you are now responsible for ...

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Concepts of Information Security: Politics and Technology

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,653 )

The "nothing to hide" argument has become a very important debate recently. Now, nearly everything we do leaves an electronic trace which along with data mining, can be used to see what we are doing, and even predict our behaviour. With the recently passed Investigatory Powers Act 2016 in the UK (HM Government, 2016), 48 different agencies will have access to communication data, bulk personal ...

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Business Continuity Policy Statement

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,065 )

Purpose The main purpose of the business continuity policy is to prepare SanGrafix for any kind of threat. Business continuity policy is just another term for backup. Running a company without backup is not a smart move in business industry. Our business continuity plan should contain a comprehensive roadmap to restore any information during any disaster. Copies of the plan should be sent out to ...

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Detection and Mitigation of DDOS Attack

11 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,567 )

A Survey on Detection and Mitigation of Distributed Denial of Service attack in Named Data Networking Sandesh Rai1*, Dr. Kalpana Sharma 2, and Dependra Dhakal 3 1Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Student, Computer Science & Engineering, Rangpo, Sikkim. 2Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Head of Department, Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, Rangpo, Sikkim 3Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, Rangpo ,Sikkim ...

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Multitouch Gesture Generation and Recognition Techniques

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

11 (4,345 )

Abstract: -A huge number of users are using smart phones to communicate with each other. A smart phone user is exposed to various threats when they use their phone for communication. These threats can disorganization the operation of the smart phone, and transmit or modify user data rather than original [1]. So applications must guarantee privacy and integrity of the information. Single touch mobile security ...

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Canada and China: Cybercrime and Cryptocurrency

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

6 (2,016 )

Bitcoin, Cyber-crime, Cryptocurrency, Canada, China. Cyber-crime is a byproduct of the information age and is growing very fast worldwide (FBI, 2017). As technology has advanced so have the criminal's methods to exploit the internet. Cyber-crime can be described as the use of a computer, a network or other electronic device to facilitate a crime, Interpol makes a distinction between two types of cyber-crime (INTERPOL, 2017): ...

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Multi-keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,549 )

Now a days cloud computing has become more popular, so more information possessors are actuated to their information to cloud servers for great convenience and less monetary value in data management. However, sensible information should be encrypted before outsourcing for public. In this paper the problem of a secure multi-keyword search on cloud is solved by using encryption of data before ...

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ODS & TS Forecast

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

10 (3,632 )

Abstract: Cloud computing share resources and then provide services to end users over host based demand services. Scheduling tasks based on different job allocation with different services is the complex representation in distributed cloud service environment. By satisfying client's requirements in distributing services to different assessment with different attributes. Traditionally propose Grouped Tasks Scheduling (GTS) to schedule distributed tasks based on different type of categories in ...

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Evolution of Computer Technology in Last 25 Years

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

3 (1,123 )

The advancement of the computing technology could commonly identify in 6 generations. The physical size of the computers significantly decreased from the first generation vacuum tube computers to third generation computers based on the integrated chip technology. Fourth and fifth generation computer technology increased computer chip's efficiency by developing the very large scale integration (VLSI) and ultra large scale integration (ULSI) technology. (Halya, 1999) During ...

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Computer Break-In Ethics Essay

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

3 (831 )

What do I define as Ethical? To me, ethical is equivalent to morally right. It can be thought of as the expression done when you consider the feelings of those who are or will be directly affected by your actions. Therefore, ethical behavior is to act in a way that is loving and respectful of the potentially affected person. Spafford uses a "deontological assessment" as ...

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Business Plan for Educational Website

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,596 )

1.0 Executive Summary Stay Clean, is a site that is based on Environmental Management Practices Education. It is owned and operated by me, Morrison Edwards. I am determined to ensuring that people live in an environment free of contaminations and appealing to live in. I am thus taking the initiative to educate people on how we can make our environment friendlier for habitation. The people ...

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Cyber Attacks in Indonesia: Types, Targets, and Preventions

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

3 (817 )

According to Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet and Infrastructure/Coordination Center (Id-SIRTII/CC), there are about 89 million attacks that occurred during the first half of 2014 with the domination by malware attacks as much as 46.3 million attacks.[1] The same research found 6,000 successfully irritated hacker website incidents and found almost 16,000 security holes on the websites in Indonesia. Indonesian Ministry of Defense released ...

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Quality & Performance of Streaming Video(s) over Networks

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

10 (3,726 )

 ABSTRACT Video-based sharing services have gained a rapid fluctuation in user's over recent years with the help of the ever-growing internet availability, reaching even the most rural of areas, gaining an increasing share in the multimedia market. Online streaming videos should fulfil strict quality of service constraints. Internet streaming relies upon packet transmission; there are varying influences such as delays, packet loss, transmission ...

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Intrusion Detection System Case Study

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,556 )

Abstract Intrusion Detection system (IDS) has become powerful to provide security against the attack. It will help us to identify the deterring and deflecting malicious attacks over the network [1]. To remove all these problem regarding to security has been removed by this paper. In this paper we will go through the theoretical basis for intrusion detection. A distributed intrusion detection system based on agents ...

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Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

14 (5,215 )

Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a term used to define a chip or microcontroller. This chip or microcontroller can be placed into a motherboard configuration such as devices like mobile devices, or a personal computer (PCs). The requirements and application was presented and established by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), to deliver a solution where a reliable and genuine relationship exists amongst hardware and software ...

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Genetic Algorithm (GA) as Optimization Technique

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

3 (862 )

Preference learning (or preference elicitation) is a critical problem in many scientific fields, such as decision theory [1,2], economics [3,4], logistic [ref] and database [5]. When modeling user preference, researchers often model the preferences as a solution to an optimization problem which maximizes some utility function. In reality, however, we are not a-priori given a utility but have only access to a finite historical user ...

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Reverse Engineering (Sequence Diagrams)

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

3 (1,100 )

Abstract- For better understanding of the software system the extraction of high level models with the help of reverse engineering of behavioral model is preferred. Reverse engineering of sequence diagrams depends on instrumentation and analysis of the source code that considers structure of control flow. In the absence of source code this approach is senseless. In the proposed paper, the approach is to analyze the execution ...

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Eye Tracking in Usability Evaluation

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

10 (3,680 )

 In this literature review I have talked about experiments conducted on usability of various interfaces and designs using eye-tracking. The authors of the papers focus on various types of eye movements for usability evaluations like saccades, pupil dilation, fixation, scanpaths etc. Based on these measurements the try to infer the point/area of interest of the users, point on entry, the cognitive load etc. about the user. ...

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A Survey "Fatigue Monitoring System"

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

6 (2,230 )

    Abstract: This is a fatigue detection system implemented in smartphone. This system will detect the drowsiness of the driver while he is driving. And if the reverie is detected by the system then it will generate an alert. In this the parameters are blinking of eyes, mouth yawning and head shaking. Head shaking is the new parameter which is used in this system. ...

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Credit Card Fraud Detection through Data Mining

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,735 )

  Abstract- With the increasing fraudsters day to day, the fallacious transaction is rapidly growing thus making the frauds in this scenario a matter of high importance. Huge database patterns are identified by various data mining models assisting to strengthen and detect the credit card fraud. This research primarily focusses on "Credit Card Fraud Detection" analyzing two different methods used to detect fraudulent systems and ...

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Alan Turing's Life, Contributions, and Legacy

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,629 )

Our daily lives are filled with technology. We wake up on time thanks to the alarms we set on our phone. We can find the fastest route available to get to where we need to go using the GPS. We can work anywhere and whenever we want, using our portable laptops. Sometimes we don't know how to spell a word, or know the answer to ...

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Network Management Justification for Handmade Furniture Ltd

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

8 (2,802 )

  Based on the initial inspections carried out recently, Handmade Furniture Ltd has experienced difficulties managing the IT infrastructure as well as providing IT support for staff. The existing network management and support services are carried out in an uncontrolled procedures which have resulted in number of data losses and possible hacking attempts. This can lead to future compromises such as financial losses, disruption of ...

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Analysis of Mobile Enterprise Model Frame (S&B Model)

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

10 (3,609 )

The first objective of this paper discusses the writers understanding of Scornavacca and Barnes (2008) mobile enterprise model frame (S&B Model) and an illustration of its current usage and future implementation in the field of existing Patient management system. The second objective is to discuss the existing implementation of mobile usage in Learning of Life University (LLU) with respect mobile enterprise model of S&B Model ...

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Social and Legal Issues associated with Multimedia Industry

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

9 (3,305 )

Section A - Identify and discuss legal and social issues of the multimedia industry "Multimedia" the name itself indicates it's a combination of multiple media content, all the digital devices, electronic machines utilized this generation and future generations mainly aims to focus on delivering high quality multimedia content in their desired product. As the Quality of the products or service is good, such organizations have ...

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Comparison on Computation Cost of the Cloud

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,461 )

In this chapter, we list the comparison on computation cost of the cloud for file upload between … and our scheme. Computational Cost Data access issues in the field of the cloud computing provide a good measurement-based performance as mentioned along this research, and hence, the security features can be improved using the new proposed model as well as a suitable computational cost. However, the ...

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Mosquito Species Detection using Smart Phone

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

16 (6,265 )

Abstract-According to WHO(World Health Organization) re-ports, among all disease transmitting insects mosquito is the most hazardous insect. In 2015 alone, 214 million cases of malaria were registered worldwide. Zika virus is another deadly disease transmitted from mosquitoes. According to CDC report, in 2016 62,500 suspected case of Zika were reported to the Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDH) out of which 29,345 cases were found ...

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Analysis of Web Service Efficiency

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

13 (4,983 )

Abstract Web service standards used nowadays are Extensible Markup Language based and the important technology in communication between heterogeneous applications are over Internet. Thereby selecting an efficient web services among numerous options satisfying client requirements has become a challenging and time consuming road block. The path for the optimal execution of all the user request is done using the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The ...

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Conventionally Broadcast Encryption (BE) Schemes

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

16 (6,353 )

ABSTRACT Conventionally broadcast encryption (BE) schemes enable a sender to securely broadcast to any subset of members, however it requires a trusted party to circulate decryption keys. Group key agreement protocols authorize a group of members to negotiate a common encryption passkey through spread out networks so that only the batch members can decode the ciphertextsviz encrypted under the shared encryption key, but a sender ...

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Big Data in Cloud Computing Issues

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

6 (2,032 )

  Abstract- The term big data or enormous information emerged under the touchy increment of worldwide information as an innovation that can store and handle enormous and fluctuated volumes of information, giving both endeavors and science with profound bits of knowledge over its customers/tests. Cloud computing gives a solid, blame tolerant, accessible and versatile condition to harbor Big data distributed management systems. Inside this paper, ...

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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

6 (2,216 )

Literature review 2.1 RFID The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is a technology for automated identification. Exploration of RFID technology dates back to 1948 when Harry Stockman published his research titled "Communication by means of the reflected power". Unfortunately technologies such as integrated circuits, transistors and microprocessors were not yet available and RFID had to wait another 20 years for its first commercial application (Landt 2005). Between 1970 and ...

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Recovery of Digital Evidence

07 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

6 (2,288 )

Introduction The University suspects that a case of wrongdoing has been undertaken by a member of staff within Edge Hill University and the computer forensic team, of which you are part of, has been asked to investigate.  You and your team have been asked to launch an investigation into alleged misuse of the University's IT system. The office used a member of staff has been ...

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SanGrafix Video Game Company Business Process

01 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,927 )

The BMI was part of analyzing and selecting vital areas of SanGrafix Video Game Company. It was prepared on March 22, 2017. Regardless of how well the company plans for downtime errors, there is a chance that this will happen and the main point of consideration is how fast the company is able to recover from such errors. Purpose The purpose of this ...

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TTS Systems for Android

01 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

11 (4,294 )

 ABSTRACT There are different kinds of TTS (Text to Speech) systems are already available for Personal computers and web applications. In the Platform of Smart Phone, few of TTS systems are available for Bangla Language. Nowadays android is a popular platform considering Smartphone. There are few Bangla TTS Systems are Available with different kind of Mechanisms and techniques, various kind of tools were used. Here ...

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OPM System Potential Threats and Vulnerabilities

01 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,653 )

Risk Assessment Report Purpose The purpose of conducting this risk assessment was to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities related to OPM System. The risk assessment will be used to identify possible risk mitigation plans related to Agency. The network was identified to have a potential high-risk during security assessment. Therefore, risk assessment is needed to be conducted to measure the impact of any breach ...

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Impact of Internet Usage on the Academic Performance

01 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

9 (3,209 )

INTRODUCTION Problem Statement: The impact of internet usage on the academic performance of adolescent students at St. Stephens College . Statement of Problem: The study investigates how students of St Stephens College are affected by the use of the internet. St. Stephens College, located in Princes Town, Trinidad is known as one of the highest ranked academic institutions in the country. The school comprises of ...

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P300-based Brain-Computer Interface Performance Enhancement

01 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

18 (7,191 )

Enhancing Performance and Bitrates in a P300-based Brain-Computer Interface for Disabled Subjects by Phase-to-Amplitude Cross-Frequency Coupling Stavros I.Dimitriadis1,2*, Avraam D. Marimpis3 1Institute of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK 2Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Center, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK 3Brain Innovation B.V., Netherlands Abstract A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a communication system that transforms brain-activity into ...

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Customer Oriented E-Commerce Website

01 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,796 )

Task 1: As a IT Project Manager along with Marketing officer you should visit a company "XYZ" to propose them to divert all the activities into IT based. Your proposal report should be SMART and must be follow the following criteria: * It should identify the project scope, functionality and consumption resources. * Your proposal should clearly mention the project objective, goal, outcome and time ...

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Data Application Development Earthquake and Breast Cancer

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

8 (2,819 )

Data Application Development for Earthquake and Breast Cancer Datasets Abstract-This report is a general study of two datasets, the first contains data from the earthquake occurred in the region of Marche, Italy in the year 2016 and the second dataset is mammography data, with mean values of measurements and structures of tumors found in patients, for both studies different techniques related to data science were ...

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Image Deblurring with Sparse Representation

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

8 (2,912 )

AN APPROACH FOR IMAGE DEBLURRING: BASED ON SPARSE REPRESENTATION AND REGULARIZED FILTER Abstract-Deblurring of the image is most the fundamental problem in image restoration. The existing methods utilize prior statistics learned from a set of additional images for deblurring. To overcome this issue, an approach for deblurring of an image based on the sparse representation and regularized filter has been proposed. The input image is ...

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Creating an Information Security Policy

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

7 (2,568 )

Being relegated as the Chief Security Officer for the University is a requesting position and I mean to speak to the University in an expert matter. My first task is setting up and keeping up a venture wide data security program to guarantee that all data and information resources are not traded off. I will examine my arrangement to execute these obligations long with this ...

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ISO 27001 Standard Summary

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,328 )

A blueprint of ISO 27001 There are no less than two forms of ISO/IEC 27001. The 2005 form and the 2013 adaptation. Both renditions are very comparative with some minor contrasts, in light of changing master bits of knowledge between the years 2005 and 2013. For this synopsis we utilize the most recent adaptation, variant 2013. This standard addresses the accompanying subjects (section numbers in ...

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Detecting of Ransomware using Software Defined Networking

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

7 (2,543 )

Abstract- Ransomware is a major weapon for cyber-extortion. The traditional signature-based detection no longer holds good against modern, sophisticated malware that employs encryption techniques and social engineering. This paper investigates the use of Software Defined Networks (SDN) to detect the illicit communication between infected PCs (ransomware) and their controller known as the Command & Control (C&C) server. SDN provides unique opportunities to detect malicious DNS ...

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Online Shop Web Design

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,904 )

Shop Online Web Application system, allows the customer to shop online for their required items, and also represents an associated window for the orders selected by the customer. Each Customer will be having their desired page when they login or signup into the Shop Online Web Application. The Customer can select the required items into the cart without logging into their account. But the purchase of ...

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Debt Predictions Using Data Mining Techniques

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

19 (7,570 )

Data Mining Project Introduction This report is set out to address the issue in which banks are facing. The project brief describes; the banks are finding it difficult to tackle debt and have leant out money to many people who promise to pay the loan back but never do. The banks says that they want to stop this happening. The banks have given some data ...

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Image Super-Resolver using Cascaded Linear Regression

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

11 (4,041 )

Abstract- A number of existing super-resolution algorithms fail in modeling the relationship between high and low resolution image patches and time complexity in training the model. To overcome the above-stated problem, simple, effective, robust and fast image super-resolver (SERF) based on cascaded linear regression has been used for learning the model parameters. The image divided into patches are grouped into clusters using k-means clustering algorithm for ...

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SAP Material Management Document

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

17 (6,425 )

Mission of the Statement The main objective of this document is to provide a Business Requirement document of SAP Material Management. This document gives a brief introduction about the various features of SAP Material Management Software. The document will give an explanation how this software could enhance the productivity of any organization and how to implement it to gain the maximum gains out of it. ...

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Internet of Things Paradigm

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

15 (5,780 )

Introduction According to 2016 statistical forecast, there are almost 4.77 billion number of mobile phone users in globally and it is expected to pass the five billion by 2019. [1] The main attribute of this significant increasing trend is due to increasing popularity of smartphones. In 2012, about a quarter of all mobile users were smartphone users and this will be doubled by 2018 which ...

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Wireshark IP Routing

26 Jul 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,459 )

Introduction To complete this study, I have had three Virtual machines running at once. Two of these Virtual Machines were running Ubuntu and one was running FREEBSD acting like a router between the two Ubuntu machines. Configured Each machine to the specified IP addresses beforehand and set two NAT Networks up as required in the study. Once all was set up I double checked IP ...

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Fundamentals of Information Technology

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

7 (2,486 )

Human Computer Interface (HCI) Kurosu (2011) defines usability as the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. Usability is dependent on the context of use and that the level of usability achieved will depend on the specific circumstances in which a product is used. The context ...

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Principles of Information Security

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,632 )

Purpose:In order to protect against accidental or intentional damage or loss of data, interruption of College business, or the compromise of confidential information we must classify data and establish minimum standards and guidelines to ensure a secure system. Effective from: 02/02/17 Scope: This policy must be applied to all of the following: students, faculty, staff, contractors, consultants, temporary employees, guests, volunteers and all other entities ...

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Development of a Perception System for Indoor Environments

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

8 (3,016 )

Autonomous navigation is a well-known task in robotic research. It is associated to get the environmental information such as visual images or distance or proximity measurements from external sensors and to detect obstacles and measure the distance to objects close to the robot path[10, 35]. Most robots are equipped to distance sensors like ultrasonic, laser or infrared to be able to move through corridors and ...

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Cyber Security Case Study: Pure Land Wastewater Treatment

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

9 (3,304 )

Introduction Every organization should use the industrial control system to ensure the success of their departments and ensure the ultimate success of critical operations within the premise. Since such organizations will rely on the services of these agencies, it is necessary to have the right strategies in place that will result in the security of such information. The contemporary society entails handling of large volumes ...

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Benefits of Multi Functionality System

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

3 (945 )

A project can be defined as a temporary measure that is undertaken to create a result. The term temporary means that every project must have a start and a set end date. The end is reached when the objectives of the project have been achieved, or it becomes clear that the project aims for whatever reason will not be met, or ...

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Packet-Hiding Method for Preventing Selective Jamming Attack

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,493 )

Abstract The open nature of the wireless medium leaves it vulnerable to intentional interference attacks, typically referred to as jamming. This intentional interference with wireless transmissions can be used as a launchpad for mounting Denial-of-Service attacks on wireless networks. Typically, jamming has been addressed under an external threat model. However, adversaries with internal knowledge of protocol specifications and network secrets can launch low-effort jamming ...

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History and Impact of the Smart Phone

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

5 (1,773 )

INTRODUCTION This report is regarding the smartphone which is used nowadays worldwide. In this modern world, almost every person is using a smartphone, even kids know how to use a smartphone. With the help of computers and laptops, we are able to complete all our necessary works with the help of these. After the invention of smartphones, people think that, some of their work can ...

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Smart Music Player Integrating Facial Emotion Recognition

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

9 (3,370 )

Smart Music Player Integrating Facial Emotion Recognition and Music Mood Classification 1Shlok Gilda, 2Husain Zafar, 3Chintan Soni, 4Kshitija Waghurdekar Department of Computer Engineering, Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India Abstract-- Songs, as a medium, have always been a popular choice to depict human emotions. Reliable emotion based classification systems can go a long way in facilitating this. However, research in the field ...

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Passive Reconnaissance Website Analysis

11 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

13 (4,834 )

Assignment: - Reconnaissance Paper Student Name: - Soumil Deshpande Executive Summary In this assignment, passive reconnaissance was performed on The Weather Channel's website i.e. www.weather.com and important results have been obtained regarding the organizations online behavior. In this passive reconnaissance attack we have discovered all the domain name and the corresponding IP addresses of the hosts, domain names, servers, reverse DNS, the webhost ...

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Curvelet-based Bayesian Estimator for Speckle Suppression

10 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

12 (4,521 )

Curvelet-based Bayesian Estimator for Speckle Suppression in Ultrasound Imaging Abstract. Ultrasound images are inherently affected by speckle noise, and thus the reduction of this noise is a crucial pre-processing step for their successful interpretation. Bayesian estimation is a powerful signal estimation technique used for speckle noise removal in images. In the Bayesian-based despeckling schemes, the choice of suitable statistical models and the development of a shrinkage function for estimation of the noise-free signal are ...

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IVR Cloud Migration Project

10 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

19 (7,571 )

INTRODUCTION The primary objective of the IVR Cloud Migration Project is to Lift and Shift their working Applications into the AWS Cloud Environment. The Lift and Shift of the IVR Applications are recommended to have automation the least amount of human interaction to build and deploy onto AWS Cloud. This document will give a step-by-step process to carry out the task of automating ...

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Bag of Visual Words Model

10 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

4 (1,252 )

Abstract Automatic interpretation of Remote sensing images is a very important task in several practical fields. There are several approaches to accomplish this task, one of the most powerful and effective approach is the use of local features and machine learning techniques to detect objects and classify it. In such an approach, first, the image is scanned for local features and coded in a mathematically ...

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